Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Police: Suspected gang member assaults shooting witness

An alleged member of the “Satan’s Disciples” street gang was in court Monday after police said he hospitalized a key witness to a shooting that took place earlier this month in downtown Springfield.


  1. And the beat goes on...

    1. Lord of the rings7/31/12, 9:28 AM


      Vermont tough farmers would pick their teeth clean with the bones of Santa's disciples.

      /Merry Christmas

    2. Nope no problems in Springfield with gangs. Just think if there were! Maybe Wendy can sit with the town leaders and figure out an action plan so these "youngsters" can see their wrongs and how it hurts the town and their parents. I'll give the police some credit here but still a long way to go.

    3. So where do these "youngsters" live when not in prison?

    4. Aethelred the Unready7/31/12, 1:41 PM

      Exactly what would you give the police credit for? Arresting someone who beat somebody up so bad that they went to the hospital, where the hospital probably called the authorities? Or, for the protection they afford witnesses? Or, for monitoring out of state gang members moving to the area?

    5. William James8/10/12, 5:24 PM

      So Alpin, the word is that the Selectboard has been forced to hold its meeting on Monday the 13th at the High School Cafeteria because the citizens are once again going to demand action. What odds are you giving that the Board Chairman blows them off again?

    6. Now why would they do that again. Don't they know that the Chairman of the Selectboard just wanted them to have a chance to vent and then go away. If he had wanted them to go back he would have set it as an agenda item. You people just don't understand, this is taking away from really important stuff like approving the payment of bills, discussing the evils of the public employee union contract, and discussing a medical marijuana dispensary. If they keep this up, its going to upset the agricultural market we have in Town and all because a couple young men were having a friendly brawl over their club membership. What is happening here you are disrupting a well organized and designed system to preserve the status quo, and the beauty and reality of this fine community.

  2. Un amigo del amigo7/31/12, 9:52 AM

    yo. do we need to call the Latin Kings for y'all ???

    peace out

    1. that sd nigga2/19/17, 4:16 PM

      amor de rey can suck on my amor balls sue eto you punk bitch e rum vt

  3. Rude and Off Topic7/31/12, 9:57 AM

    What is most pathetic is how this SMALL STORY even makes the newspaper and this blogspot...

    Do you folks have a life ???

    Here is an idea......

    Go to the next year's School Budget and FOCUS.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. yeah !!!!!!!!


      Sounds like they are demanding a better education !!!

    3. And you would focus on the School Budget? as opposed to focusing on the do nothing Town Board and Town Manager?

    4. Ethan McNaughton7/31/12, 2:16 PM

      Small story? How much bigger do you want the problem to be than one where gang members are inflicting violence on others who refuse to join them?

      I encourage everyone who wants to see this problem addressed to come to the Selectboard meeting on August 13th at 7:00 P.M. at the town offices on the second floor.

    5. educational approach7/31/12, 2:56 PM

      what is this problem again ?

      oh yeah.... go back to next years school budget and focus.

    6. Aethelred the Unready7/31/12, 4:01 PM

      Well we may have an educational issue, but the age groups involved here are a bit beyond the age jurisdiction of the School System. HCRS seems to be doing a cracker jack job with their rehabilitation education courses...oh that's right the primary concept there is to rake in money for HCRS. This makes the private college racket that NPR was discussing today seem like kids play.

    7. All Criminals and Substance abusers cannot be rehabilitated; it is just reality. Not everyone is seeking help and those who are forced into it, do not benefit since they do not want to be there anyway. Just doing what is needed to stay out of jail-

    8. Aethelred the Unready8/1/12, 12:21 PM

      So you are saying that requiring all of these courses from HCRS is basically a racket, and that the people who are going to stay out of jail are going to do what they need to stay out of jail anyway, and those who aren't well are going to wind up back in jail anyway? What a novel idea, best keep it to yourself as we don't want to upset the system we have in place which is helping create vested interest support for ongoing prohibition.

