Incidents and arrests recorded by the Springfield Police Department since August 1.
08/19/2012 / 17:23
Minors Consuming Alcohol
Daniel Vezina
AGE: 19
Springfield VT
Juvenile #1
AGE: 16
Springfield VT
Juvenile #3
AGE: 14
Springfield VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 8/19/12 at approximately 1723 hours, Officers were on patrol in the area of Main Street at the Bank Block conducting an area check for a person of interest in another case when contact was made with Daniel Vezina (Age 19). While talking with Daniel, they smelled a strong odor of beer coming from his person and observed a plastic cup in Daniel's right hand that was approximately 1/3 full of a beer. Officers made contact with 2 other juveniles ages 16 & 14 who also had been consuming alcohol. Daniel's BAC was .048; Juvenile #1 had a BAC of .094; and Juvenile #2 was a .043. Daniel and Juvenile #1 were issued Diversion paperwork. Juvenile #2 will be issued a cited into Family Court per juvenile law.
1) Violation of Conditions of Release on 08-17-12
2) Violation of Conditions of Release on 08-22-12
Francis Lajoice
AGE: 53
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 08-17-12 an officer was sent to a local restaurant for the report that Francis had left a bag in the establishment after ordering food. Earlier the same officer had seen Francis entering the store with the same bag. Upon further investigation it was found that the bag contained two 24 ounce beers.
On 08-22-12 officers responded to the report of a fight on Grove Street. Upon arrival Francis was located and found to have been consuming alcohol.
Francis is currently under court ordered conditions of release that prohibit him from buying, having or consuming any alcoholic beverages.
Citation issued to Windsor County Criminal Court for 09-18-12
08/22/12 / 1318
Violation of Abuse Prevention Order
Violation Conditions of Release
Edward Tyler
AGE: 32
Ludlow, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Mr. Tyler was observed by officers to be in contact with his mother on Main Street in violation of a Relief From Abuse Order.
8/21/12 / 1034
Criminal DLS
Dennis G. King
AGE: 66
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: King was found to be operating a motor vehicle while under suspension for DUI.
Citation issued to Windsor County Criminal Court for 10/16/12.
07/23/12 / 1445
Disorderly Conduct
Kirby Patterson
AGE: 27
Springfield, VT
Marie Townes
AGE: 28
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Kirby Patterson and Marie Townes were fighting with Heather Stilwell
Both defendants were cited in to court on 9/11/12.
08-18-2012 / 1606
Petit Larceny and Resisting Arrest
Alexandra Rines
AGE: 19
Fitchburgh, Mass
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Rines had possession of Heather Clayton's I-Phone and refused to return it. When told she would face arrest without returning it Rines advised she did not care. Upon arresting Rines she resisted by pulling away and turning away. she attempted to pull her arms in front of her. Rines was lodged for lack of $300 bail and arraigned on 08-20-2012.
Violation Condition of Release
Traci Crowley
AGE: 43
Springfield Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 8-20-2012 Officers were asked to check on an intoxicated person behind Jasinski's Market on Park Street. On arrival contact was made with Traci Crowley. Crowley was found to be heavily intoxicated. Crowley was arrested as she was on ordered conditions from a pending case not to buy, have or drink any alcoholic beverages. A court officer ordered Crowley be lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility on $1000 and appear in court on 8-21-2012.
Zachary James
AGE: 22
Bellows Falls, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On August 18, 2012 at approximately 2345 hours officers were dispatched to Park Street for the report of a couple having an argument. Upon arrival officers spoke to Zachary James and Jennifer Thrush. Both advised that they had a disagreement over something, and James admitted to getting a little loud. It was then discovered that Thrush had received an abuse prevention order on James and there wasn't supposed to be any contact. Thrush advised that she thought the order had been recinded. Due to the order still being in affect, James was arrested. He was flash cited to appear in court and released after processing.
Cited to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 08/20/12
08-18-12 / 1839
Violating Conditions of Release
Kyle Bauer
AGE: 29
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Kyle was arrested after officers were called to a residence on Stanley Road for a complaint that he was drunk and refusing to leave the residence. Kyle was prohibited from consuming alcohol by the court during the term of his release on a prior charge.
Cited to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 08/20/12
Lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield on $1000 cash or surety bail
08/18/12 / 0320
Violation of Conditions of Release / Minor Consuming Alcohol
Brent Booker JR
AGE: 19
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On august 18, 2012 at approximately 0305 hours Offiers were dispatched to Mount Vernon Street for the report that there was yelling and screaming going on which woke the neighbors upstairs. Upon arrival contact was made with Brent Booker Jr.
Due to the way he was speaking he appeared under the influence. Brent Jr is on conditions of release and had to submit to a preliminary breath test, which yielded a BAC of .112%. He was placed into custody for Violation of Conditions of Release and Minor in Possession of Alcohol by a Minor.
