Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS), southeastern Vermont’s community mental-health agency, is pleased to announce the appointment of nine new prprofessionals.

Their talents will augment HCRS’ services in the Hartford, Springfield, and Brattleboro regions.

As they appear in the photo, HCRS welcomes the following new employees (from left): Catherine Chivers – Adult Case Manager in Hartford, Grace Muise – DSP-Community in Brattleboro, Jaymee Jones – Office Generalist in Hartford, April Berry – DSP-Community in Brattleboro, Dasha Good – Criminal Justice Case Manager in Brattleboro, Tyler Morris – Residential Specialist in Brattleboro, Caitlin Rotkiewicz – School-Based Clinician in Hartford, Domonique Terrell – Residential Specialist in Brattleboro, and David Ievoli – Respite Provider in Springfield.


  1. Thank you all for offering your services in southern vermont. Where there is a rapidly increase of those in need. Appears there is no end in sight.

  2. Are YOU joking?

    1. No joke, most of those in need are simple folk just wanting to get by without doing anything. What is wrong with that. Please go fund me.

  3. We the tax payers fund HCRS with all of their funds, it's a rip off and waste of money. The need is based on people who do not want to take care of themselves, they just want to be coddled, and HCRS Mgt encourages it, to keep the pay structure up to the upper level people, demand is the supply.

    1. So, Roger, people with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder are just lazy? Perhaps you should avail yourself of their services; believing that Trump is making America great is delusional enough to qualify!

    2. Roger you ole GOP, where you been, on the road for 2020? Spreading the Trump cult ideology across the already Great America. Lets try to keep it that way by not scarring it anymore with bird brain Trump-ism politics.

  4. I have first hand experience witnessing HCRS staff counsel clients against accepting employment and becoming self sufficient. HCRS is a disgusting institution that coaches dependency. I vote against their measures every opportunity.

    1. 4:53 Thanks for sharing you are not the first person on here to make those comments. I have read at least 10 or more over the years. And if 10 or more comment on this site imagine how many people working there experience that same company ethic. If there was some way that message could get to our law makers and they actually cared something might be done. But Bernie, Peter, Patrick, Dick, Alice, Bob and more could care less. The more money they poor into HCRS the more votes they get because it employees people at the expense of wasting taxes.

  5. Any employer who would hire someone with a severe mental illness would not pay that person enough to be "self-sufficient." The handicapped are routinely exploited as cheap, expendable labor. They are usually hired to do jobs that no one in their right mind would do, for wages that no one in their right mind would accept. Counseling someone against taking a job that they are incapable of, and would likely get them injured or killed, is the only humane thing to do.

  6. Non sense. For generations mentally feeble souls EARNED self respect within the community. Growing up can easily recall our school buildings being sweep clean, floors mopped, and steps shoveled. We always greeted them with a high regard. Others busied themselves keeping store fronts, walkways, town pool and ball fields spotless. Truly was a magnificent community for those generations. Certain those souls modest incomes were subsidized, but they contributed!

    1. Wow, 6:52, you are a truly backward, despicable excuse for a human being. What century are you living in? It sure as hell isn't this one! So, the only way people with disabilities can "earn respect" is by cleaning your toilets and picking up your trash? Oh, that's a good one! Like I said, doing jobs no one in their right mind would do, for wages no one in their right mind would accept. Good enough for the "retards" though, right? You want to talk about the dignity of work? Volunteer to clean the bathrooms at HCRS for a month, and post a selfie on Facebook doing it. That'll give you all the "dignity" you deserve! (My apologies in advance for the slur against the mentally challenged; I only did it to make a point.)

    2. I too remember those days 6:52 and wonderful days they were. Unfortunately in today's world, those jobs have been co-opted by union lay-abouts pulling down hefty salaries and providing lesser work in both quantity and quality as our neediest citizens once did.I

      Not only does the union protect them, but school administrators do as well.

    3. One of the questions a doctor will ask to determine a patient's grasp on reality is to ask them what year it is. You do realise that it's 2019, right? Just to be sure, why don't you go down to HCRS for a check-up!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous always cutting others down to make their point, because their point is so off base. 8:13 and 7:34 I'm sure that makes you feel better about yourself.

  8. Damn it Roger, smarten up and ignore the troll like the rest of us.

    1. Yes, ignore; ignore being the root of ignorance. You should be good at that.

    2. The Anonymous Anonymous Trolls on here, (just like 10:08) are just like the Liberals are acting in Congress right now and why the government is closed. They make statements that do not address the issues, they just call names of others and deflect to resist the facts and address the facts. HCRS is a TAX Burden on the State of VT, and it needs to some how be fixed much of that money could go tot he Hospital, or Roads, or Schools etc, but the only ones that benefit are the upper MGT at HCRS!

