Recent activity of the Springfield Police Department.
DEFENDANT: Jana M. Hansen
AGE: 29
VICTIM: Keith Belisle
AGE: 28
CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Jana Hansen allegedly violated her conditions of release by having telephonic contact with the victim in a pending domestic assault case.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
Identity Theft & False Pretenses
Ling C. Wang
AGE: 49
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Wang reportedly passed a counterfeit prescription for a non-regulated prescription medication utilizing a doctor's DEA number and was able to acquire said medication.
Wang was cited to appear in court at a later date.
INCIDENT: Burglary
DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 04-21-12 / 1459 hours
VIOLATION: Burglary (2 counts) , False Information to Law
Enforcement & Possession of stolen property
DEFENDANT: Adam Coronis
AGE: 32
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On April 17, 2012 Adam Coronis was interviewed regarding potential involvement in an out of state burglary. On April 19, 2012 stolen firearms were recovered and an interview was conducted with the subject providing the property. Further interviews were conducted with Coronis' girlfriend during which time further stolen property was recovered. Coronis' apartment in Springfield was later seized as well as his car and a warrant was subsequently pursued. The warrant yielded further stolen property to be recovered. Coronis was again interview and later charged with Burglary, False Information to Law Enforcement and Possession of Stolen Property. Continued investigation and interview again yielded more recovered stolen property. Not all property was recovered in these matters and if anyone believes they may have additional stolen property, Please contact the Springfield Police Department to speak with Ofc. Deslauriers or Detective Call at 802-885-2113.
Coronis was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of $20,000 cash or surety.
Arrest on Warrant
Nichole M. Aldrich AGE: 23
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Aldrich contacted the Springfield Police Department to file a complaint and was found to have an active arrest warrant for failing to appear for a court proceeding. She was arrested after her complaint was investigated.
LODGED AT: Southern State Correctional Facility
BAIL: $250
ACTIVITY ALERT: Residents are advised that one of the new brazen acts taking place in the area is for subject(s) to run up on lawns and porches and steal or attempt to steal metal lawn ornaments and various metal decorations (including a hay rake or similar piece of antique farm equipment). They have been as industrious as to enter into a porch and started removing items out to the lawn when they had the misfortune to grab something quite heavier than they expected, dropped it causing a loud crash, which sent them running. This has been occurring in daylight and wee hours of the morning. If you see or hear anything unusual, please contact the PD immediately. Any identifying information is always a big help. Look and listen for things like loud mufflers, cab lights, license plates (when daylight), direction of travel, any other unique identifying features (bumpers/rollbars, etc.).
04-20-12 / 2329
#1) Assault and Robbery
#2) Burglary of Occupied Dwelling
#3) Fugitive From Justice
#4) Petit Larceny
Daniel Cummins AGE: 23
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 04-06-12 officers were dispatched to a assault that had occurred at 21 Northfield Drive in North Springfield. The investigation determined that Daniel Cummins had allegedly entered the victim's residence without permission and stole a laptop computer from the victims grasp. When the victim attempted to retrieve the computer back from Daniel, he allegedly struck the victim causing minor injuries and left the scene. Following Daniels arrest it was found he was currently wanted out of the State of Massachusettes for violating his probation on similar crimes in their state.
Lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield
Bail: $200,000.00 cash/surety
DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 04-16-12 / 1000 hours
VIOLATION: Home Improvement Fraud
DEFENDANT: Donald Clark
AGE: 38
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: In 2011 local Springfield residents entered into a contract to have an area of their home repaired. Money was provided upfront to have the work begin which never occurred. A complaint was later filed with the Springfield Police Department and after a period of time Donald Clark of DC Contracting was located and subsequently issued a criminal citation to appear in Vermont Superior Court, Criminal Division, Windsor Circuit for the offense of Home Improvement Fraud.
INCIDENT: Retail Theft and Warrant
DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 02/09/2012 / 1700
Warrant and Retail Theft
Stephanie Groshens
AGE: 28
133 Baltimore Road, Springfield, VT
VICTIM: Family Dollar
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On February 9, 2012 officers from the Springfield PD responded to the Family Dollar for the report of a woman leaving the store without paying for the merchandise stuffed in her purse. The subject was located in her car on RT 106. The item described by the manager from the Family Dollar was located in the vehicle, and no proof could be given by the suspect, who was identified as Stephanie Groshens. It was found that Groshens had an active warrant for her arrest, for Retail Theft. She was subsequently arrested on the warrant and transported to the Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of bail. She was later cited into court for the Retail Theft.
Source: Springfield Police Department
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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