Thursday, November 15, 2018

Schools closed today while officials investigate ‘threat’

The Springfield School District has canceled school today as police continue to investigate a threat made against the high school.

Phone communication transmitted last night:


  1. What's the matter with kids nowdays? In my day we used to pull the fire alarm to get out of school!

  2. Yeah, but then the telephone was invented. Another one of those changes in education we old farts have trouble accepting when it comes to dealing with the school budget.

  3. I think it shows where we are as a society. The answer to all young people now is to shoot something up or make threats. What happened to being pissed at someone and just going out back of the school and fighting? (I am not advocating that) just saying look what society has come to. I am very sad for all of us. Will it ever end?

  4. Dumas school superintendent got reamed by a parent last SB meeting for this same issue in reverse. He buckled cause he didn't want to be dragged over the coals again. Inconsistent dope!

    My kids stood at the bus stop for 45 minutes this morning in 18 degree weather because I never got the late notice! Maybe Mclauflin should try that!

    1. Maybe it would help if you read a local daily paper (Eagle or Rutland Herald) online or listened to the radio. This story was covered extensively this morning while you were busy thinking up another barrage of insults.

    2. Hey dopey 6am I'm feeding and getting my kids dressed for school, NOT CRUISING THE INTERNET OR LISTENING TO THE RADIO UNLESS IT SNOWED! You must be an apologist bum -kissing administrator or teacher. Hope you enjoyed your PAID day off cause MY company didn't pay ME for staying home with the kids you clown.

    3. I'm not "dopey 3:00," but it sounds like you have a really crappy life, 5:26. Then again, your attitude toward teachers may have had something to do with that. You always talk about "under-achievers" and "losers." Sounds to me like that comes from personal experience.

    4. Yes it does lame-brain 6:10...... "personal experience" with incompetent school administration here in town. Keep kissing the bum.....or are you the superintendent or one of his lackeys???

    5. You are a complete idiot anon 3:00. This message came out roughly around 10:30-11:00 p.m. THE NIGHT BEFORE SCHOOL WAS CLOSED!! Not only was it a phone call, it was an email and text message as well. Why is it that YOU are the only underwhelming moron who didn't get the notice? How is that the failure of the school district for you not signing up for the appropriate channels for notification? Hell, by 6 a.m. my children BOTH knew it was closed and that was just from watching the news and through alerts from the school and on social media. Sorry you failed your children by not being a reaponrespo adult and keeping the lines of communication open. I also feel sorry you are so stupid you forced your children to stay outside for 45 minutes BEFORE you were smart enough to get it through your "dopey lame-brained" head that gee, maybe the bus isn't coming.
      Your kids will never stand a chance with you as their mentor. You are an embarrassment. You embarrassed yourself here, and your children in real life I'm sure.

    6. Sorry that was not for anon 3:00, but for the original post complainer

    7. Well said, 5:21. Sadly, 5:26 is a regular poster on this blog. She never has anything nice to say to, or about, anyone. Just another right-wing SCREW-UP, that blames everyone else for her stupidity. I've caught her lying many times, so she may not even have kids, and is possibly making this whole thing up. The fact that she is a die-hard Trump supporter speaks volumes. I'm not trying to inject national politics into this. At some point you have to acknowledge that extreme ideology is the primary motivation for many people nowdays. There is a correlation between radical politics, and radical attitudes and behaviors. Here we have a classic example.....

    8. "I'm not trying to inject national politics into this."

      Laughable. You inject national politics (especially Trump) into every comment you make.

    9. Typical snowflake 'mobbing' behavior by 5:21 and 7:46. How do you two like working for the school district? Such charlitans!

    10. Oh, boy! The wingnuts are spinning it today! You view everything, and everyone, through the lens of your extreme political views. By doing so, you bring Trump into everything, whether you mention him by name or not. Now, I'm not saying that you're crazy for supporting Trump; I'm saying that you support Trump because you're crazy, and that craziness becomes evident in everything you say. The rest of us can spot you a mile away, even though you don't understand that. You only THINK you're mainstream. And no, I don't work for the school system here, and never have. Like most sane, rational people, I simply believe in public education. The fact that you choose to reject education, and rely on politics for your survival, is evident in your lack of functionality. In a world that requires increasing levels of intellect and education to be successful, you get left behind. You voted for Trump because you can't make it without people like him stacking the deck in your favor. That's what "MAGA" really means: "Make It Easy For Me Again." You blame "liberals" for everything even though, historically, their policies are the only reason most of you have anything. Conservatives have become the new "whining minority," and it's pretty sickening to behold!

    11. Another rambling, disjointed delusional post by 10:22. I suspect it was posted from an insane asylum.

    12. Oh, come on, 12:59. Just because you don't have the education to understand what I post is no reason to get nasty. Verbose I may be, but at least I'm capable of more than whining and cheap insults!

    13. As a public service to the readers, let me translate 1:57's post: BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH................BLAH.

    14. 4:21, you really know how to drive home a point. Too bad it's my point.

    15. 421, you sound like a sheep. Blah blah, typical sounds of a trump follower.

    16. Wow, 4:21, you really can't help yourself, can you? Psychiatric treatment IS covered by most insurance, including Medicaid. Oh, before you make another stupid comment, I know this from working in a psychiatric facility. Get well soon!

  5. Thank you MR SMARTPHONE, the demise of life as we knew it. I DON'T HAVE ONE and MY DATA IS NOT ON F. FACE BOOK.


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