Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Draft air permit issued for biomass project

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has issued a draft air pollution control permit for the construction of a biomass plant in North Springfield.


  1. Phew! Proponents of the plant are breathing easier now! Or has this really knocked the wind out of the Biomass opposition?

    1. Hardly--it made it clear that the developers having no solid plans for traffic managment, road development, procurement that adhears to sustainable harvesting, the heat loop-they lay pipes only and someone else to do the rest and 3K to hook up. It's clear it is not efficient--35% they said. Who would by an appliance 35 % efficeint. Theirwood stove program is a joke --please they are going to save us while polluting us with about 100 times more pollutants. PLEASE we may wear plaid shirts but we did not fall off the turnup truck--hey did you notice they ALL wore plaid too--WHAT PR!!!

    2. Why the need for an amendment? Why didn't their engineers know about the lack of water before filing the first application? It is public record. What else don't they know? Are the town fathers doing their own planning--you can't count on these developers.

  2. John Bon Fire8/16/12, 7:30 AM

    ANR = Arian Nazi Reserves

  3. We are supposed to be stupid enough to buy this crap but the Flouride isn't working !!!

    Good thing they can burn the bodies in the same plant...

    Yeah that is right.......

    Biomass. Get it ?

    1. very slick. Why the need for an Attorney if its all on the up and up. Notice how they had to confer with her before speaking the "truth"

  4. Calm down now and take a deep breath...

    1. That is what they said before they sent 'em to the showers.

    2. Ooooooooo, scarey! And stupid!

    3. Don't breathe to deeply though, or you'll get a lungful of biomass pollution.

  5. Open Letter to the young mother who attended the meeting
    at the Springfield High School tonight about the proposed
    BIOMASS plant where the plant officials admitted that the
    plant would be less than 50% efficient, which means it will
    polute the area with air pollution.

    The mother of two children with asthma lives on Church St.
    in Springfield near the proposed Biomass plant, and
    she needs this: (everyone in that neighborhood needs this!)

    This is something anyone can do, and the EPA is required
    to PUBLISH their response in the Federal Register!

    If you have any questions, e-mail me, I've done a citizen petition
    before and the EPA did respond with a published opinion
    in the Federal Register. This is a good thing to do.
    Cris Ericson


    15 USC Sec. 2620 01/03/2012 (112-90)






    Sec. 2620. Citizens' petitions


    (a) In general

    Any person may petition the Administrator of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. to initiate a
    proceeding for the issuance of a rule
    (such as requesting
    a rule be issued that no BIOMASS plants can be built
    in a residential neighborhood) ,
    amendment, or repeal of a rule under
    section 2603, 2605, or 2607 of this title or an order under section

    2604(e) or 2605(b)(2) of this title.

    (b) Procedures

    (1) Such petition shall be filed in the principal office of the

    Administrator of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C.
    (EPA) and shall set forth the facts which it is claimed

    establish that it is necessary to issue, amend, or repeal a rule

    under section 2603, 2605, or 2607 of this title or an order under

    section 2604(e), 2605(b)(1)(A), or 2605(b)(1)(B) of this title.

    (2) The Administrator may hold a public hearing or may conduct

    such investigation or proceeding as the Administrator deems

    appropriate in order to determine whether or not such petition

    should be granted.

    (3) Within 90 days after filing of a petition described in

    paragraph (1), the Administrator shall either grant or deny the

    petition. If the Administrator grants such petition, the

    Administrator shall promptly commence an appropriate proceeding in

    accordance with section 2603, 2604, 2605, or 2607 of this title. If

    the Administrator denies such petition, the Administrator shall

    publish in the Federal Register the Administrator's reasons for

    such denial.

    (4)(A) If the Administrator denies a petition filed under this

    section (or if the Administrator fails to grant or deny such

    petition within the 90-day period) the petitioner may commence a

    civil action in a district court of the United States to compel the

    Administrator to initiate a rulemaking proceeding as requested in

    the petition. Any such action shall be filed within 60 days after

    the Administrator's denial of the petition or, if the Administrator

    fails to grant or deny the petition within 90 days after filing the

    petition, within 60 days after the expiration of the 90-day period.
    click to Search the U.S. Code
    15 USC Section 2620

  6. PS!
    ps. here is the address the young mother should file her citizen
    petition to: Administrator Lisa P. Jackson,
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Ariel Rios Building
    1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20460

    Open Letter to the young mother who attended the meeting
    at the Springfield High School tonight about the proposed
    BIOMASS plant where the plant officials admitted that the
    plant would be less than 40% efficient, which means it will
    pollute the area with air pollution.

    The mother of two children with asthma lives on Church St.
    in Springfield near the proposed Biomass plant, and
    s he needs this: (everyone in that neighborhood needs this!)

    This is something anyone can do, and the EPA is required
    to PUBLISH their response in the Federal Register!

    If you have any questions, e-mail me, I've done a citizen petition
    before and the EPA did respond with a published opinion
    in the Federal Register. This is a good thing to do.
    Cris Ericson


    15 USC Sec. 2620 01/03/2012 (112-90)






    Sec. 2620. Citizens' petitions


    (a) In general

    Any person may petition the Administrator of the Federal EPA
    to initiate a
    proceeding for the issuance of a rule
    (such as requesting
    a rule be issued that no BIOMASS plants can be built
    in a residential neighborhood) ,
    amendment, or repeal of a rule under
    section 2603, 2605, or 2607 of this title or an order under section

    2604(e) or 2605(b)(2) of this title.

    (b) Procedures

    (1) Such petition shall be filed in the principal office of the Federal
    Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
    (EPA) and shall set forth the facts which it is claimed

    establish that it is necessary to issue, amend, or repeal a rule

    under section 2603, 2605, or 2607 of this title or an order under

    section 2604(e), 2605(b)(1)(A), or 2605(b)(1)(B) of this title.

    (2) The Administrator may hold a public hearing or may conduct

    such investigation or proceeding as the Administrator deems

    appropriate in order to determine whether or not such petition

    should be granted.

    (3) Within 90 days after filing of a petition described in

    paragraph (1), the Administrator shall either grant or deny the

    petition. If the Administrator grants such petition, the

    Administrator shall promptly commence an appropriate proceeding in

    accordance with section 2603, 2604, 2605, or 2607 of this title. If

    the Administrator denies such petition, the Administrator shall

    publish in the Federal Register the Administrator's reasons for

    such denial.
    Click to Search the U.S. Code, and then
    you only need to fill in the boxes for Title 15 Section 2620, and click.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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