Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ron Patch: Bringing up the rear

In the past I have written a couple stories about the Connecticut River Log Drives. Recently, I discovered the photo you see with this article. This photo has a note that it was taken between Windsor and Springfield, probably about 1907.



  1. When I was kid in 1970, me and my family drove through Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont coming back from Canada. I saw what must have been a log drive, possibly on the Connecticut River. I don't know for sure, but it was surely something to see. Mile after mile of logs!

  2. If you look close, the guy in the background is trying to send a text on his smartphone. Ah the service was terrible back then. Texting while doing a log "roll" was just as dangerous back then as it is today when driving. But stupid people still do it.

    1. A little research reveals that the last log drive on the Connecticut river was in 1915. They did them in Maine until 1976, so I must have still been in Maine. I stand partially corrected. It was still a sight to see! A piece of history, now gone.

  3. In looking at the mountain profile and fields, this picture looks like it was taken from the NH side looking towards VT on the south side of the old CT RR RD (the house being the Perry farm). If so, this would have pre-date the rail road causeway, where there is a large setback on the NH side.


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