The restored Springfield movie theater, now named Springfield Cinemas 3, had its grand re-opening late Thursday night with a special midnight premiere of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2”. All 150 seats were quickly filled.
Two matinees and two earlier evening showings of the film are scheduled for today and tomorrow and into next week. The latest in digital projection equipment is being used to show this just released summer blockbuster movie in 3D. Other current popular films are being featured in the theater's two other screening rooms. Meanwhile, reconstruction work on the exterior and other parts of the Ellis block building will continue until completion a few weeks from now.
Friday, July 15, 2011
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Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
ReplyDeleteSpringfield is finally on the move! Congratulations on having a plan and making it work. Between this and the Springfield Community Health Care Center, maybe we're heading in the right direction.
ReplyDeletere: "maybe we're heading in the right direction?"
ReplyDeleteUnlikely. Although we now have one less burned out, vacant, derelict, eye sore, It was financed on the backs of taxpayers thru deficit spending. Not exactly the sort of private, equity investment that would attract other business.
The real issue is the nine apartments. These are again designated as low income, subsidized housing. No doubt attracting more cockroaches of the type that burned the theater in the first place. At what point is someone of influence in the community going to take a stand and say, enough is enough. Springfield is terminally infested with parasites and it has to stop NOW!
What about all those people who waited in line then were cut by rude people keeping them out of the movie?? Where was the croud control? If you are going to have a movie premiere you need croud control it was completly un fair to those who waited to be cut off by people who just walked to the front of the line and into the theater. We can't do anything about it in front of children who were very let down and now were shown if you want to get in some where just cut the line. Great lesson for Springfields already troubled youth!
ReplyDeleteAre you anonymous whiners ever going to be happy? Move out if you can find a place to be content. I'm guessing that place doesn't exist.
ReplyDeleteI agree whole heartedly RG!!!
ReplyDeleteTo RG and Anonymous:
ReplyDeletePull your heads and attitudes out of your ass. Perhaps if you ventured outside this town to thriving communities that are not in Vermont, did an actual study of the factors that lead to the decline of communities then you would understand what the "whiners" are saying. I wouldn't expect you to understand because afterall, it is more than likely you were born and raised here therefore never actually experiencing a thriving community. I would also venture it a safe bet that have you ever lived outside this state and community you came back for a reason. Because you were not accepted out in the real world because of your backwoods mentality and attitudes. You were sent back home to Springfield because you couldn't adapt or function within a societal setting with appropriate social rules.
Get this right ok...The people complaining are tired of the local select board passing ordinances, raising taxes and making irresponsible financial decisions, such as replacing equipment just because they want something new, they are tired of being lied to by your school board, select board and the likes and then having it shoved up their nose because they had no choice in the matter. The fact is.. do they have the right to voice their complaints...yup last time I checked the Constitution they sure do. Just as you have that same right to voice your opinion. However, there are two points here. First, you do not have the right to force your thoughts upon others just because you love your crappy town and second what you should understand is the more the welfare train deposits in town, the less voting power you have. How that limits you is that individuals on public assistance or with lower incomes, don't pay taxes. But that does not limit them from voting on issues that their own money does not pay for. Also, when you have the town fathers going into high rise elderly and mentally disabled housing and instructing or influencing those voter how to vote on issues they may not understand in an effort to "help out" their own friends cause. You begin to see a pattern of possible unlawful influence to pass one over on the voters. They are saying that to build a town up, you have to recognize what influences are bringing the town down. The boarded up, vacant buildings are not the problem. Filling them is not the answer. Limiting the businesses that bring in drug dealers, pedophiles, criminals,and unfortunately lower income individuals is the answer to combating the problem.
Vermont is a special place. A lot of us backwoodsmen think so. Perhaps you should go back to the flatlands where everything is so wonderful.
ReplyDeleteBackwoodsman is a perfect term and just about says it all....LOL
ReplyDeleteIf you are so unhappy here, get out. There had to be a reason you came here to begin with. You talk so much about how wonderful other places in the country are, well you chose Springfield. So either quit blaming this town on your "poor" mistake, or get out. Simple. There are so many great things happening in this town, the Theater for one, the new Medical Center, the Parks and Rec. Program for Children, a local pool that all kids can afford, the Ag. Fair, Community Market. I do believe people are trying to make this community a great place to live. And we do not need your negativity any longer.
