Purple Heart recipient Brian Kolfage is the most severely injured U.S. airman to survive any war. He started the GoFundMe page to fund President Trump’s border wall and in this video minces no words when discussing the importance of the border wall.
Russia's remarkable fence on Crimea border
Progressive Stephen Lendman actually likes Russia's new very cost effective border security fence just completed.
US Illegal Alien Crime Report
Updated daily with crime news usually only local media will report.
An interview from last October...
Brian, you certainly could have picked a much better fund. Like helping people in need especially your fellow vets. Not some pie in the sky wall.
ReplyDeleteThe proper compliment to a vet is "Thank you for letting yourself be used." In Kolfage's case, it's
ReplyDelete"Thank you for letting yourself be doubly used."
Chuck, I sometimes agree with you, as in the case of universal healthcare. But this time you're way out of line. Veterans (like myself) sacrificed our time, and often gave our lives, in service to this country. Even when our government screws us, we still take pride in being a part of something larger than ourselves. As misguided as Brian Kolfage may be in his efforts to secure funding for Trump's wall, his sacrifice is nothing to be mocked. He served with honor and distinction, and for that we should all thank him.
Delete8:01 and 11:39, such disrespectful pigs you both are.
ReplyDeleteYou disgust me!
I will just make my donation to the DAV and certainly not the DTW.
Delete1.02 Are you that HCRS lady?
DeleteRussian fences are pretty good. I've known a few people who got through them on their way OUT. It helps when they're defended by tanks, land mines, and troops with machine guns. We are not Russia. Or are we?
ReplyDelete1:39, A vet myself I believe that almost all of us served honorably from a sense of patriotism and sacrificed unflinchingly-- and this was when almost all of us were draftees. However, we were all used. I exclude from these ranks the swabby who previously had been the town drunk of Bar Harbor, Maine.
ReplyDeleteWe were not saving the world from fascism and tyranny, but keeping brutal dictators in power so that the customers of law firms like Cromwell and Sullivan could plunder their countries' resources and treasuries. This use of America's military was exposed in the book, "War is a Racket," written by retired Marine Corps general (and winner of 14 Medals of Honor) Smedley Butler.
Not only did Kolfage sacrifice his physical well-being for a lie (I recommend you see the movie "Vice" when it comes to Springfield), but as an American citizen he is being treated shabbily: Even now, three Trump appointees are trying to privatize as much of the VA health care system as they can-- meaning much worse service for him; the quality of the air and water are being degraded, harming the health of his family as well as himself; the education of his children is being crippled; and the likelihood of anybody in his family achieving the American Dream has been reduced almost to zero.
For this, he let himself be used, and used cruelly.
You're right about the state of America nowdays. It's particularly sad how badly the GOP screws veterans, while claiming to be our only friends. (I lost my VA medical to pay for Reagan's tax cuts.) The military industrial complex may be alive and well, but I'm still not ready to be as cynical as you, Chuck. Maybe we were all being "used" on some level, but I have to believe that there is still honor and dignity in military service. I refuse to view myself, or any other soldier or veteran, as some sort of sucker. I blame the politicians, and the suckers who elect them, not those in uniform. I suppose it's sometimes difficult to make that distinction, especially with the level of support Trump and the GOP get from veterans, but I do try.
DeleteBrian, hate to tell you, Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Trump says so.
ReplyDeleteThis articulates why the wall's construction is necessary.
ReplyDeletePlease take a few seconds to understand.
Yeah? Well, I checked with some Chinese friends and they said it's going to do just as well as their wall did. That wasn't encouraging....
DeleteYeah, Well I checked with some German friends and they said the Berlin wall unfortunately was very effective. But you really don't care about the impact of open boarders do you? It's all about what makes you feel good about yourself and to hell with everyone else. Right? I've extensively hiked and hunted both the Huachuca and Chiricahua Mountains. You have no concept of the smuggling thoroughfare. But what the hell. Why should I care? Most addicts are liberals right?
DeleteWrong, 6:54. Most of the drug addicts I knew in my past were conservative, and are probably Trump supporters, if they're still alive. The Berlin wall only worked because of the machine gun towers, troops, and tanks that backed it up. By itself, it did nothing, as evidenced by the thousands of people who got through it, and then tore it down, when the troops stood back. My parents brought me back a piece of it. Maybe the former Soviet Union is YOUR idea of America should become, but the majority of us have a major problem with that.
