Thursday, September 27, 2018

HCRS hosts cookie-themed 5K run/walk

Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS), southeastern Vermont’s community mental-health agency, hosted its 2nd Annual 5K Run and Walk on Saturday, Sept. 8. This family-friendly event had a cookie theme, complete with home-baked cookies for all participants and photo ops with the Cookie Monster.

This community event was held at Dothan Brook School in White River Junction to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, substance abuse, and developmental disability services.

The event, sponsored by Execusuite, LLC, began with a fun run and was followed by the 5K run and walk. Top finishers in the women’s and men’s divisions were Rachel Gray and Isaiah Lees. Prizes were also awarded to the top 3 finishers in each age group.

In addition to the 5K sponsor, the following individuals and businesses supported the event: Donna Nestle, Drew’s Organics, Revolution, Running Warehouse, Arleen Kilpatrick, K&R Portable Restroom Services, The Public House Restaurant, Jake’s Market & Deli, Diana Slade, Hildegard Ojibway, and Okemo Mountain Resort.

HCRS CEO George Karabakakis, Ph.D., said, “Our annual 5K is a great opportunity to strengthen our connection with the Hartford area community while providing an opportunity for wellness and social interaction for its members.”

The agency plans to hold another 5K in 2019.

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