Friday, October 26, 2018

Business Opportunity – The Perkins Country Deli

Perkins Country Deli is a family owned Deli in downtown Springfield with a strong customer base. It is now up for sale. Owned and operated by Dan and Deborah Perkins and their son Chris since it opened in 2012.

There is an Amazing Business Opportunity in Springfield! Please read this Post all the way through. The Perkins Country Deli is For Sale.

IMPORTANT: You can see what our Deli looks like inside by going to 20 valley Street on Google Maps at From there, there are arrows that direct you to Walk Right In and Look Around! You can also see some Pictures of the Homemade Food Debbie makes. If you want to look at it in person, just give me a call and we will accommodate you of course but the Google maps feature is a good starting point.

As you may or may not know, I have had some very serious health issues as of late. I was hospitalized for 8 days with more than 17 pounds of fluid in my lungs, blood clots in my lungs and a Heart that had been in A. Fib for several months. I am still not able to work at this time and with all of the follow up appointments it would be next to impossible to continue normal operations at the Deli, as it takes all 3 of us to run it. Plus we do not come from money, opened up $40,000 behind the ball after trying to re open the Perkinsville General Store and having one person in the whole town fight us on that. (even though everyone else was very much for it). Just this two weeks of loss of income is enough to make it impossible for us to financially recover.

The Deli has been a dream of ours for 8 years now and we have put over 6 years of extremely hard work into running it in order to bring Debbie's Amazing Homemade Food to the town of Springfield. We have made a lot of people very happy over the years and there will be a lot of people very sad to see it close, if it does. I may be bias but I think it is a business that Springfield needs badly and has made the town a better place!

Debbie has always been the core of the Perkins Country Deli, bringing her Homemade Chili and Soups, Her incredible Homemade Meatballs and Lasagna, her Hand Rolled Pizzas with Homemade Sauce, and her 13 varieties of Delicious Homemade Salads, and more. She would be willing to stay on part time, for a paycheck, and continue making her Homemade Masterpieces which would be a Great Nucleus to expand on, for anyone taking over the business.

The building is also for sale, so not only is renting an option but for someone with capital, buying the building and the business, is another way to go. This would leave opportunities to expand the business to include groceries, which would qualify it for EBT and a larger customer base, or a larger Seating area for the Restaurant, or even a tenant on the other side so that the Deli could operate rent free.

For someone who could hire employees and keep the Deli open 7 days a week for longer hours with Debbie's Homemade Food as a Base the business could be a real Gold Mine. Even if someone wanted to buy it and completely do their own thing without Debbie's help it is a great opportunity. We have a strong established customer base and Incredible reviews on Google, Yelp and Facebook.

Anyone interested in this opportunity can call me @ 263-5866. We can surely work out a a Fair Price and arrangement that would be beneficial to all of us. I would hate to see the Deli die with my illness. It means a lot to many people who live in Springfield and I am hoping there is someone out there who would want to keep this town from losing it. This town has lost too much already and the Perkins Country Deli was a very valuable addition to the rebuilding of Springfield. Our hope is that someone out there feels the same way.

Thank you for reading this and Please Share this widely so that as many people as possible see this Post!

    – Dan Perkins


  1. Business opportunity in Springfield, VT!?! Hysterical.

  2. What a shame A I liked everything I ate there.

  3. Sounds like a good opportunity. Many years ago, like in the 40's downtown was the place to go. People lived downtown and walked to work. Everything you needed was there.
    1) Bank
    2) Bakery
    3) Bowling
    4) Church
    5) Drug Store
    6) Movies
    7) Grocery (IGA)
    8) Clothing Store
    9) Five and Dime
    10) Police
    11) Hotel
    12) Library
    Just to name a few. Well small town america was introduced to the strip mall and plazas. Most downtown business went out of business. So if Springfield wants to make apartments, like in the Woolson building, then it would be cool if these types of businesses were back DOWNTOWN.

    1. We are facing the end of the burning of fossil fuels within a generation or so. Either technology will provide viable alternatives for transportation, or the kind of towns described above might make a comeback.

  4. Forgot BAR(s)....goose inn.

  5. It was the "Duck In". You Duck in and you waddle out.

    At least know names of things before you post them

    1. U fell for my fake news, and got u to make a great comment. What else happened at the duck, why did it close?

    2. Actually, it was the Duck Inn (not Duck In). If you're going to criticize someone for making a mistake, make sure you're right.

    3. Getting back to my first post, Downtown, "anywhere" including Springfield would be a nice place to live if it had the accommodations that are listed. Some are already there, some are there but closed or need fixing. Springfield has some other attractions not found in many mid-west towns. I big river for boating and fishing and ski hills and mountains (hills). So if the "plan" is to make Springfield into a "tech hub" then start thinking on how to bring these types of businesses back DOWNTOWN. (don't forget about a bar)

    4. It will be easy to bring businesses back to downtown, as soon as there are people there with money to spend. The problem is that people with money won't go there until the slum rentals are gone.

    5. Thanks, hope those in charge "think of this" and maybe even apply it. The Perkins Country Deli would be a great addition to the "PLAN".

  6. Why would you need a bowling alley, what is that anyway. Got the app on my phone.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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