Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Video: The censored Lou Dobbs/Judicial Watch report on the migrant caravan

Fox Business Network has pulled an already-aired episode of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" from re-airings after backlash to comments made by guest Chris Farrell on the program Thursday. But here is a saved copy of the controversial 3 minute interview.

Now have a look at:

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  1. "Something Fundamental has got to change here" Not sure why they would take this off the air, one guys opinion of what he saw close up over 4 days, glad he is bringing a report to us, like he said 98% of the get asylum here if they get across the boarder.

    Vote for the right Candidates!

  2. Equating Trump with Lincoln is like equating Roosevelt with Hitler. Maybe worse.

  3. George T McNaughton10/30/18, 4:00 PM

    Judicial Watch has a history of making false accusations and statements.

    1. Judicial Watch is a nonprofit educational foundation formed in 1994. Its main mission is to use the Freedom of Information Act, as well as other litigation, to combat corrupt government officials.

      Even though the organization is conservative, they acknowledge that corruption is nonpartisan and does not occur in one specific ideology. Judicial Watch mainly uses litigation to fulfill its educational mission. The organiation's purpose is to serve as a government watchdog, as their motto is, "because nobody is above the law."

    2. And it leans EXTREMELY right.

  4. chuck gregory10/30/18, 5:21 PM

    Fox is the propaganda arm of the GOP. Fox News viewers are the least informed of all TV news viewers and even less informed than those who don't watch TV.

    To link to anything Fox puts out is to link to information designed to inflame, instill fear and distract the viewer from how the GOP is harming his best interests (such as health care, employment, education, retirement and home ownership).

    Nobody except critical thinkers benefit from having information of this sort posted here.

    1. Fox may be the propaganda arm of the GOP, but CNN and MSNBC both deliver the news on behalf of the left. To deny that is to lose any hint of credibility.

  5. Roger eats this crap up. Sad to see. Everyone is screened at the boarder. BTW - Faux News said they will not invite this guy back on air again. Sometimes facts do matter. Sorry Roger, tricks are for kids.

  6. chuck gregory10/30/18, 6:44 PM

    I didn't know that aspirin could have such a mind-bending effect. At least now it's general information.

    1. Expressed like a truly small minded, halfwit, leftist parroting nut job that sleeps comfortably under the warm blanket of capitalism whilst harboring intense hatred and resentment over never having been able to achieve success without cutting the knees out from under those more successful than you and then trying to gain a free ride on their backs. A pitiful case your are!

    2. Anonymous 9:52 very well put, If not for Capitalism, Business people, and Business owners and Entrepreneur's as well a political watch groups where would the USA be, hard knowing but the alternative could possibly be Venezuela, once down that path it would be insurmountable to bring our Great Country back.
      These people want to make Fox News sound like they run for the GOP, when in actuality they do tell both sides with a lean to the right because most of the Commentators are Republican Americans and have their freedom of speech as well. When it's a straight up News Story then it's the new with no leaning. Listen to Shepard Smith once in a while he hates Trump and yet still on Fox News. I often here Commentators inviting on prominent Democrats, and they don't come "wonder why". I do also watch the other side, MSNBC and CNN etc, and talk about one sided carrying the torch, it really is one sided.
      In Short Fox News does not make my decisions for me, they keep me informed on the News, which I also watch Channel 3 and 5 to get local news.
      But to address this article, it sounds more and more like this group in the Caravan is blowing up, Soros number one, should have started the group earlier, because their not going to make it here by next Tuesday unless he sends some busses for them, and he and the groups he partnered with should be really ashamed of themselves because they are ruining these peoples lives using them as Political Pawns and for that he should rot in Hell!
      Chuck Thanks for reminding me to take my aspirin this morning.

    3. Really? You believe this crap. George Soros is NOT funding the caravan and DID NOT organized it. Roger, you should be embarrassed for believing this crap and calling it a fact. I bet you still question if Obama was born in Hawaii.

    4. I don't have any facts that he did, but believe someone is behind it for political gain. Where's your facts that he did not, or someone did not?

    5. Roger, is it possible that they want to come to America to escape a very bad situation and to be safe and better their lives? Why do you insist it is for political gain? Did you know that Farrell was behind pushing the false Pizza-gate narrative and clams that Clinton had an aid murdered to silence him? It's hard having a serious conversation with a child that does not understand truth from fiction.

