Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Man facing new child sex charges

A Springfield man now faces the possibility of life behind bars after a teenage girl learned that he was in jail awaiting trial on sexual assault charges and came forward alleging to authorities that he'd also molested her.


  1. What is even more sad is there are probably even more victims who haven't come forth. I can not even imagine the pain and psychological damage these victims must go through. I hope they do put this creep away for life!

  2. It's sex offenders like this that WG of the Restorative Justice CTR wants to place in a group home she can profit from. Makes you wonder who the greater liability to community safety is?

    Lot to be said for capitol punishment to rid society of predators wired this way.

    1. I say everyone should be subjected to capitol punishment.

    2. Given the fact that the various registration requirements make it basically impossible for a person to reconstruct their life after being convicted of something like this even if its a fairly young man with a precociously endowed 15 year old, it seems like we should create a little housing development up on the spare land at the prison where they can live out their days if and when they get released and where there is some type of minimum wage employment for them. Its my understanding there was some 15 or 14 year old that used to hang out in the bars down in Bellows Falls and managed to destroy the lives of several men down there before the word got out that she was not what she looked like and was a minor and should be avoided. Barring the very unlikely event that we are going to start executing people for this crime, or putting them away for life without parole -- then we are going to have to figure out some place where they can live out their days.

    3. Capitol punishment for the girl AND ALPIN JACK!

    4. Alpin, you sound like someone who works in a dysfunctional police department, blaming the victim, rather than the perpetrator. FYI, the victim was 10 at the time, not 15, not that it should matter.

  3. Capitol punishment for the girl? Blame the victim mentality!! That is like Jerry Sundusky saying that those cute, flirty little boys lured him into the showers. If you are wondering where we should put these criminals when the get out out of jail - how about your house?

    1. All I am saying is that if we are going to continue with the policy of permanently segregating these people after they have served their sentences, which is what our current policy is, then we need to create some location where minors are specifically banned that these people can go and live out their lives. Even in ancient times, the ancients would designate a place where lepers could go and be left alone. So it would seem that we need such a place for these people to go. It may seem a little harsh for a boy of 19 who had sex or something close thereto with a girl of 15 to be banished from society for the rest of his life, but that is our basic I should think we should at least provide some place where he can live out his days and earn enough money to feed and clothe himself and pay rent. Is that too much for us to expect?

  4. I have an idea, I'm not going to put my name because of the people that I know and where I am currently employed. How about instead of life without the possibility of parole for inmates, they do them, and us the taxpayers, a favor and end their lifes? A bullet costs around $1, keeping a person in jail costs some crazy amount.
    (I wish I had the exact figures so I won't spout out false information like most here on this blog.)
    Seriously, they have no use for society, cost us a lot of money to feed them 3-4 times a day, paying corrections officers, electric, water, etc.
    Basically if you screw up so bad that you are deemed to spend the rest of you life in jail we'll give you a month or so to make final arrangments with your family, they will get to say goodbye to you. One day you wake up and say some prayers. Bam!!!

    1. Capitol punishment for Kate and for anonymous 8:14!

    2. If I knew that I would be killed instead of spending the rest of my life in jail. I would be inclined NOT to do something that would land me in prison. Just saying...
      Anon 8:14

    3. Studies have proven that the death penalty does not deter violent or sexual crime. Just saying....

    4. Anonymous 6:35 AM, I don't think he was talking about deterrence here, I think he was talking more about simply that it might be a savings to just take people out and shoot them. Fortunately, or unfortunately, that might be an option for the person who would prefer to be dead than incarcerated for the rest of their life, it does not save the State money because of the more or less mandatory appeals it has been found to cost more to execute a person than to incarcerate them for life. A fact that New Hampshire recently discovered -- plus juries tend to be less likely to convict if they know the result is the death penalty. Plus, our system with respect to sex offenders is not aimed at rehabilitation, its aimed a branding the people permanently and either incarcerating them or segregating them from the rest of society.

    5. Alpin Jack, I find you guilty of too much common sense, your punishment is CAPITOL!

  5. Rehabilitation my (_._)! Does anybody remember when Emerson was going go be let out. The town stuck together and he left Spfld. He moved south and raped again in Alabama, this time his victim was an older lady. These parasites pray on the weak. I have no use for him! Is he any relation to Dennis Allen we've been seeing in the police news lately?


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