    9. Well I am back from enlightening the British on their organizational skills and sharing my insight into Arab culture with my wealthy Hebrew friends in Israel, so now I have a little time to spend blessing you with my understanding of market theory and its impact on these matters. You see its important that we keep marijuana illegal for a variety of economic reasons. The stuff grows like weeds, I guess that is why people call it that. If we legalized it, that would destroy its street value and would therefore destroy the market and livelihood of a considerable number of Americans. By keeping it illegal we create an economic niche for many people including Vermonters. Also by keeping it illegal we are using the market to help promote and prop up the liquor industry since those who do not want to risk prosecution, etc. utilize this drug instead. In addition, the pharmeceutical companies have figured out to synthesize much of the medicinal qualities of marijuana so we are helping to support this legitimate industry and making the drug available to pediatricians and other physicians who recognize its potential and are prescribing it on a lawful regulated basis already -- it would be terrible to eliminate this by allowing people to just grow it themselves, where is the economic gain in that. Plus look at all of the wonderful tax deductions we have generated for people to support charitable foundations dedicated to convincing people that using marijuana is really bad for you (I realize that is primarily because of the criminal record you could generate, but still). So you see this is something that we all need to get behind and support, a perpetual war on drugs.

    10. I don't usually support libertarian arguments, but I do support the libertarian position which calls for legalization of marijuana. Although I understand exactly what Mittens is saying, or at least what I believe he is trying to say through sarcasm. The truth is that Drs. including Pediatricians are lawfully prescribing a synthetic form of the active chemical in marijuana as a best practice pain reliever. So the concept that there is no medical use for marijuana is pure fiction. But, in my mind that isn't the best case for legalization -- there seems to be this notion that if something makes you feel artificially good or relaxed that it is therefore evil if it comes in the form of something you inhale or otherwise partake. The question I wonder about is if that doesn't cause you to go out and be violent, and beat somebody up...then why is it illegal? If there are bad side effects to these drugs -- which I am far from being convinced that marijuana presents anywhere near the danger that alcohol and cigarettes present -- then why aren't we researching how to eliminate the bad side effects rather than just banning them. Is it really that evil if a person comes home from work and wants to kick back with a joint as opposed to a beer? Is it really that evil if someone wants to sit with a bunch of friends and pass a pipe and listen to music, rather than go down to the local bar and drink? I mean I don't do either or any of this stuff, but I don't understand it being illegal to do it? And I would certainly advise a person not to do it until it was legal, but if a law doesn't make sense it should be repealed. And this law makes no sense as far as I can see, and it is doing a lot of damage to our socieity because the law exists and resulting in the expenditure of public funds that would be better devoted elsewhere. And as Mittens points out, it has created an artificial market with economic consequences that we really don't need right now. So isn't it time to say, enough with the do gooders -- let's legalize the marijuana -- so that criminals and substance abusers don't continue to be conjoined phrases.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Isn't the police chief on record as saying there is not a gang problem in Springfield?

    1. Aethelred the Unready7/31/12, 1:43 PM

      As far as the police chief is concerned we probably don't have problems on Union Street either, just give him some more radar guns thank you.

    2. Yup pretty sure we were told two years ago that there WAS NOT a gang problem or safety concerns. Low and behold a computer (that the taxpayers funded) shows up in someones house! Really? Was said computer even reported missing or stolen from the school? I dont remember hearing about any breakin at the middle school..further I thought those computers were under lock and key and only used in a classroom where they couldnt be taken out. I guess I shouldn't assume. Maybe it was a staff computer!

      None the less what exactly is the town doing with our tax money to keep the town safe from this type of influence.

    3. Aethelred the Unready7/31/12, 4:05 PM

      I assume the operative question here is what is the Town Selectboard and the Town Manager doing? As we know what the Police Chief is doing. Quite frankly, we cannot expect the police to get this completely under control, the Town Selectboard and Town Manager are going to have to get active for a change and start figuring out what type of nuisance abatement suits they can bring to force the violent riff raff out of Town along with the slumlords that rent to them.

