Incidents recorded by the Springfield Police Department during the month of July, 2012.
7/30/12 / 1603
Criminal DLS
Joshua Congdon
AGE: 32
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Congdon was observed operating a motor vehicle while criminally suspended. He was processed and released on a citation.
7/27/12 / 1312
1) Aggravated Assault
2) Selling/Dispensing Marijuana
3) Possession of Stolen Property
Dennis B. Allen Jr.
AGE: 28
Springfield; VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Springfield Police received a report of an assault with serious injury. It was reported that the defendant was the assailant. The investigation revealed that the defendant was in possession of marijuana which was packaged for sale, with more equipment to package further drugs for sale. It also revealed that the defendant was in possession of property that was stolen from a burglary on a previous date.
Lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield on $10,000 bail
Cited to appear in Windsor County Superior Court Criminal Division on July 30th
AGE: 16
Springfield VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 7-25-2012 Officers were call to the area of Bridge Street for four juveniles lurking around and getting into parked vehicles. On arrival Officers spoke to the juveniles about their alleged activities. The juveniles consented to a search of their persons and a back pack. In the back pack contained 17.33 dollars in loose change and an MP3 player. The MP3 player was identified as belonging to a Springfield resident. The resident stated that the player was his, and he last saw it in his vehicle approximately 1 hour prior to this incident. One juvenile was cited to appear at the Windsor Superior Court Family Division. A separate Adult was arrested and Cited to appear at the Windsor Superior Court Criminal Division.
False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer
Corey Betit
AGE: 22
Springfield VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 7-25-2012 Officers were call to the area of Bridge Street for four juveniles lurking around and getting into parked vehicles. On arrival Officers spoke to the juveniles about their alleged activities. The juveniles consented to a search of their persons and a back pack. In the back pack contained 17.33 dollars in loose change and an MP3 player. The MP3 player was identified as belonging to a Springfield resident. The resident stated that the player was his, and he last saw it in his vehicle approximately 1 hour prior to this incident. One juvenile was cited to appear at the Windsor Superior Court Family Division. A separate Adult was arrested and Cited to appear at the Windsor Superior Court Criminal Division.
Citation to appear in Windsor Superior Court Criminal Division
07-21-2012 / 0800
Attempted Petit Larceny
AGE: 15
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Attempted theft of a bicycle
Juvenile citation to appear in Windsor County Family Court
07-25-12 / 2234
1) 2nd Degree Aggravated Domestic Assault (Felony)
2) Unlawful Mischief > $900 (Felony)
William Freeman
AGE: 55
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Following a report of a physical domestic disturbance William Freeman was arrested for Domestic Assault. Due to having a prior conviction for Domestic Assault this violation is a felony offense. According to the victim William also damaged property belonging to her valued at over $900 making it a felony offense.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 07-26-12
LODGED AT: Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield
BAIL: $1000.00 cash/surety
07-19-2012 / 1039
Simple Assault of a Helath Care Worker / Disorderly Conduct
AGE: 11
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Juvenile in state custody became disruptive a foster care home. DCF notified and they advised take child to hospital for evaluation. At hospital child stabbed nurse with plastic fork, yelled and hollared, ripped items off walls of room, tried throwing furniture.
Minor Consumption Alcohol
AGE: 14
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 7-17-2012 Officers were called to the area of Pearl Street for a noise complaint. On arrival Officers made contact with four juveniles in a residence. It was determined that two juveniles had been consuming alcohol. One was issued court diversion parerwork and the other a 14 year old was issued a citation to appear at the Windsor Superior Court Family Division.
07/14/2012 / 22:00 hrs.
DEFENDANT: Clifford Lavanture
AGE: 24
CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Canaan, New Hampshire
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 07/14/2012 I was advised by a passing motorist of a vehicle that was weaving back and forth. That the vehicle was located in the Elm Hill Area of
Springfield. The driver Lavanture was found to be impaired and was arrested under the suspicion of DUI. Lavanture was processed for said crime and also for posession of herion which was found in his wallet. Lavanture had a court date of 07/31/2012
DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 07-13-12 / 0254
1) Driving Under the Influence
2) Grossly Negligent Operation of Vehicle
3) False Info to Law Enforcement Officer
4) Unlawful Mischief
DEFENDANT Dennis Allen Jr.
