# # # # News from the Springfield Family Center • March 24, 2010 • The Family Center is looking for volunteers to prepare bag lunches for Lunch at Home during April vacation April 19-23. Volunteers must be at the Center at 7 a.m. and will be finished by 9 each day. Call Diana Gould at 885-3646 ext. 1009 if you can lend a hand. • The Springfield Family Center is so grateful to Shaw's for their ongoing donations of day old items from their bakery. These donations really help to fill out our menus. Thank you also for serving as a food collection site and to the many shoppers that always keep the donation box filled with non-perishable food items. Our food shelf truly benefits. • Stephen & Esta Morse of Mt. Ephraim Farm are already faithfully on board to pick up our kitchen scraps for their pigs. An added bonus for the Center is the dozens of eggs they donate. Thank you! • Thank you Baba `A Louis Bakery for your weekly donations of excess bread and bakery items. Your ongoing help is gratefully appreciated. • The Pizza Stone's donation of pizza dough will open up opportunities for new ways to utilize this product in our menus and food shelf. Thank you. •
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
News from the Springfield Family Center
Bag lunch volunteers needed; Recent food donations
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