  5. Previous DUI from earlier this month:

    DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 07-13-12 / 0254
    1) Driving Under the Influence
    2) Grossly Negligent Operation of Vehicle
    3) False Info to Law Enforcement Officer
    4) Unlawful Mischief

    DEFENDANT Dennis Allen Jr.
    AGE: 28
    TOWN OF RESIDENCE: Springfield, VT

    SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Dennis was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol after he had been previously warned not to drive due to his intoxication level by the arresting officer. As the officer was attempting to make the traffic stop it was noted that the vehicle Dennis was operating was traveling down Park Street hill at approximately 50 miles per hour in the posted 25 mile per hour speed zone which based off the circumstances would constitute gross negligent operation. Dennis also provided misleading statements to the officer and later caused damage to the door of the holding cell he was being detained in at the Springfield Police Department.


    COURT ACTION: Lodging
    COURT: Windsor County Criminal
    COURT DATE: 07-13-12
    LODGED AT: Southern State Correctional Facility
    BAIL: $2500.00 cash/surety

    1. well well well...our justice system hard at work! I really urge residents to contact their stae representatives and let them know what is happening in our town, our lack of leadership and that we feel the taxpayers have been bilked by the town for services that obviously are not being done. Ask for a formal inquiry and action on behalf of the state. This is just crazy! Why are the courts, the state and the system letting these people walk? Shouldn't they have known this guy was a felon?

    2. Aethelred the Unready7/31/12, 4:08 PM

      Are you sure that Alice and Cynthia know where Springfield is located, oh yeah seems they show up for photo ops and to knock on doors every two years right about this time I would guess. It would be nice if they would actually spend some time really representing us and holding the State's feet to the fire to the extent of its culpability here.

    3. Alice and Cynthia? Oh you mean those sweet gals we send up to Montpelier, they are kind of like Britain's queen you know. Their function is purely ornamental, did you think that they might actually do something? No, no that isn't their job, their job is to babble vacuously and I might add they do a splendid job of that.

  6. Hammond Smith7/31/12, 4:12 PM

    I don't understand, the police officer had seen the guy intoxicated before he started driving the car and told him not to drive?

    1. What is so hard to understand. They are expected to use their police cruisers to protect us from speeders and that is exactly what the officer did. Did you expect him to like prevent the guy from driving? What silly ideas you guys get. Now go toddle off and do your homework or something.

    2. Public intoxication is still a crime, maybe the officer was afraid of Dennis......

    3. Public intoxication is not a crime in VT.

    4. Aethelred the Unready8/1/12, 12:23 PM

      But speeding, DWI, and possession of small amounts of marijuana are so yeehaw go get em police.

    5. He acualy talked to him in his car wile he was laying down trying to de-toxifie and sleep the cop woke him up n said mr.allen i sure n hell hope you arent thinking of driving that car of yours now are you

  7. This issue is the "shots heard throughout the town". The problems are THERE. The issues DO EXIST. This may not just be about this ONE incident but A MUCH BIGGER ISSUE. Please, this blog is now moderated. It will not get THE TRUTH out. I encourage people to get angry. I was proud to watch fellow Springfield'ers stand up and SAY SOMETHING at the last Selectboard meeting and it should continue until WE GET THIS TOWN BACK. FOR REAL AND ON ALL LEVELS.

    1. I didn't hear any shots, you are exaggerating. They were just having a friendly little brawl over which boys club they should join. Clubs are important you know to keeping things in line. We used to have this other club, except it wasn't called a club it was more like a german spelling of those things the Scots had. We used to have a lot of fun back then, before all the liberals and progressives came along and got all politically correct on us and stuff. But I am sure my boys down at the the Department will soon have this all back to normal. Why I am sure that the Town Manager will have a full explanation about the hallucinations that people have been having of late and the non-existence of any problems. Only problem we have here is too high taxes and too big of a government. Just need a few more HCRS courses and perhaps some Bible reading classes and it will straighten all of everybodies' fears out. Some people keep saying the Police Chief has rocks for brains, but not me...he is like the Rock of Ages a bulwark against the Storm.

    2. I was in da crib when dat hit da fan

  8. quien es este hombre ?

    1. Now son, learn to speak English or go back across the border. If English was good enough for the Bible, it is good enough for me. So now you just quit speaking heathen.

    2. You do know The Bible was translated... Not written in English... Just making sure. I know you're writing in character, but... This is so stupid.

    3. chuck gregory8/1/12, 12:40 PM

      Boss Hogg is the absolute master of the ironic, Anonymous! Just appreciate it.