AGE: 28
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Dennis was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol after he had been previously warned not to drive due to his intoxication level by the arresting officer. As the officer was attempting to make the traffic stop it was noted that the vehicle Dennis was operating was traveling down Park Street hill at approximately 50 miles per hour in the posted 25 mile per hour speed zone which based off the circumstances would constitute gross negligent operation. Dennis also provided misleading statements to the officer and later caused damage to the door of the holding cell he was being detained in at the Springfield Police Department.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 07-13-12
LODGED AT: Southern State Correctional Facility
BAIL: $2500.00 cash/surety
INCIDENT: Suspicious Activity
DATE & TIME OF ARREST: 07-12-12 / 0329
CHARGES: Disorderly Conduct (Unreasonable Noise)
DEFENDANT: Travis Duffy
AGE: 29
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Travis was placed under arrest after he began yelling and swearing loudly on Harlow Road. Travis had been detained by officers who had been called to that location for the report of someone trying to break into a residence located on Harlow Road and he was found on the porch of that residence.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 07-12-12
LODGED AT: Southern State Correctional Facility
BAIL: $2500.00 cash/surety
VIOLATION: 1) Violate Abuse Prevention Order (Felony)
2) Violate Conditions of Release
DEFENDANT William Tallman
AGE: 45
VICTIM: Ruby Capen
AGE: 23
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: William was arrested after officers were called to a residence on Valley Street to investigate possible contact between William and Ruby. During the investigation it was found that William had violated his conditions of release that were issued on 07-06-12 prohibiting contact with Ruby as well as an abuse prevention order that was issued on 07-02-12 which prohibited William from harassing Ruby.
COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 07-12-12
LODGED AT: Southern State Correctional Facility
BAIL: $5000.00 cash/surety
VIOLATION: Attempted Murder -2nd Degree, Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, and Reckless Endangerment.
TIME & DATE OF ARREST: 07/10/12 17:15 HOURS
DEFENDANT: Terrick Craft
AGE: 28
TOWN OF RESIDENCE: Springfield, Vermont
On July 9, 2012 at approximately 2045 (8:45) hours officers responded to the report of shots fired in the vacinity of Park Street and Main Street in Springfield. Upon arrival investigation revealed the suspect shooter was alleged to be Terrick Craft currently of Springfield, Vermont.
Craft is known to have ties to the Vermont, New Hampshire, and New Jersey areas.
An arrest warrant was issued for Craft for Attempted Murder -2nd Degree, Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, and Reckless Endangerment.
Craft was subsequently arrested and is being held at Southern State Correctional Facility on $250,000 cash bail.
Craft is scheduled to be arraigned in Vermont Superior Court, Criminal Division, on July 11, 2012 at 1230 hours.
DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 7-05-12 / 1950
VIOLATION: Violation of Abuse Prevention Order-3rd Felony
DEFENDANT: William Tallman
AGE: 45
VICTIM: Ruby Capen
AGE: 23
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: William was arrested after officers were called to Valley Street for a report that he was harassing the victim. Officers noted that there have been a series of events that included harassment and following/stalking of the victim over the cours of a couple weeks. This is a violation of a protection order that was issued to William on 07-02-12 and it was ordered that William was not to threaten, harass, stalk or follow the victim.
Tallman was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of $10,000 cash/surety
DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 07-04-12 / 2345
VIOLATION: Disorderly Conduct-Fighting
DEFENDANT: Katie Perkins
AGE: 26
VICTIM: Victoria Sykie
AGE: 28
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Katie was arrested after officers were called to 30 Main Street for a fight in progress and saw her actively engaged in a physical confrontation with the victim. Katie had been warned prior by officers to stay away from the victim but she chose to return which cause the confrontation.
Perkins was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of $750 cash/surety bail.
DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 7-1-2012 @ 1600Hrs
VIOLATION: Driving while criminally suspended
DEFENDANT: Frederick Reed
AGE: 64
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Springfield Police were asked to respond to the area of McDonalds on River Street for,a report of a vehicle that had hit a bicyclist. On arrival it was determined that the bicyclist sustained minor injuries and was able to leave the scene under his own power. The operator was identified as Frederick Reed of Windsor Vermont. Reed was subsequently arrested for operating a motor vehicle with a criminally suspended license.
Source: Springfield Police Department
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
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In today's(8/3/12) Eagle Times there were two front page stories I found interesting. The first was an article that the Springfield police are asking to partner with the residents to help combat the drug and gang problems and how they will need the public to help them,- The second article was on a furloughed prisoner who had been re-arrested for violation of his furlough for crossing state lines.
ReplyDeleteI found both interesting because the police obviously are clueless on how to get the crime under control and the second was interesting since the restorative justice center touted how the prisoners didnt re-lapse back to the pen and how their programs worked so well blah blah blah...Hoping others saw these articles and saw the conflicting stories we have been told in the past