Thursday, August 16, 2012

Police and Select Board Respond To Outcry

In the wake of last month’s Springfield Select Board meeting, where close to 100 citizens attended to express concern over a violent incident in the downtown, Springfield Police and the Select Board have taken new actions over the last month aimed at curbing the drug and gang related violence problems in Springfield.


  1. Clueless chatter as usual. Alice needs to go plain and simple. She helped create these problems along with Shumlin. She is head of the Corrections committee who have worked with Shumlin to release inmates early. Every step leads to a lined pocket somewhere in this town. I am so tired of it!

    1. Aethelred the Unready8/16/12, 1:00 PM

      Disagree it appears that the Selectboard was responding to a resolution that Peter MacGilvary referred during the meeting. I don't think the article quite got the discussion regarding landlords quite right. I believe what the board did was authorize putting specific landlords who had tenants who were arrested for drug or firearms on notice of the law which provides for criminal penalties. What several speakers also urged the board to do was investigate nuisance lawsuits with the Town Attorney. The nuisance lawsuits are the ones which have a lower level of evidence required and are not encumbered with some of the preconditions that apply to criminal lawsuits. I believe that was what they were trying to drive home to the boardmembers, but I could be wrong it was a little difficult to hear in there. Plus, it is my understanding that the two merchants have in fact responded by removing the offending merchandise from their shelves. The article says that the Selectboard has been meeting on a weekly basis, I don't see how that could possibly be true or accurate. It looked more to me like the Selectboard Chair and perhaps the Town Manager had been meeting with the Police Chief on a weekly basis and was trying to avoid having Selectboard members like MacGilvary introduce the resolution for passage -- but I could be wrong on that. Its not always clear when the Chairman uses the word Selectboard whether he is talking about the Selectboard or himself, as he seems at times to think that he is the Selectboard -- but that is just the view of a spectator observing from the outside.

    2. Friend of Springfield8/16/12, 1:49 PM

      @ Axlerod...

      It is too bad the body of knowledge your intelect revolves around is so "inside the system"

      you only muddy the water and seem to offer zero real alternative while perpetuating the problem.

    3. Aethelred or Axlerod or whatever your name is, you are muddying the water with details. It is much better to keep the populace confused that way we won't get bothered with these pesky nuisance suits that the Selectboard could bring and we can safely bump the case up to the State Attorney for inaction instead. Those young whippersnappers at the meeting, well a couple didn't look too young, are going to disrupt the system. You see we have all of these not for profits who do an exceedingly good job of talking things to death, so if we can just refer this to their committees and forums then the Town can avoid investing any money into disrupting the status quo. If they succeed in talking the Selectboard into actually doing something it would disrupt the black market and then what would that do to all of these agencies which survive because we have all these substances being sold in the community, well it would just be terrible look at all the unemployed persons that would generate. Its a darn good thing that that Mr. Chuck Gregory changed his position on marijuana at the meeting as well, at least I think he changed his position -- it was a bit confusing as he stated both the grounds for decriminalizing marijuana and criminalizing marijuana, but at the very least he got everyone sufficiently confused that nobody paid further attention to him. Not that it takes too much to get Mr. Knoras confused. And I think the Chairman deserves a lot of credit, why he became a one man Selectboard and therefore avoided the need to even consider passing the proposed resolution that Mr. MacGilvary had in front of him. Course everything they did do came from that nasty resolution, but at least he managed to preserve the notion that the Selectboard never acts on anything at board meetings unless they absolutely have to. I especially like it when that young man explained to them that somebody was using the Park Street School playground for drugtrafficking after dark -- they asked him to tell them precisely when after dark it was going to be used for that. Very efficient, you see that way the Chief of Police could work into his schedule when to go do surveilance at Park Street. It also cut down on the paperwork since the drugtraffickers would be sure not to be there at whatever time was announced, its a very clever Chief of Police we have there. Course the meeting sort of morphed into a prolonged advertising session for the not for profits to sign up people to come to their T group sessions, I mean forums and planning sessions. I think if we continue to have those for the next 5 years that we may actually not have to worry about the problem because the gang members should have managed to kill each other off by then. And that Town Manager he surely is a piece of work, why he just made me proud how he conducted that investigation as to whether the State was keeping the spirit of their agreement, you know he went and asked the DOC whether they were releasing prisoners arrested elsewhere from jail into Springfield and they cleared that right up for him and said no. Then the man fromt the State he clarified that as well that no siree they weren't releasing them straight from the jail. Glad we got that settled. And we only have 134 parolees living in Town and only 90 some of them are on intensive monitoring due to violent tendencies, its very comforting that they are right on top of all those homegrown violent people. Not sure where all that stuff came from the police reporting that the shooter and the assailant were from New Jersey, nope all our troublemakers are homegrown. Kind of makes you proud fits in with all those buy local movement folks you know.

    4. /ˈkwaɪnaɪn/8/16/12, 4:18 PM

      hey Boss, uh... you missed somebody. the dog.

