Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Inmate accused of drug possession

An SSCF prison inmate has been charged with possessing heroin and cocaine.


  1. I wonder how an inmate gets a hold of that many baggies of drugs while in jail?

  2. It doesn't matter how he got them all that matters is that Mrs. Germaine will welcome him with open arms when it is time for him to get out.

  3. I am sure Springfield can rehabilitate this misguided soul and turn him into a member of the Board of Selectmen. He will fit right in!

  4. What on Earth is going on up there. How is that stuff getting in? Its time for our State Representatives to start demanding some answers and a full investigation. They brought in guards from out of town instead of training locals we have parolees causing havoc. Its time for some serious demands for accountability from the Selectboard and our non-existent State Senator and State Representatives, this isn't just a local problem anymore.

  5. This is what happens when you let clowns run the town and the school system. It will only get worse. They sold out years ago and now everyone reaps what they have sown....

    1. What does an inmate at a state correctional facility who is possessing drugs have to do with the school system or town government? Sure they both have horrible leadership, but this incident has nothing to do with town government or the school system. I am pretty sure Bob Forguites and Frank Perotti do not have jurisdiction over the SSCF so why blame them for someone possessing drugs there?

      Alpin is right Cynthia and Alice should be on the hook for this one...

    2. Emmons & Martin plot their contacts wisely. Frequently appearing at low income benefits and elderly housing functions. That's their voter base and they know it.

      The best we home owners and employers can manage is to crucify them publically every move they make. They've brought NOTHING of benefit to those of us that fuel this rat hole. Now it's time to hold their feet to the fire for the human cesspool here in Springfield they've orchestrated thru Montpelier.

    3. This has little to do with the school system except to the extent that these guys are running a drug ring from the prison which is adversely affecting our schools. I am not sure that Emmons and Martin or our Senator orchestrates much of anything and its time they were held accountable for not keeping tabs on what is going on in and a result of the prison in Springfield.

  6. Are there only two ways for drugs to get in? Guards or visitors. Any other ideas?

    1. Aethelred the Unready8/9/12, 11:51 PM

      Well in the movies they swallow balloons and **** the stuff out, so I suppose it could come in with the prisoners ... but surely they have access to a drug sniffing dog up there. Most likely you nailed it though, its likely guards or visitors, my money is on the guards.

  7. It must be the officers, and not the licensed nursing assistants, the admin, the teachers, the families of inmates that are currently dealing drugs in our town or any other person that has any contact with the inmates. It is a prison, there will be drugs, there will be gangs, there will be other issues. Why do you think the inmates are there in the first place?

    1. The inmates are in their to get drugs in a good safe controlled environment. I understand from what Boss Hogg posted that they have groups that give those inmates free enemas and such. Couldn't be the correctional officers fault they are the ones that check to make sure that the licensed nursing assistants, the administration, the teachers, and the visitors are carefully searched for drugs -- so couldn't possibly be them. Course my Hone he seems to think that just possibly there is a problem with the correctional officers, but he has been addled ever since my daughter brought us that incense. But my daughter she talked with the fine law officers when she went down to get donuts and they assured her that prisons are just the place for druggies to go get their fix and the inmates up there even train the local boys that wind up on the hill as to the safe way to use needles and such right after they give them a few enemas you see.


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