DeleteWhat you have a problem with is self verification. Having achieved little or nothing in your working career, now alone filled with blind hate, turn to unceasingly insulting those you perceive responsible for your bitterness. How do you condone, Illegal immigrants having 2X the crime rate of US citizens? 90% of heroine and Fentanyl smuggled across the border? Thousands of sex trafficking victims? $135 billion annually in welfare and prison cost to taxpayers? Point is, none of it matters to you because your blind hate of conservative values. By the way, my life rocks! Spent the Holidays with dozen or more family and friends singing hymns Christmas eve at the oldest church in town our family helped decorate, a charity event, exchanging gifts, skiing, laughs, great food, range time with a new AR and high capacity mags, and some local hikes. So sorry that sociology degree didn't pan out and your life sucks. MAGA!
DeleteMost drugs enter America through established ports of entry. Most illegal aliens are visa overstays from Canada. A wall on our southern border will do nothing to stop that. All it will accomplish is to appease your racist tendencies, and puff up your already over-inflated egos. I also spent Christmas with family, but my family doesn't conflate Christanity with armed conflict. Only fascists do that. I did well enough in life, the only bitterness I feel is watching you and your kind destroy the nation that I and my forefathers worked so hard to build. That, and the unceasing lies you and your "president" tell. You wouldn't know Christian values if they walked up and slapped you, and one day they will.
DeleteRe: "Most illegal aliens are visa overstays from Canada."
DeleteYes, and the very worst of all are those from Sunnyvale in Nova Scotia.
10:01, putting "Re:" in front of everything you say doesn't make you sound smarter, or more important. It just looks silly, especially since you follow it with gibberish that usually proves my point.
DeleteThose immigrant crime stats are not clean. For one, they include the crime of illegal immigration, which only illegal immigrants can commit, which inflates the crime rate and incarceration costs. The problems are very real, the criminals, the drugs and so forth, but exaggeration weakens their validity. As always, a minority can affect a majority of basically good people, which is what the majority of immigrants are.
DeleteThe problem being complex, so an effective solution must also be. A wall is too simple, and would amount to a lot of money being misspent. Alone, it would stop only a fraction of the problems. Better screening is called for, better rules for admission and paths to citizenship, better monitoring of entry points. Those things will need to be done EVEN WITH A WALL, if we really mean to improve the situation.
The fears of immigrants have been greatly overblown by Trump. The dangers shouldn't be underestimated, but the whole xenophobia / racism / prejudice / maga thing is pure demagoguery. Charlie Kirk, in 3:12's link, claims, "borders are a physical manifestation of when good ideas begin and bad ideas start". Any idea that needs a wall to manifest it is not a good idea. A wall manifests fear over thought. Anyone expecting or wanting reality to be simple will be disappointed.
Mr. Caron, you appear one of the more rational forum contributors. Regarding last week's murder of California police officer Ronil Singh how would you have prevented the illegal immigration of gang member Gustavo Perez Arriaga? How about the high profile murder of Kansas jogger Mollie Tibbetts by Cristhian Bahena Rivera, another illegal immigrant?
DeleteSee, here's the thing Mr. Caron. It's easy for those of us living in a bucolic, Rockwellesque, Northern, New England village to pontificate morality. But having lived an worked on the Arizona border can bear witness to a reality of violence folks here can not conceive. Please, how would you have stopped these two, violent murderers?
Please, 11:58, how would you have stopped the dozens of brutal murders committed by Trump supporters over the last two years? How will YOU prevent people like YOU from slaughtering innocent people in schools and restaurants? How?
DeleteIt's virtually impossible to stop individuals bent on committing crime: they can always find a way. In most cases you have to deal with them after the damage is done. I advocate the death penalty, whether it's truly a disincentive or not. If that indicates a failure of reason, then there's one of my limits.
DeleteHey Bernie-bro 12:35, show some examples of your FAKE ASSERTIONS! Or maybe you're busy loading your rile to shoot innocent legislators practicing for a softball game!
DeleteOr maybe, like reported today in liberal NYT, you're a paid member of Bernie's election committee busy sexually groping fellow female members?