    5. My Hone and I were wondering about that dog as well. We fully intended to go to that select board meeting, but my daughter had brought over this incense that she had gotten at one of the local establishments and we had kicked back and were having a few brew in our apartment breathing that wonderful incense. Then all of a sudden the TV done sprouted legs and started running around the room and we of course had to tackle it and tie it down because if it had escaped we wouldn't have had anything to watch Glenn Beck on. When we got that handled we decided it was time to go to the meeting, but the door was kind of out of kilter or something and didn't look real safe to go through so we decided maybe we had overexerted ourselves and just needed to go to bed, which would have been fine had we been able to find the bedroom.

      Then we woke up about 3:00 am and looked on the TV and that woman from the coalition for something was just finishing up with her request that the board members come to her meeting, and we figured the meeting must be about over so we didn't come.
      The next morning my Hone got this stupid idea that if he fed the cat some of that incense it might help it with those hairballs it gags on so he put some in with its food and said "Here kitty, kitty". Course the tabby ran right over and ate it all up...but then it began to behave very peculiar and finally made a mad dash for the open and window and dove out.

      Now given we live on the eighth floor that didn't work out so well for tabby. We kind of scraped her remains off the sidewalk and put them in a cigar box. My Hone was kind of angry about the whole thing and went down to the establishment to complain, but the lady said they had taken them off the shelves as a matter of community cooperation. Well Hone wasn't very pleasant and used some colorful language which I later told him he should apologize for it. But we got to watch the whole meeting on a SAPA disc.

    6. Not sure exactly how Shumlin can be said to have created this problem. Would agree that Alice doesn't seem to be adding much to the community. Want to explain how you think Shumlin helped create this problem?

    7. Mr. Boss Hogg, Will you marry me? You are right on target, and very humorous. It was difficult to hear the speakers, even with a microphone. There's a cold drink machine in the cafeteria that cycles and is awfully loud. On top of that, there was an echo in the room. Oh well, the Talking Head non profits chittering about meetings, the Police Chief attempting to justify, blah blah. Blah, Blah, that's my mantra. What's with the dog?

    8. They seem to have some kind of limit on the length of these comments. Didn't get to explain about the funeral we had for poor tabby. Since she loved children we decided to bury her out back of Park Street School just behind that playground area. We weren't sure whether that was quite legal, so we decided to do that after dark. Discovered all these young people there playing this game involving needles and such, looked like they were having a lot of fun.

      Anyway they helped us put tabby in the ground and then seemed to want us to play their game. My Hone indicated that we needed to get home to watch Fox News and their mood seemed to change a little. But we climbed in the car and drove off, they gave us a 36 gun salute which I thought was very touching given tabby had just been buried. But my Hone thought that perhaps it wasn't a salute and they were shooting at us just because a few of the bullets seemed to be bouncing off the tarmaack. He hasn't been thinking quite straight since the incense incident.

      I got to thinking that the select board could just get those young men to volunteer to guard and monitor the playground after dark. I bet if that coalition lady asked them they would agree to do that and then the police wouldn't need to bother.

      When my daughter was down getting her donuts and incense she had a chat with one of the local law men and they explained a new program they have. They call it operation curbside. They distribute handcuffs to the citizens and then the citizens when they spot drugtraffickers can just go catch them and cuff them and put them out by the curbside to be collected like they used to with the garbage. Then the police can just come at a scheduled time to pick them up at the curbside. Seemed like a very convenient program to me.

      And perhaps we could organize neighborhoods to pick up the shell casings that those litterers are leaving about. Didn't seem like Mr. MacGilvary knew quite what to say to that helpful man who had been out picking up the brass litter. And here he had been so helpful. I guess the police were too busy trying to find that gun that shot 9 mm bullets to go look over there by that house.

  2. It is Shumlin who pushed to let out the inmates earlier than their term to be rehabilitated on the outside.

    1. As should be obvious from my posts, I am a Shumlin supporter. But I have a growing suspicion that the recent outbreak in violence in Springfield is linked in some manner to the prison. The word going round in the community is that the prisoners families move to Springfield during the incarceration period. The prisoners are sent to rehab centers located in other parts of the State, and then when the rehab centers release them they are released to the communities where their families are now located. The paragraph that MacGilvary read from the resolution called for an investigation as to whether the State was keeping the “spirit” of its agreement not to release prisoners into Springfield who had originally not been residents of Springfield at the time of their arrest. The prison officials appear to have been going to great lengths to keep the “letter” of this agreement, for awhile a motel over in Ascutney was a favorite place to house recently released prisoners. But to move all this from the suspicion stage to the fact stage, we would need to have someone launch an investigation as to where parolees are living say 6 or 9 months after they have been released either from prison or the rehab centers. Unfortunately, the Town Administration does not appear to be competent enough to ask the right questions and they take whatever the officials say as the whole truth. If in fact Shumlin’s administration is gaming the system, then I agree they should be held accountable. If on the other hand, the only change they implemented was to try and keep small time marijuana users from extended expensive incarceration then I would say, no this isn’t Shumlin’s fault. I agree that Alice Emmons is probably not savvy enough to ask the right questions or to expend any time investigating the issue herself, she just likes to report on what other committees are doing.

