Sunday, August 26, 2018


Portugal cut addiction rates in half by connecting drug users with their community instead of jailing them.     More...


  1. Most "addicts" are really self-medicating. Alcohol or drugs are often used to ease the pain of social or economic circumstances, or to deal with mental or emotional disorders. While there may be some truth to the theory in this article, there still remains the 50% who will presumably get addicted, and remain addicted, no matter how good their lives get. Decriminalization is not the same as legalization, either. Prevention is the only real cure!

  2. chuck gregory8/29/18, 3:41 PM

    The first thing Noah did when he got out of the Ark was to get drunk. Prevention might be the only real cure, but it's not a universal one.

    We have to wrap our minds around the fact that the War on Drugs is only a tool for stamping out civil rights and anti-war activists-- Nixon invented it for just that purpose-- to neutralize the African Americans (crack cocaine) and the college students (marijuana).

    He also successfully diverted us from dealing with the fact that we had just lost a war-- Vietnam-- by inventing the "POW/MIA" campaign, as cruel a use of bereaved American families as anyone could imagine. He was evilly clever in a way I have to admire....

    So, decriminalization will help, but it will not solve the problem of the alluring profits offered by criminality. Decriminalize, take the entire production/distribution/retail thing under full state control (it'll be okay to contract out any part of it to the private sector, but not to give it to them), keep it forever out of the hands of for-profit corporations, and use the money that now goes to DEA and the SWAT teams for rehab and prevention.

    1. Chuck, you DO realize that most people in America are too young to care about Richard Nixon, don't you? Besides, most of the opioids currently being abused ARE regulated by the government. They're called prescription drugs for a reason! And unless you think that the poppy growers in Afganistan and Central America, or the Fentanyl makers in China are going to line up to get "certified" by the U.S. Government, I'd say your idea of legalization is DOA.

    2. chuck gregory8/29/18, 5:53 PM

      Well, SOMEBODY has to be Cassandra.... And if we don't smarten up, we're not going to be #1 again in this field either. What's the matter with you? Don't you love America?

    3. Chuck, that's bizarre, even for you! Are you feeling OK?


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