Anyway I'm sure violent perverts like YOU have far better things to do than answer my questions.
Mr. Caron, do I understand you to say the 911 terrorist attack was virtually impossible to prevent? That reinforced cockpits, sky marshals, photo IDs, and TSA screening are all a wasted effort? That in the uneventful 17 years since, no benefit has been gleamed? Many of us see the border little different than an airport concourse. That keeping those at bay hell bent on terror, violence or just looking for a free ride worth the price and inconvenience. Don't you agree?
Delete"Do I understand you (. . .)?" I have no control over your understanding. The measures you list that were undertaken after 9/11 have sharply reduced hijackings, but not eliminated them. For example, in some cases pilots have locked themselves inside the reinforced cockpits and then diverted the flight for their own purposes.
DeleteIf you see borders and airport concourses as little different, then you are oversimplifying. However, some measures similar to those used in airport security might help decrease unwanted border traffic, including better screenings, better identifications, more surveillance, and more patrolling. While it would make illegal entry logistically more expensive, a wall alone would not prevent criminals from passing through ports of entry or other points, and money spent on a wall would take away from money spent on other measures.
Further, wall mentality tends to never be satisfied; it seems to lead to a need for more walls, higher walls, walls defended with weapons, etc. I'm not against the moderate benefit that physical barriers provide, but I can't put my trust in them, and neither can their proponents.
There is honor and dignity in military service; it' just that the troops don't know (like the agents of the financial advisors in town) when they're being lied to.
ReplyDeleteWe were deliberately kept ignorant during Vietnam, and they're kept ignorant today. Who went into Iraq knowing that the Energy Study Group (Cheney and the Bushies and the neocons) had started planning to invade it two months before the 2000 election even happened? And rather than fighting for democracy or even mom, home and apple pie, they are taught that they are fighting to protect their buddies-- which helps to keep them from thinking about the bigger issues.
When Australian journalist went to Vietnam, he got to cover it from the North Vietnamese side). He had no problem getting political overviews from all the bad guys-- liberation, running dogs of capitalism, and so forth. When they let him talk to American prisoners of war, they asked him things like, "How are the Dodgers doing?" Of course they were all draftees, like at least half of the dogfaces who served in WWII, but they had no feeling they were fighting for something bigger than themselves. And they didn't know that they were fighting for America's access to the tin, oil and rubber that was no longer available to France.
It was the same in Iraq.
What would you have our veterans and current soldiers believe, Chuck? That we're all a bunch of chumps, and you're the one to set us free from our ignorance? I had no grandiose delusions as to what I was doing, and neither did anyone else I served with. We had a job to do, and we did it, period. Since 1974, we've had an all-volunteer military. I can't speak to the reasons why people decide to go into the service. Everyone has their own reasons, and maybe you don't agree with them, but to insult the intelligence of those who do make that sacrifice, for whatever reason, is pretty sad. I think Kolfage is an idiot for supporting Trump, and for raising money to build his wall, but that's where it ends. You would strip him of any shred of dignity he has, in order to prove your "intellectual superiority." That really sucks, Chuck.
Delete6:40, the military has long known two things about male intelligence:
Delete1) It's easier to train raw recruits than call the National Guard up for combat.
2) If you want to re-program a man to obey blindly, it's not likely going to happen if he's over 24, but at age 17, he's golden.
As I said, the military I was in-- and most of today's military-- served and serve with honor and dignity, BUT they were lied to. I was lied to! But how was I -- or they-- to know that? Did that make me a chump? Did it make Kolfage a chump? Did doing what you were trained to do make you a chump?
As for having an all-volunteer military, it's really a bad idea. The Praetorian guard was an all-voluntary unit, and anytime somebody assassinated an emperor, they had to buy them off. And there were times when they decided they weren't being paid enough and assassinated the emperor themselves.
I strongly favor going back to the very draft that would have taken me had I not volunteered, because it produced millions of men who know better than to ever trust what a general tells them.
I was in the same military as you. Maybe they lied to you, and maybe you are a chump. I'm not. Good night.
DeleteHanoi chuck
DeleteHere's a foundation scam:
Trump likes walls. On Xmas he was "All alone in the WH, surrounded by men with machine guns, mean men" he was proud like some dictator to tell the American people yesterday. Like ya, just try to come and get me. And he says what has that general "done for ME". Are you really proud to have a wack job for a president?