    6. I believe that a certain number of them are trying to do just that, but don't believe they are the majority in this group. And I feel for them, this happens in a lot of country's around the world, are we to try to say them all? Why call me a child, it really just does no good, trying to make yourself feel bigger by doing so.
      I have no clue about any Pizza gate, and it does not apply here.

    7. Calling you a child refers to the mentality of your posts. Pizza gate is relevant in that Farrell (the guy you are basing your points on) has a history of promoting false right-leaning conspiracy theories. In fact, Trump thrives off these lies and adds to them every other tweet and people like you eat it up and go on to call them "facts".

  7. Wow, sounds like someone had an extra bowl of Nietsche Pops this morning!

    1. “We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States,” then-Senator Obama said in 2005. “But those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law.”

    2. The REFUGEES are still 1,000 miles away. They have not yet entered illegally. To brand them as "invaders" is a cheap political tactic that has already inspired one lunatic to murder. Anyone with the guts to WALK thousands of miles to be a part of this country deserves consideration, at the very least. None of our ancestors put forth that much effort; they didn't swim here.

  8. Now your tying a murderer to this Caravan in some way, who might that be, that's a cheap political tactic. All I say is that they should stay in their own country until they become legal, and we really know who they are, and there back ground, and that they really want to assimilate to being an American. then bring it on.

    1. Facts are that the our laws permit people to go to a boarder enter point and request asylum. That's what the last caravan did.

    2. So then we should expect Caravan after Caravan after Caravan, there soon will be a lot of property for sale in South America as not one will live there. The Laws need to Change!

    3. There has been caravans before, and certainly waves of immigrants / refugees since forever. The caravan grouping was formed some time ago as being safer for the participants. This is nothing new; the focus on it is, especially the part that pretends the issue is a new, alarming, imminent, and dire threat. That part is political, and the people raising it don't really believe it, they just want votes from people who will believe it.

    4. Yes, Roger, we should expect caravan after caravan. That's how America was settled. Wave after wave of Europeans and Asians. Africans came here under a different set of circumstances, but are today citizens, like all of us. Many of the immigrants who came before had attitudes like yours, and made some of our ancestors lives miserable, yet they still came. They made this country great. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  9. chuck gregory10/31/18, 9:56 AM

    It's so nice to have a forum where all of Springfield's Trump voters can depressurize! It reduces the number of bruises on their spouses and kids.

    1. Chuck you used to make responsible comments on this site, this one is be on what you have commented before. These comments that has no bases or facts really puts you in the row of Trolls on here and Haters on here.

    2. Troll Roger...But it's okay for you to make irreponsible, unfounded statements with no basis of fact (Soros)? The only person using these refugees/asylum seekers as political pawns is your repugnant president.

  10. There is a lot of people being duped on one side or the other.
    Fox News topped MSNBC and CNN combined in the cable news ratings race for the month of October, according to Nielsen Media Research.
    Overall, Fox averaged 2.8 million total viewers in prime time, up 25 percent from October 2017. MSNBC placed second in the category, with 1.58 million viewers, while CNN finished third, with 931,000 viewers, during the time period.

    1. What is your point? I watch all three. Fox gave birthers a platform. That says it all.

    2. Yeah, Fox has a lot of viewers. About 40% of the nation gets its news exclusively from Fox. It's no accident that's about the same number of people who support Trump. It was the same with W. Bush. In 2008, when W. was a lame duck, and Fox stopped promoting him, his approval rating dropped to 24%. No accident there, either. If you watch Fox, and believe what they say, you'll support right-wing politicians. Period. Without Fox propping him up, Trump would be toast.

    3. And the same with the Clinton News Network, so maybe Trump is right, it's all Fake News!

    4. The Clinton News Network? You mean the one that keeps the Clintons more popular than Trump, 18 years after they left the White House? They don't seem to devote much time to it these days, apparently that doesn't take much work!

    5. I can't imagine they mentioned that Hilary said all Black Men look a like? Paraphrasing... But I hear nothing but Crickets, imagine if Trump said it... wow!