    2. You are absolutely right Anonymous 11:37. We need to keep those non-violent young men who get busted for marijuana in jail longer. That way they can pick up the networking skills and friendships that will be with them for life. Besides life is pretty good in there as I understand it. The new local boys sometimes have trouble adjusting to the food as it can be a little constipating, but they have networks in there that provide them with constant enemas to loosen things up a little. And when they decide they don't want any more enemas they have these social clubs they can join that provide support groups after they get out on parole. They help them into the network so they can market their goods and services after jail, sets them up with a pattern for life. They let those young men out too soon and they might remain constipated and wouldn't have gained the sophistication that they get from rooming with people from the city areas. Gives them a certain polish and swagger, even a different vocabulary after they graduate from prison. No we need to keep them in long enough so they can provide those associations. Then they will have the marketing skills when they get out to pay for those fine courses that are provided for a fee by those private organizations which helps out the local employment as well.

  3. Seems that there's a whole lotta non-profittin' goin' on in Springfield?

    1. Am beginning to suspect that may be part of the problem, as the Selectboard doesn't appear to be able to actually govern it just listens and asks the non-profits to report back. The result is a bunch of time being diverted from actually action to babbling.

    2. Now don't go maligning those not for profits, although some of them are a bit on the windy side at select board meetings. Nevertheless, they provide an important input so that the select board does not wind up spending money on foolish things that would disrupt the local economy and cause landlords to do background checks before renting out rooms. What we need are a few more not for profits, then the select board could quit governing altogether which is fine idea. Some of my friends in the Tea Party think perhaps we could just do without government at all, which seems to me like a very innovative idea that perhaps we should take out for a spin and see how it works. We already know our inactive Town government works pretty well.

  4. This blogspot sucks, it is a negative waste of time. Those writing on here should go get a job and stop complaining and whining. Please.... This is not your revolution people.

    1. Absolutely as I was saying to my daughter as we went to pick up her ADC check all those negative people out there should go and get a job. I bet not a single one of those young whippersnappers at the meeting has a job. I bet they just sit around in their subsidized housing all day and ponder how wonderful Springfield used to be.

    2. Ohh anon 4:26, don't get your panties in a twist. Keep your pad on sticky side down.
      I have a job, in fact 2 of them. I LOVE to come on here and complain. I work the 3rd shift and it gets me by sometimes just reading and complainin'
      Like I always say, if you don't like it leave. Just because you don't like what people have to say it doesn't mean others might like it.
      Anyways where else can the good folks of Springfield go to complain anonymously? I have only seen one REAL name on here anyways, everyone else hides, like me.

    3. This is our job, what do you mean?

  5. yup it is a waste of time..funny how nobody knew about the abuse at the schools until it hit the blog and the all of a sudden EVERYBODY was on here to find out what was going much of a waste of time that the administration of the schools were also reading it in their panic on how to handle their own PR nightmare...if it is such a waste why are you here lol

    1. Well I am on here because our TV hasn't been working so well since my Hone and I tackled it and tied it down, and my Hone he doesn't seem to be functioning quite right since that incense either. And poor Tabby out in the cigar box just breaks my heart. But sure am glad they took the doors off the special play room they put my grandson in, he likes to have the teachers play chase me down the halls now. I think it is good exercise for him as he was starting to look a little like my daughter before she started on that diet and got down to her slim 250 lbs. I think another year of home schooling and those younger kids of hers will be ready for that special school for kids with gifted behavior there at Gateway. She hasn't been able to find a man to stay with her though so she has been thinking about volunteering up there at the prison, she heard they needed people to function as mules. Not exactly sure what that means or entails, but she says that it pays real well and they said that maybe they could use her to comfort those newbies instead of the enemas. Not sure exactly how that works, but they said she would qualify if they put a bag over her head. Didn't quite understand that part.

    2. Master of Education8/19/12, 6:29 AM


      Thank you for your inspiration.

    3. Well Master thank you, my daughter says that I inspired her to become as she is. Its these strong family values that made the difference.

    4. There is a lot of mindless negativity on this blogsite, but it is also a forum which ocasionally makes valid points and gets things out in the open to be debated either in straight dialogue or satiric sarcasm. I am willing to put up with the pointless negativity -- negativity which suggests no alternatives -- in order to listen to the facts and policies being debated. The existenc of the debate is a sign of a healthy community which has not been cowed into silence. The type which shows up at Selectboard meetings and refuses to be brushed off.

    5. Thanks for your comments go have another beer.

    6. Never touch the stuff, I drink liberal kool-aid instead.

  6. Someone has to tell the truth SOMEWHERE. And the less this blog is moderated. The more the truth gets out. I don't believe it to be a waste of time, the truth shall set you free and WE ALL HAVE TO WRITE MORE ON THIS BLOG, NOT LESS !!


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