    4. quien es Chuck Grgory ??

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. ah, si.

      Boss Hogg es un amoig de Hugo.

  9. Okay then, if this is what happens when a concerned citizen steps up to report a crime or to give a witness statement, just how many more citizens do you think will be willing to put themselves in the line of fire? Another example of the sterling protection provided by SPD - just saying.

    1. Well we talked that over at the Donut Shop and what we thought we would do was expand that question that was asked at the last Selectboard, by our esteemed colleague who asked all residents of Union Street to please put a target on their backs -- I mean raise their hands. So what we thought we would do this time is ask all the witnesses in attendance to please stand up so that the TV camera can memorialize their images for the viewers pleasure.

    2. Splfd pd is what causes all this, They verbally abuse and harass citizens that they knw by name all I'v got ta say is eff tony,scarface,fatty and all the rest of spfld pd

  10. Boss Hog - You Crack Me Up !! However, your comments remind of the REALITY we live in this town called Springfield, VT. A town PROUD to be the town of the Simpsons, not because anyone "proud" of this has ever watched and understood the Simpson's powerful writings and use of language. But because, ultimately living and dealing in this town is EXACTLY like living your life in a real life SIMPSONS EPISODE. The realities are very similiar in both worlds.

    Want to know the truth about SPRINGFIELD, VT USA - Without being edited, read this....


    All of it is REAL - just as Boss Hogg "jokes" about. Only his "jokes" are getting through and what he speaks is the TRUTH of what is going TODAY. Get mad, rise up, don't let them beat you down. BE PROUD (once again). Everyone will feel it and the energy will begin to shift.

  11. Not a damn thing will change- I used to say nothing would change in Springfield until somebody was killed, however, I don't think even a murder would change the way the town officals and the residents react. Everyone will love the gossip and talking about it as if they are involved in their towns politics and then it gets to be old news and residents fall by the wayside. Look at the school issues...tons of people were up in arms and were voicing their concerns and going to school board meetings...Suffice it to say that they havent returned to a single school board meeting since. (most of them) It is the same with the select board meetings. The residents lack the common sense to realize that the leaders of the town know that with time the people disputing and questioning will disappear and go away until the next drama. Until the residents commit to being involved with their neighborhood and community, and that commitment means time out of their daily lives to go to meetings and becoming involved..well then until that point you will have exactly what you have- a drug riddled, crime infested crumbling closed down failing town where your tax base is so high NOBODY will want to move or buy property or raise a family. SORYY GUYS just speaking the truth.

    1. Yup, just the way I like it. Was solidly opposed to that idea of rebuilding and rehabbing the new theatre. It would have been so much more symbolic to have had that burned out hulk sitting there in the middle of the old downtown. People just don't understand the type of community aesthetics we are trying to achieve here. But don't you worry, I am out there foursquare working to convince people that all these community improvement projects are just a waste of taxpayer money. I think that I am going to be successful in talking those young whippersnappers who keeping yelping at the Selectboard to give up so we can appreciate the slow decay of the various buildings that are vacant in Town. Its all these progressive art lovers in Town that are getting everybody all cranky.

  12. It is really sad to see how Springfield has gone downhill. Driving through town all you see is run down buildings, young people walking the streets pushing baby carriages or hanging out on the street corners (and you know their not from Springfield) Landlords renting to these scumbags, how about a background check first and actually require them to have a full time job.

    1. Yeah, and then they went and renovated the old Gear Shaper plant and just destroyed the aesthetic we had going here. But don't you worry, we will have plenty of people out criticizing that little aberration before anybody does anything else to destroy the former mill town down on its luck ambience that we all so dearly love to wallow in self-pity about...oh wait, I mean the wonderful past that we should always keep in remembrance and yearn for.

    2. single and available8/1/12, 8:25 AM

      It is actually nice to see attractive young women in town.
      Please don't send them away because your to old to have game...

    3. No more gangs Downtown, not enough room for are own non profits8/1/12, 8:49 AM

      yeah you can't rent an apartment unless you have a full time job.....

      That is such a great idea.. I am going to call the president.

      If he get wind of this idea... He is sure to win the re-election.

      God Bless America, and those who think Springfield is leading Vermont which is Leading the Union.