    3. There may be problems at HCRS, but Roger and Co. bash THE PATIENTS, not the management. Don't try to hide an Objectivist slash-and-burn agenda by pretending to be reformers. You attack the schools, and all other tax-funded services, with equal ferocity. The reason the federal govt. is closed is because you on the Alt-Right want it that way. If it were up to you, it would stay closed permanently. There is no crisis at the border, other than the humanitarian crisis Trump created. The wall is just a sick obsession that only serves to feed your over-inflated egos, and delusions of grandeur. Dumping the disabled out on the street, and telling them that they only have value if they bend to your will, is evil. Stop pretending to be altruistic and compassionate. You don't care, and we know it.

    4. A bunch of Spin and Fake Talking Points is what that comment amounts to, but use to it!

    5. 11.48, I agree, where can I get a Maga hat so I can burn it.

    6. You can get them on Amazon, you can find it on your Obama Phone, it will then help the economy by you spending some of your Anonymous Anonymous welfare check.

    7. Questions about these MAGA hats.
      1) Why is the color of the hat Red? That represents Republicans. It represents a divided people. They should have some Blue color on them also.
      2) What does "Again" mean? Sounds that some time ago it was Great. Just when was that?
      I will look on the Fox Network for a hat.

    8. Might want to do a little research, the Hats come in Red, White and Blue happens those are the colors of our American Flag, what a coincidence.

    9. What does Again mean.

  9. chuck gregory1/23/19, 1:23 PM

    Do they come in any size other than "pinhead"?

    1. 1:23, Probably all are too large for a lame brain like you!

      By the way, your socialist hero Maduro is going down in Venezuela today.
      You might want to light a candle. Do candles qualify under EBT cards?

    2. 1:37 Amazing how liberals just can't move on and accept the consequences of an election, I really can't imagine how tough their days are and how they can even get through life these days. There has to be a 12 step program for them. Making a big deal about a Trump hat, I ride around all over the state of VT reading the Bernie Stickers that say "Feel The Bern", don't like seeing them, but does it control my life or do I have to lash out over them no, Grow up Liberals and move on with life, there is a Republican in the White House so what and his slogan has stuck.

  10. well boys and girls this has been fun but the man who ran the site has passed away. i think you all need to grow up and show a little respect for your selves. remember baby boomers we will write your history and if this is how you wish to be remembered cool.

    1. OK, millenials, but before you write our histories, do us a solid and learn how to write. Stop ripping off e.e. cummings, and everyone else from our generation.

    2. Barney Crozier ran this site????

    3. you guys are so smart. gotta love a bunch of flat lander assholes. you know we are going to refer to you as generation fail. you are the most nasty arrogant generation ever. self righteous assholes who most did nothing but were born in the right spot.

    4. Are you channeling Barney?

    5. What was that you were saying about how to be remembered, 7:29? I know I'd hate to be remembered as a whining, stupid hillbilly, but that's up to you. Remember, YOU started the name-calling.

  11. Barney did this? A very talented man!

  12. Oh, what a shame. I visited him last month, and he said running this site was the hardest but most rewarding job he'd ever had.

  13. I found THE HAT !! But it says "Manipulating America's Gullible A$$holes" , think I will get it, comes in Pink too !

    1. There is millenial version, "MEME"

  14. Did you know trump has a dog, it is a pug, named rudy.


  16. But how can Barney do that now? He's dead!

    1. Barney never did, that I was aware of. Regardless of his politics, he had too much respect for journalism to edit others' posts to suit an agenda. Whoever is running this blog now should be ashamed.

  17. False flag by 5:51.....what A douche!

    1. Well, it appears as though the adults have left the room. RIP, Barney. I didn't always agree with you, but you were always fair, and allowed opinions that were different than your own.

  18. Here is the real reason trump wants a wall. He believes that it will stop the flow of heroin into the country from Mexico. Once that is done then his big mega rich buddies in Big Pharmacy can corner the "addiction" market on opioids in pill form. Plus his buddies in the construction business make a killing building a wall.

  19. 8:05: a perfect example of TRUMP Derangement Syndrome.
    What a Bozo!!! (no offense intended to the original Bozo)



    1. And vote no if the superintendent's contract is renewed!


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