Monday, August 27, 2018

Video: Trout River Brewing - A short visit/tasting

The tasting room is new this year and located right in the brewery off Pearl Street, near the rear entrance of the Springfield Health Center (former Fellows Gear Shaper). Video by Peter LaFrance.


  1. Can I have some beer with the over priced foam?

    1. don't like it don't drink it

  2. Congratulations to Trout River Brewery. We need more people that are an asset to Springfield and not to sit back and criticize. The beer is good and local. KUDOS to Kelen, Gabe and Trevor.

  3. 10:20/10:21: Are you Anonymous Roger, now posting under pure "Anonymous"?

    Thank you Trout River Brewery, you are an asset to the community.

    1. I do not drink beer very often, if I do I have no desire to drink in a micro brew nor buy that type of beer, the taste is not for me. Just someone else sharing their opinions freely.

  4. By what measure are they an asset to the community? They pay no rent. Have no payroll, are heavily in debt to the town's revolving business loan and attempting to compete in a flooded, fad market with a mediocre product. At best, it's a very expensive hobby funded by we property owners.

    1. I have no facts, but have heard this theme over and over about this brewery, more and more of the people who say they are business owners but never put up their own money to run a business, rely on the tax payers to fund their business and if it goes bad they have no skin in the game, not a real business owner.

    2. Oh, you mean like Donald Trump? Ask the investors and contractors in Atlantic City about that! First you say that Springfield doesn't provide enough "incentives" for businesses to move here. Then when the town provides them, and a business moves here, you complain! Apparently, whining is all you're good for!

    3. They are an asset to the community by providing a product and environment that is conducive to help lure young, enthusiastic hard working graduates and families to this area. If you have been to the brewery it is a constant bustle with a great mix of tourists and locals. Would you rather not have a business that attracts young people to this area? This could possibly be one of the greatest assets we have going right now.

  5. I have never said Springfield does not provide "incentives", see that's the difference between providing my name "Roger" as a poster and not "Anonymous", you can see and read what I post, don't have to like it but it's there.

    1. Diverting attention away from the issue, eh Roger? Quibbling over words too? You can't debate the issues, so you resort to cheap tactics. You're the worst troll and biggest hypocrite in town! How do we know that Roger is your real name, anyway? More B.S.!

  6. The issue in this case is not Donald Trump, he has nothing to do with the Trout River Brewing Company, so it's not a debate, (LOOK AT THE TITLE OF THE POST) and you don't want to debate all you want to do is throw Donald Trump under the buss in every sentence you spew on here. So it's not a debate, it's a run him over with the bus back up and run over him again, get over it he's our President for 2 1/2 more years, and probably 6 1/2. So keep on bashing him if you want to, if that makes you get through your day, fine, try a little "acceptance" now and then it goes a long way.

    1. No, Roger, your "topic" was your insistence that "real businessmen" use their own money. The fact that Trump never does, and usually stiffs his investors, the banks, and his contractors belies that. Yet, you continuously sing his praises, while bashing folks like Trout River Brewing. When are you and your conservative friends going to realize that we're not idiots, and that you and Trump aren't victims! You're right about one thing; a little acceptance DOES go a long way. Just ask Hitler or Stalin!

    2. I did not see him Roger bash Trout River at all. He explains that in his first sentence in the comment your referring too. You must be the same guy always spinning things around.

    3. 1:30, I'll refer you to Roger's 8:57 post, where he says he has no facts, but Trout River is not a real business!

    4. You are still spinning it man. It was a response to 557...

    5. But still bashing.

    6. Hard to tell who is who when they post as Anonymous, but yes there are a few on here that must need some mental assistance, because all they do is spin others words and most times it's politics when the conversation has nothing to do with politics, as was the case here... it's the Resistance Hate Trump Crazy World we live in.

    7. Roger, it's interesting to hear you to try to take the high road, after calling people who disagreed with you "tide-pod eating, basement-dwelling losers" so often. We DO remember, since it was only a few weeks ago. Nice try, though!

    8. WE all know I've never said anything close to that, so posters know whats posted and not, my post are obvious with my name. More Spin more Spin... The one reference to basement was to an Anonymous poster, I said they must live in their moms basement, tons of Millennial's that just can't leave home and live on their own, check the facts the ages have risen its a fact... and if you can't grow up and take care of yourself you are a loser...

    9. Please stop using those four letter Trump words...fake, spin, maga

  7. LOL! Never said you were an idiot nor am I a victim, nor a hypocrite, nor a troll, nor a whiner, nor anonymous, get a life man.

    1. No, Roger, you never SAY these things, but you sure act like it! You never seem to be able to actually refute any of what I post, so I'll chalk up another win in my column! Since you have just as much time to post during the day as I do, maybe you should get a life, too!

  8. I'm happy that Trout River is here and was awarded a Downtown and Village tax credit. These tax credits are helping to revitalize old buildings and tired downtowns. I'm happy to have some of my taxes go toward this business and the others that are benefiting from the state's downtown revitalization program, that I hope will thrive and contribute to the town's taxes once they are an established, profitable business.

  9. You Win! Congratulations to you, but truthfully I really could care less about what you say, to me or about me, I do have a life and I enjoy it very much. I'm working and post during my free time between meetings and emails, it's great place to be. Glad we can agree on something you Win!

    1. Well, since you're "hard at work" I won't bother you any more today, Roger. I wouldn't want you to chip a nail while typing!

  10. I like Trump Beer, an excellent brew. The IPA is my favorite.

    1. Comes in a 6 and a half pack??

  11. This has nothing to do with beer.
    Trump is a sleez bag.


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