Friday, March 26, 2010

Vermont Campaign for Liberty

Attorney Steven J. Howard started his adult life as a socialist but over time made a complete turn around becoming an strong advocate of limited government. At a gathering in Springfield Thursday night, Howard gave a thought provoking presentation including the view that there are actually four branches of government not three.

Howard explained that in the early days of Vermont's history, the average citizen was much more involved with affairs of local and state government then they are today. Citizenship was in effect the fourth branch of government. The Vermont Campaign for Liberty's mission is "dedicated to educating, empowering, and motivating our fellow citizens to reclaim their rightful places as sovereigns over their servants in government."

When Congressman Ron Paul ended his presidential campaign in 2008, instead of keeping 5 million dollars in leftover campaign funds, he made the unusual move of giving it all away to supporters in 50 states to form local grassroots organizations to continue promoting his five core principles of individual liberty, economic freedom, fiscal responsibility, limited constitutional government and non-interventionist foreign policy.

The Vermont chapter is based in Mt. Holly. Steven J. Howard is its Interim State Coordinator. In the discussion that followed his presentation, several made reference to the corrupting influence of power and money on politicians. The personable Howard was asked if he would run for elective office, "No," he said, "because I'm an honest man."

For more information about the Vermont Campaign for Liberty, visit their website at:

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