Thursday, September 30, 2010

Opinion: Concerned about releasing offenders

As a police officer and a resident in a town with more than its share of criminal problems, I have concerns over Peter Shumlin’s plan to release hundreds of “non-violent” offenders back onto our streets.

Which “non-violent” offenders are going to be released? DUI, drug, theft, burglary? There is already a lack of deterrent in Vermont from the criminal justice system. The lack of aggressive prosecution of many crimes coupled with weak sentencing fails to deter many people from criminal activity. In fact, I contend it invites out-of-state criminals to come to Vermont. Now Shumlin wants to put more weakness into our system.

This plan will also burden state and local police. It is state and local police who will be investigating more crimes and probation violations. As for drug and alcohol rehab, I wonder what the success rate will be. A court can order a person into rehab, but until the person is ready to get straight, it will not be successful. Will there be any repercussions to the criminal if they fail rehab?

Lastly, the Bennington Banner notes that Shumlin wants to use the potential savings of $40 million to support his plan of state-funded pre-K. I thought the point was to reduce to budget gap and spending on bloated state government. At the end of the day the savings to the over-burdened Vermont taxpayer is zero. Peter, we need less state spending, Better yet we can elect Brian Dubie.


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