    6. You're all over the place, Roger. You've got nothing.

    7. Roger...there is NOBODY who says such disgusting/reviling things about his opponents, anyone who disagrees with him or speaks out against him than Trump. You should be ashamed of yourself for bringing up HRC's one statement. Loved his intelligent comment today...."Well, I try, I do try. When I can, I tell the truth."

  11. Replies
    1. How a lie about George Soros and the migrant caravan multiplied

      By: Brad Heath, Matt Wynn and Jessica Guynn

      This is the life of a lie.

      Three weeks ago, a caravan of Hondurans began walking nearly 2,000 miles to the United States. Their ranks grew as they inched north and, along with them, falsehoods grew, too. But one stands out: a conspiracy theory that liberal billionaire George Soros, a Jewish immigrant, is paying the migrants to make the journey – or even orchestrating it.

      Members of Congress and the president’s son both repeated it. Conservative celebrities, too.

      It also may have resonated in darker places. Cesar Sayoc, the man charged with mailing pipe bombs to Soros and other prominent critics of President Donald Trump, dwelled at length online about conspiracy theories involving the Hungarian-American philanthropist. Robert Bowers, charged with killing 11 people worshiping in a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday, used his social media accounts to post extensively about the caravan, including circulating an image of refugees in Guatemala purportedly climbing into a truck with a Star of David on the side.

      But it began with a handful of posts in the caravan’s early days.
      One of the first was from a North Carolina writer who goes by the screen name “lorettatheprole.” Loretta Malakie has more than 6,000 followers on Twitter, to whom she directs frequent posts about “white genocide,” Jews and the “invading force” approaching the border.

      On Oct. 14, Malakie posted a link to an article about the caravan, with a single word of commentary: “Soros.”

      That same day, identical posts appeared over the course of 20 minutes in six pro-Trump Facebook groups. Combined, those six groups had 165,000 members. A user who gave the name Philip Balzano, a Trump supporter from Chicago, wrote to the Trump Train group: “Here Comes ANOTHER Group of Paid for New Demoncratic Voters Just in Time for the Primaries... The Financier aka ‘Win at All Costs’ ‘Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste’ the Evil George Soros and His 140+ Orgs, Should Be Classified as Terrorist and Terrorist Orgs.”

      Read the whole article:

    2. Look at where the article came from MSNBC, enough said there as well.

    3. Roger, did you know that Fox News said they will not invite Mr. Farrell back again? This article was only picked up by MSN, they did not write it. You pigged out on the tea and drank it all yourself. The only fake news out there come out of Trumps pie hole. He denies Russia meddled in our election, calling it fake news. ENOUGH SAID THERE AS WELL.

  12. Something that fails to get mentioned is the fact that roughly 80% of Latin Americans are Catholic. That means that the majority of the refugees are, as well. Catholics (or Papists, as they are called) have long been on the Alt-Right's hit list. Catholics were the second-most likely group to be lynched in the Jim Crow South. Food for thought.

    1. I don't think it has anything to do with Catholicism... Click on the link above, its because we have no clue who most of these people are and the majority do not follow the laws or assimilate, go to the link and look at the destruction!


    2. Sorry, Roger, I've studied criminology, and worked in the criminal justice system. I can GUARANTEE that your source, and the information on it, is a steaming pile of crap! I can also guarantee that the refugees' religion makes them just as much a target as their race with the KKK and Skinhead types. In this case, the caravan has two strikes against it with them. You can keep defending bigotry if you like, but you'll lose.

  13. chuck gregory10/31/18, 6:15 PM

    Remember the MS St. Louis, which tried get 900 Jewish refugees away from the Nazis? Not only would we not let them in here, we also worked to make sure Canada, Cuba and Mexico wouldn't take them either-- about one=quarter of them died in the Holocaust.

    Isn't it nice to know that when it comes to desperate refugees, we are better people than our grandparents were?

    Yeah, I didn't think so either.

    1. Nonsense. It wasn't our grandparents who denied them entry. It was the Roosevelt administration.

      Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, advised Franklin Roosevelt not to accept the Jews. The ship's captain considered running aground along the coast to allow the refugees to escape, but, acting on Hull's instructions, U.S. Coast Guard vessels shadowed the ship and prevented such a move.

      A State Department telegram sent to a passenger stated that the passengers must "await their turns on the waiting list and qualify for and obtain immigration visas before they may be admissible into the United States."