ReplyDeleteHe also says the Vatican has a wall around it. He just loves walls.
DeleteWaiting......for the worms! (From Pink Floyd's "The Wall")
Delete8:01 I think you are on to something. The Wall album is a prediction!!
DeleteHere are a few more titles including yours from this album:
The Thin Ice
Another Brick In The Wall
Goodbye Blue Sky (No more EPA)
Don't Leave Me Now
Is There Anybody Out There?
Bring the Boys Back Home
Comfortably Numb
The Show Must Go On
Run Like Hell
Waiting For The Worms
The Trial
Outside The Wall
True 7:34, TRUMP was in the White House on Christmas Eve.....while Nancy Pelosi was sunning her Botox riddled skeleton on the beach in Hawaii.I
DeleteSuch compassion from the government worker!
Correct 10:26, The Wall IS A PREDICTION!
DeleteAs Pink Floyd was a British band, their predictions are coming TRUE as they let illegal aliens into their country unchecked. Theeresa May will soon have the same fate as Angela Merkle (sp) in Germany.
But you blind liberal fools don't see it coming!I
Your reference to Pink Floyd, as the Brits would say, is 'spot on'.I
On man 5:00 PM!....stop picking on 10:26 AM. After all, he is the Syd Barrett of Springfield News! Lol
DeleteRIP Syd :(
That's great, Trumpies, especially since the UK is about to go belly-up thanks to Brexit. Gee, who talked them into that? Why, it was Trump mini-me Nigel Farage! You'll all soon see what xenophobic paranoia gets you. The Brits will be the NEXT group of people to come here and overstay their visas! Why do I get the feeling that'll be OK with you? WASP and a spot of tea, anyone?
DeleteCan any of you account majors tell us where the 5.6 billion figure comes from. How does trump arrive at that figure? Is there an itemized list of work to be done, materials to buy etc all with dollar figures attached. Actually I believe I know the answer. 5 billion goes into the pockets of his rich crony friends. Point 6 will get lost and WE will be paying all of it. NO wall will be built but the money will be stolen FROM US.
ReplyDeletePretty simple process of construction estimating if you know what you're doing. Trump is a builder in case you're not aware of that lame-brain 10:34.
DeleteRemember the estimates the government got for Jerusalem embassy? TRUMP is getting a far larger and more secure embassy built for 25% of the
original estimate. But please, just keep on showing your ignorance to all of us here.
Just because you're an idiot doesn't mean everybody is.
Hey 10:34, maybe we just do as your hero Obama suggested.... "Draw a red line in the sand"
DeleteHow'd that work out dopey?
HAHA 5:19
DeleteAnd don't forget Obama's quote....."ISIS IS THE JUNIOR VARSITY OF TERRORISTS"
Ah, the last gasps of polluted air from the Donny cult followers. Your wall is ded. Donny bringing the people of America together, as he promised, da a big lie. Racist a.
DeleteWow, you're starting to sound like 'ol rubber lips Pelosi.
Best news yet, Donny is shutting er down for a year. Hope that means his stupid tweets too.
DeleteHire the Chinese to build it. They built one 13,170 miles long years ago. Now it is a tourist attraction. It is also the longest cemetery known.
ReplyDeleteIt also worked as well as Trump's wall will.
DeleteI like the Chinese design. You can walk along the top of it. Every so often you could have cauldrons burning coal as signal fires. Heck even a Chinese and Mexican restaurant would add character.
DeleteA Tex-Mex restaurant would be better. One side Tex, the other side Mex. The only problem would be passing the salsa...
DeleteEver comment on The walls surrounding Schumer's, rubber lips Pelosi's and Obama's castles?
DeleteOf course you haven't.
How can I? I have no idea what's contained in your twisted imagination!
DeleteWhy just the Mexican border, I think there should be a wall around the whole country. We Vermonters with nothing better to do can start work up near St Albans. Bring your own post hole digger. China can deliver the steel posts. Will need long ones for the lake.
DeleteHey 4.39, up there, mean up yours, Trump's Expert building plan is to give his buddys in the "WALL" construction business 5 billion dollars to pocket. HIS plan from the day he started blabbing to become president.