Wednesday, January 16, 2019

2019 Sammy Pierce scholarships

The Sammy Pierce Memorial Scholarships are awarded annually to deserving students in recognition of volunteered time and talent.

These scholarships are open to students in communities served by the Crown Point Board of Realtors: Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish, Chester, Clarendon, Grafton, Ludlow, Mount Holly, Plymouth, Reading, Rockingham, Shrewsbury, Springfield, Wallingford, Weathersfield, Weston, and West Windsor.

The Crown Point Board of Realtors awards $1,000 to two deserving students. The students may be 2019 high school graduates, homeschoolers, returning college students, previous recipients returning to upper classes, or adult students continuing their education in a two- or four-year college program.

While the course of study is not restricted in any way, applicants must have a strong history of volunteer community service. Applications and information for the Sammy Pierce Memorial Scholarships are available at your local high school or by contacting Helen Wachtel at 802-275-3902. The deadline to submit applications for these scholarships is Monday, May 6, 2019. Selections will be announced in June.

The Sammy Pierce Memorial Scholarships are given in honor of Sammy Pierce, remembered as one of the most generous, thoughtful Realtors in Windsor County. His generous character and the impact he made on his community is honored by this annual scholarship.

Those wishing to make a contribution to the Sammy Pierce Education Fund are encouraged. Donations may be sent to the Sammy Pierce Education Fund, Crown Point Board of Realtors, c/o Julie Buffum, Treasurer, 121 Park St., Springfield, VT 05156.

1 comment :

  1. Good Luck to the ones who seek these Scholarships, they are in honor of one of the nicest, real and genuine men I have ever know.


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