      BlAhahahaha...... lol

      how about a back ground check for Town Employees...

    4. How disgusting. Why aren't more of you being born again, of the water and washed in the blood as the song says. Well, some of you are getting washed in blood, but that is not what I meant. You need to keep those wandering eyes on the sidewalk. My honey and I were just discussing the other day as we sat outside the senior apartments downtown about what a problem all these indolent creatures are that walk around town. They really should get cars so the police could monitor them, when they aren't driving that presents a problem. They could at least go hang out in all of the many parks that we have in Town which have playgrounds for their children and plenty of benches to sit on.

  13. It is time to start tearing down the subsidized housing in Springfield. It is the only way to get these bums out of town.

    1. Yes that's the spirit, let's start tearing down the subsidized housing! What we need is more privatized, private housing like that wonderful set of houses across the street from the Union Street elementary school. I was just telling a friend the other day, that what we needed was to rip up the subsidized housing--as I was looking at the fine residents of those apartments in Woolson block. That would certainly quiet things down, like those nice quiet private apartments there by Comtu falls. Really sociable people there by the old kindle bowling ally, they support a lot of those wonderful men's clubs with their fancy wearing apparel. But if can devote a lot of attention to tearing down the subsidized housing, then the real estate entrepeneurs can put in some private spots like on Union Street. I suppose we should leave the Senior housing standing though, execpt hate to have all those old socialists in Town.

    2. single male 22, no criminal record8/1/12, 8:31 AM

      Me and my wing man went to the Greet Hall...

      The only single women we saw there had already one through menopause...

      I saw a woman from the bowling alley wearing a bikini!!! And I am glad she wasn't from around here.

    3. Tattoo on my Whale Bone8/1/12, 8:38 AM


    4. My daughter hasn't gone through menopause yet, and she would love to meet a single male of your age without a criminal record. They are so hard to find these days. She has lovely children some of whom are enrolled in that school for specially behaviorally gifted called Gateway, and she is bringing up the younger ones via homeschooling in order to make sure they qualify for that school as well. Keeping them away from that noxious progressive stuff like birth control and such, she is a real natural woman. Did I tell you how she has slimmed down to a very curvacious 250 lbs., course she does have to take her shoes off to get it down that low. But barefoot and... well you know she would love to meet a single male that wasn't a parolee. She doesn't get into bikinis though, cause the bottom part kind of disappears you know on her. But there is a lot to love there.

  14. I want to thank the Springfield Police for reclaiming School property, and for catching these gang members who think they can move there crime operations into Springfield. We need to let these gang members know they are not welcome here.

    1. I agree, but the police are a little late to the game here. Residents have been complaining of gang activity for years now. Let's hope this trend continues, but I have my doubts.

    2. I especially want to thank those fine Policemen working in the ER at the hospital for coming to the rescue of that young man who got his face punched in. Why my honey and I were just thinking the other day that if the Town could have the police take just a little amount of their time out from keeping these pesky speeders under control to spend up at the hospital as the brawlers stagger in wounded that we could really get to the bottom of all this violence stuff in Town and identify the people involved. You know it is really hard to pick them out they blend in so well, but if we interview the walking wounded I bet they can identify them. Its really a shame that all these progressives and socialists keep complaining about the Town Selectboard not doing anything, they just don't understand the role of the hospital in sorting out such stuff. They are just too busy clamoring for subsidized housing and don't understand what an important role that slumlords...I mean real estate entrepeneurs, play in our free market economy. Next thing they will demand is that the Town start helping to clean up Union Street and Park Street when we all know that it is high taxes that is the problem and all this welfare stuff. Why my honey and I were saying how awful that is as we went to cash our Social Security check, all this welfare stuff just creates social dependency when these people could just get by until they are eligible for Medicare. But not me, give me liberty or give me death, that is what I always said.

    3. EyeSpot fiction8/1/12, 9:23 AM

      I like Julian's character the best

  15. When two world's collide... Get Jiggy With It

    Make a change. Use the Force.

    In the words of our all mighty Poet SNOOP LION

    "It's so tragic that people are doing stupid things with guns," ( he said ).

    Can you hear it knocking ?? The future is at your door.