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of Springfield for pulling it off. The theater's great and they made their deadline.
ReplyDeleteWow, Anons do a lot of talking to themselves.. I just think it is funny that the anonymous people out there like to be mean to those that need assistance. I just hope that circumstances don't happen where they will need to be on state assistance and known as a "cockroach" that they think most of Springfield is. We will see how the high and mighty like it when they get disabled or come down with something that prevents them from working. The tables will turn then.
ReplyDeleteAlso wanted to add that I am sure if these Anons that can't be who they are and run their mouth's about others like this and not say it with a name or face must be real cowardly. I am glad the theater is up and running again.
ReplyDeleteRe: up and running.
ReplyDeleteWhat does up and running cconsist of to you? Do you like T-11 and chain link fence to get you in the "mood" to watch a movie? From the outside looking from the road on the way to work (thats what normal people do) it looks terrible! It looks like a constuction site still. Ohh and they DID NOT make the deadline! Originally it was supposed to be May 1st then it was pushed back to June 1st then it became July 15th, they arent finished still. That is what they call "thrown together"
Well I am one of the anonymous writers. Can I ask a simple question? Why do you need to know who writes these? Does the name really matter or is it so you can harass them locally? Afterall that is how you crossbreeds operate. Second. I don't live in Springfield. Thank GOD. But again I know this must be above your head but guess what? I don't have to live there to have an opinion or to share that opinion. Free speech is an amazing thing. And if I can take every oppourtunity to rub in your face that you are one step above being a second class citizen then I will. I love how none of you address the issues brought forth such as the dishonest people running your town, the unlawful people running your schools, and the moral decline of your community. I guess it goes to show there are two kinds of people the ones that seek a higher value in life and "do" and the ones who "don't" and are happy living from paycheck to paycheck, scratching themselves and expecting the world owes them more. Listen its sheep breeding time run along folks.
ReplyDeleteWow! You are one bitter individual. Judging by the spelling in your two rants, you must be the product of a fine school system yourself.
ReplyDeleteA casual observer cannot help but notice the numerous empty store fronts when driving through down town. It is hard also to not see, at this time of year, at least one if not many, males and females with multiple tattoos smoking cigarettes, walking the street. And these are usually the ONLY people one might see; otherwise the street is empty(and yet they give out parking tickets but that is a story for another time). This hardly makes one want to stop. School graduation just occurred. Very few students manage to attend top tier colleges. Does this matter? Well, an excellent school system tends to attract educated parents who want their children to excel (and they will pay more for their housing etc--witness Hanover,NH). And not only do higher property valuations result in a lower tax rate, but it also increases the quality of life in a town. Springfield spends a ton of money on its school system and appears to get little in return. I think there is a correlation between what some of the above comments touch on, however crudely. As a social service town with a preponderance of services offered, and a much higher than average ratio of "affordable housing" (thank you RACLT), Springfield has a much higher than average low income population--the demographics on the SWWCSWMD Web site support this. And unfortunately, it does not seem to have benefited the town overall. Well, enough for now.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had some answers, but I do not. I am the kind of person Springfield needs to attract--educated with assets---but I rarely go into town. Sorry to remain anonymous.
T11 is temporary. It will look great. The center of town needs business. I wish the owners of the older storefronts would update the spaces The plywood building needs to go as does the house that is next to the bank exit. Those two owners have no pride in the town.
ReplyDeleteI believe the bank exit home owner just won't sell and I've heard the owner of the "plywood building" along the river wants at least 250,000 for his property which is only appraised at around 100,000. The town just can't afford his price so until he dies or suddenly needs money, that eyesore will continue to be a blight on the town of Springfield.
ReplyDeleteVery selfish for both of them. Maybe the town should appraise the buildings at what they want to sell them for.
ReplyDeleteDid someone seriously wish the "death" of a building owner and blame the town's demise on one property? GIVE ME A BREAK !! How dare you Ed Donnelly,,,, Find out the truth and get a hold of your opinions.