Monday, November 5, 2018

Mason Wade for State Senate

Independent candidate for Windsor County State Senator Mason Wade was in town last week greeting voters outside of Shaws. Wade lives in one of the most isolated spots in the county, a mile from the nearest power line. That helps keep him a free and independent thinker.

Mason Wade filed with the Vermont Secretary of State, April 23, for Windsor County Senate seat. It was “the first date possible for independent candidates to do so,” he said in a news release that day. Wade, from Rochester, Vt. described himself as “63 years old, a homesteader in the Green Mountains, an entrepreneur, woodsman, Master Gardener, and now ready to tackle a few years at the State Capitol.”

“Like many Vermont voters, I’m unhappy with the power play of the three major parties of Vermont,” he continued. Saying that he was also “unhappy with those holding an office for many years (career politicians), they need to understand that democracy is best served by passing the baton onto fellow Vermonters.”

Wade is also encouraging others to run as independent candidates for Windsor State House seats. Aug. 9 is the deadline to file for anyone interested.

“Better government is shared government,” he said. “The time has come to run independent!”

Mason Wade can be reached at 802-349-3970 or .

– Item from the Mountain Times

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