      Sorry to burst your bubble, Chuck. If you're going to quote history, at least quote it correctly, even if it makes your beloved liberals look bad.

    2. chuck gregory11/2/18, 9:24 AM

      Roosevelt was always very sensitive to public opinion. He never made a move without making sure that the public was going to be behind him. He told the African-American civil rights activists, "You have to MAKE me want to change things!" When they didn't develop enough clout, nothing changed. When the American public didn't want to go to war, he waited until the Japanese changed their mind for them.

      Had the American public of the day been more charitably disposed to the non-white, the non-Christian and the non-Fascist of the world, FDR would have told Cordell that he could dump that bee out of his bonnet.

      And had FDR let them in anyway, he probably would not have been re-elected, which would have meant that we would have taken until 1944 to have our production ramped up to meet the needs of WWII. What would that have meant for the Nazis and the Japanese?

    3. Yes, unfortunately, the politics of the day hamstrung FDR, who is STILL my favorite President. A black eye for his Presidency, as was the internment camps. Sadly, this country continues to make the same mistakes, over and over. Maybe that's because some people never change.....

  14. Roger -

    Do you believe the scientists, that global warming is manmade?

    Do you agree that Russia meddle with our elections with the intention to elect Trump?

    Do you think everyone was pre-vetted prior to arriving a Ellis Island?

    Do you think your crappy old van will pass another inspection?

    Let me know if you have any questions.


  16. Roger, is you van plastered with Trump stickers? If so, if they are not properly faded, it could be a Democrat ploy.

  17. Do not vote for kgb or ss or white supremacy.

  18. I have a question for all the "patriots" out there. How many of you would walk 2,000 miles just for a slim chance to be an American? How many of you could?

    1. I got a question for you Puss'N Boots. When have you ever put your ass on the line in defense of this nation and in defense of our partner nations around the world? Time you got back to sorting your lingerie drawer!

    2. Hey tough guy, your grandmas grandma came over here in a wave with countless others to a small island in NY. Many a nationally were looked down on, lrish, Italian, Polish......so take off your bump stock and trash it.

    3. 8:44 - You must be a patriot or why would you call yourself a patriot.

    4. 8:44, I'M A VETERAN, which means I've probably done more in one day than you'll do in a lifetime. I put my life on the line defending the Constitution that you and your "president" are now trampling on. You don't have to walk 2,000 miles to be an American, all you have to do is honor our Constitution and its traditions. You can start any time.

    5. 8:39 - First, I do not believe I have trampled on our Constitution, however, Trump picks and chooses what part of the Constitution he likes and ignores others.

      Second, my father was a "real" war hero during WWII (a distinguished flying cross and a purple heart). However, unlike you, he was modest and never discussed it or bragged about how hard he worked and never referred to himself as a patriot. YOU CAN START ANYTIME.

      And, finally, thank you for your service.

    6. What?????? You're the one who asked what I had ever done for this country! I never resorted to cheap insults, and I never said I was a war hero, either. As I said, you don't have to walk 2,000 miles to be an American, though that's exactly what these refugees are doing. You don't have to have served in the military, either, though I have. All that is required to be an American is to be born here or naturalized, and to honor the Constitution. You don't get to pick and chose what parts of the Constitution you follow. Not as citizen, and certainly not as President. When Trump attacks the First and Fourteenth Ammendments, (or any others) and when he incites people to violate the Constitutional Rights of others, he is trampling on our Constitution, and everything this country represents. When you support him for doing it, you join him in his dishonor.

    7. I AGREE 152. Trump is a dangerous radical. Likes dictators and associates with them. He likes people to kneel down to him. Roger just a keep on kneeling.

  19. Will the federal investigation into Russian interference into the 2016 election be made public?

    Roger, you have have opinions on everything, what say you?

    1. Yes, hopefully today or Monday.

    2. You can bet Trump and the GOP will try to quash the Special Counsel's findings. A patriotic Democrat will make sure it's leaked.

  20. Trump and his cronies have enough money to build a 100,000 dollar small house for each of the 4000 people "apparently" marching north to the USA.

  21. Chuck Gregory,

    Go look in a mirror....

    Now shout this word....


    Thank you.


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