Chester man pleads not guilty to aggravated sexual assault on I-91
Assault allegedly happened at a weigh station off I-91 southbound in Springfield. There's video capturing the two parties together at McDonald's.
Chester man pleads not guilty to aggravated sexual assault on I-91 Assault allegedly happened at a weigh station off 91 southbound in Springfield Share WPTZ Updated: 7:10 PM EDT Sep 13, 2018 Matt Leighton Reporter Play Video SHOW TRANSCRIPT HARTFORD, Vt. — John Paul Chenier, 68, of Chester, faced a judge Thursday afternoon after being charged with aggravated sexual assault. Chenier pleaded not guilty after court documents said he allegedly had non-consensual sex with a woman at a weigh station in Springfield on I-91 southbound in April. The victim told police that she met Chenier, a family friend, at a McDonald's in Springfield, then agreed to go with him to collect scrap metal. Court paperwork said the victim told authorities Chenier immediately locked the doors when she got into his truck, adding she noticed a makeshift bed on the rear seat. "There's video capturing the two parties together at McDonald's, how it transitioned to the closed-down rest stop," said Glenn Barnes, from the State's Attorney's office. Evidence was also collected from the victim and Chenier. "Which was a match for Mr. Chenier, that depicts someone randomly from the public that had that same level of match would be one in 293 billion," Barnes said. Chenier was released on a number of conditions, including a 24-hour curfew. "With exceptions for legal and medical appointments, going directly to and from legal and medical appointments, in addition we will allow you to be out if you are in the direct company of your wife," Judge Timothy Tomasi said. Chenier is due back in court next month. WEBVTT COURTROOM IT HAS THE DETAILS TODAY. MATT: 68-YEAR-OLD JOHN PAUL CHENIER FACING A JUDGE, PLEADING NOT GUILTY AFTER BEING CHARGED WITH AGGERVATED SEXUAL ASSAULT. ACCORDING TO COURT PAPERWORK, THE CHESTER MAN ALLEGEDLY HAD NON-CONSENSUAL SEX WITH A WOMAN AT THIS WEIGH STATION ON I-91 SOUTHBOUND IN SPRINGFIELD BACK IN APRIL. THE VICTIM TOLD POLICE THAT SHE MEET CHENIER, A FAMILY FRIEND, AT A MCDONALDS IN SPRINGFIELD THEN AGREED TO GO WITH HIM TO COLLECT SCRAP METAL. COURT DOCUMENTS SAY THE VICTIM TOLD AUTHORITIES THAT HE IMMEDIATELY LOCKED THE DOORS WHEN SHE GOT INTO HIS TRUCK ADDING SHE NOTICED A MAKESHIT BED ON THE REAR SEAT. THERE IS VIDEO CAPTURING THE TWO PARTIES TOGETHER AT MCDONALD’S. HOW IT TRANSITIONED TO THE CLOSEDOWN RIPSTOP -- REST STOP. MATT: EVIDENCE WAS COLLECTED FROM THE VICTIM AND CHENIER. >> IT WAS A MATCH, THAT WOULD DEPICT THAT RANDOMLY WOULD BE MORE THAN 293 BILLION. MATT: CHENIER SERVED A NUMBER OF YEARS IN THE MILITARY, INCLUDING 23 YEARS IN THE ARMY ACCORDING TO HIS ATTORNEY. >> HE’S DEALING WITH A NUMBER OF MEDICAL ISSUES DUE TO HIS TIME IN THE MILITARY. ONE OF WHICH WOULD BE PTSD. MATT: CHENIER WAS RELEASED ON A NUMBER OF CONDITIONS, INCLUDING A 24 HOUR CRFEW. >> EXCEPTIONS FOR LEGAL AND MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS, IN ADDITION WE WILL ALLOW YOU TO BE OUT A FEW ARE IN THE DIRECT COMPANY OF YOUR WIFE. MATT: HE IS DUE BACK IN C

What difference does it make that he's a Vietnam Vet? Why even mention it? Most Vietnam Vets that I've known were decent people. I even served with a few. Some were screwed up by the war, some were probably screwed up before. I've known plenty of WWII and Korean War vets who bore the scars of combat. Some bore them well, some did not. The WWII Vet across the street from me when I was a kid used to call the cops on us for playing frisbee in the street because he thought the frisbee was a land mine, for example. Really nice guy, though, once you got to know him. I think the idea of the Vietnam Vet as being different from veterans of other wars is getting a little old. Sure, the treatment they got from the VFW stinks, but most of the veterans I've met don't make that distinction. Sadly, I have met a few Vietnam Vets some who use it as an excuse for all manner of bad behavior, and maybe that's the case here. But I don't believe the gratuitous mentioning of his status does him, or any other Vietnam Veterans, any good.