    My man also said....

    "Reggae was calling ... it's a breath of fresh air," he said. "Rap isn't challenging; it's not appealing."

    How about YOU lead the UNION.....

    Our messiah also said
    "It feels like I'm 19 or 20 years old again," he said.

    Feel young again. Be healthy. Share with your neighbor.
    and smile.

    1. Aethelred the Unready8/1/12, 12:25 PM

      Okay, yeah and they thought my generation was wigged out.

    2. street rapper in the house of the lord8/1/12, 1:04 PM

      Snoop Doggy Dog changed his name to Snoop Lion..

      you are not to old to know Snoop Dog.


    3. Do you mean Scoobie Doo?

  16. Why this is nothing that a little more mnney in the school budget and more recreation centers can't solve! These two bromides have consistently been "sold" to Springfielders as the cures to all its ills...

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Nun of dees playas could hang with the West Staines Massif....Booyakasha!

    1. que es booyakasha?

    2. For real? Is you on crack or somethin?

  18. no senior,

    lo tienes "crack" por mi ?
    no me gustalo.

    que es booyakasha. booyakasha. booyakasha. ???

  19. Is there a way to limit the character use on here? It used to be funny, but still informative. It's just over the top now... Or, you should publish a book with the comments from this blog and make millions, Ed.

    1. CHARACTER 5828/1/12, 10:10 PM



    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Abigail Fletcher8/1/12, 11:43 PM

      Pleaseee limit the characters
      Been trying to keep informd
      on locla matters
      I depend on this and Fox news
      to tell me what to think
      and with all the multiple persons
      I think I need a shrink

    4. Intimidated and Limited8/2/12, 6:51 AM

      We are limited...

      HaHaHA !!!!

      All of us are LIMITED !!!


    5. No, please don't eliminate the characters, the humor on his is spectacular and paints the town of Springfield in such a better light than the police facebook page. My guess is people understand that a lot of the comments on here are satire where as the police facebook page posts are posts by real idiots confirming their identities.

    6. Hammond Smith8/2/12, 7:19 AM

      How would you go about limiting the characters? Would you eliminate the parodies and satire characters, the sarcastic characters, the insulting characters, the bilingually challenged characters? Just curious?

    7. biased bases8/2/12, 7:43 AM

      What are you racist ????

      Have you ever even been to Springfield ??

      Stop picking on my SHS education...

      Just because I'm not bilinguall and have no sense of sarcasm and don't know how to change a perogie into an insult.
      Go sit on your own tire..... satire. How rude !

      Thank you Hammond Smith for aiding the handicapped.

    8. It's usually funny... I say publish a book, sh*# Anonymous says."

  20. well HELLO??? the cops or the newpapar released the name of people whom came forward and spoke up, did they think those people weren't gonna get hurt

    1. ouch... All of the good people made the list ???

      liability? witness protection?

      Down right demonstration of not understanding the reality around them ?

      or purposeful plot of an evil mind ?

      Class action law suit to end this mess... The papers and the politicians are one.

      Let's pick a new lot to run this place.

      New rule... no evil people.

      You were hired to run this Town

      We said run... Run... RUN.... not ruin..

  21. Moderator Milton8/2/12, 10:19 AM

    We have decided that being polite and staying on topic was difficult enough for everebody. We are going to continue to allow the use of characters including anonymous.

    Further since everyones IP and ISP are identified and tracked we have decided that we will be considering offering royalties to each and every individual character.

    It is suggested that you take your Vermont Photo ID and a list of all your pen names and alliases to the next selectboard meeting so that we can start a plan to get more characters written by actual residents.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Mr. D. Allen Jr.'s facebook post from July 11th, 2012.
    You can't say the man doesn't make good on his words.

    1. quien es este hombre ?

    2. él es el hombre que está en problemas.

    3. I wonder if that will be used in court, by the way July 10th looked like the post you were trying to descibe. OK I need to go and lay down after trying to read some of the posts. What is that ebonics on FB??

  24. So, if his facebook posts should teach you anything, it should teach you how to respek everyone. So, to all you lot reading this, but mainly to the normal people, respek. West side.

    1. respect for the concealed carry gun laws maybe


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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