Cited to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 08/20/12
Lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield on $500 cash or surety bail.
1) Domestic Assault
2) Impeding Police
Juvenile Male
AGE: 13
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers were requested to Randall Hill Road for the report of a juvenile out of control and assaulting another juvenile sibling. Upon arrival it was found that the defendant who is approximately 5'10" tall and weighs approximately 240 pounds had assaulted/threatened his ten year old brother whom is much smaller in size. The Defendant also damaged a window in the residence and led officers on a foot pursuit prior to being taken into custody.
The juvenile was remanded to Woodside Juvenile Detention Facility.
On Wednesday, August 15th at approximately 7 p.m., Springfield PD was notified by Bellows Falls Dispatch of a subject who had called them advising he was armed with a handgun and had intentions of taking his life in the area of the boat landing. Springfield, Weatherfield and Charlestown PD, along with NH State Police and VSP responded to the area. After searching the surrounding areas both on the VT & NH sides of the river, the male subject, who was unarmed, was located and taken into custody without incident.
The male was cited for open container, his BAC (blood alcohol content) at the time of the incident was a .259, and he was referred to another agency to provide him additional services.
August 14, 2012
Sexual Assault
Derek Osborne
AGE: 20
Springfield, Vermont
Victim: Juvenile
AGE: 16
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: During the Summer of 2011, Osborne sexually assaulted a juvenile, who at the time was 15 years old. He was cited to appear at Vermont Superior Court, Windsor Circuit, Criminal Division on August 15, 2012 to answer to the charge of Sexual Assault.
Petit Larceny
Jessica Ryea
AGE: 29
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Defendant reportedly took two children's tricycles that belonged to a neighbor.
Citation to Appear
Windsor County Criminal Court
08/13/12 / 2009
Disorderly Conduct
Reckless Endangerment
Aggravated Assault
Kyle Bauer
AGE: 29
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Bauer reportedly verbally threatened to stab people while waiving a knife at an apartment house located on White Street.
Bauer was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield $1,000
Bauer was arraigned on August 14th and remanded back into the custody of the Department of Corrections.
08-10-2012 / 1400
Disorderly Conduct
Joshua Aiken
AGE: 31
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Reported that Aiken stepped out in front of Benoit's vehicle and put his foot on the bumper, refusing to move so she could drive away.
Citation to Appear
Windsor County Criminal
08-09-12 / 2019
1) Unlawful Mischief > $1000
2) Grossly Negligent Operation
Justin Spraske AGE: 25
Swanzey, NH
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers were dispatched to the report of a vehicle crashing into James Losee's garage and then leaving the scene. Soon after Kassandra Scheitling reported that the vehicle was currently at her residence and that he was also damaging property belonging to her. According to the officers investigation Justin drove into James' garage after finding out that Kassandra had been involved in a relationship with James, apparently while still in a relationship with Justin. The total amount of damage in this case will likely be in the area of $20,000.
Justin was cited to appear in court on August 10th.
08-08-12 / 1630 hours
Possession of Crack Cocaine
False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer
Mitchel Noble
AGE: 20
Springfie1d, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers responded to suspicious activity in the parking lot of the Edgar May Recreation Center. Complainant stated a maroon Jeep with two occupants had been in the parking lot and they believed the subjects were conducting drug deals. With the assistance of Chester PD we were able to locate the vehicle on Chester Road. While the male subject was emptying out his pockets, a baggie containing Crack Cocaine fell from his pocket onto the ground. Mitchel Noble was cited into Windsor Criminal Court on 10-10-12 to answer to the charges of Possession of Crack Cocaine & False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer.
8-08-12 / 1850
1) Unlawful Mischief > $250
2) Disorderly Conduct - Tumultuous Behavior
3) Disorderly Conduct - Obstructing Traffic
4) Resisting Arrest
Geoffrey Douglas
AGE: 42
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers were called to the Springfield Hospital for an out of control subject whom was not a patient.
Contact was made with Geoffrey Douglas whom had been disorderly inside the hospital and was located outside obstructing traffic on Ridgewood Road. When officers initially attempted to take him into custody he refused to submit and ran down the road, damaging a passing car as he fled. He was caught at the bottom of Hospital Hill where after a brief struggle with officers he was taken into custody.
Douglas was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield $750 cash/surety and arrigned on August 9th.
08-07-12 / 2030
Open Container in Public
Kirk Messer
AGE: 49
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Kirk was issued a citation for possessing an open container of alcohol after an officer was called to the Freedom Park off of Furnace Street by a concerned citizen.
8/7/12 / 0532 DUI
Sarah M. O'Shea
AGE: 23
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers responded to a motor vehicle crash. Upon arrival the operator was not present at the scene. Investigation revealed that the owner of the vehicle was driving and was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash.
O'Shea was cited to appear in Windsor Superior Court Criminal Division on August 28th
08/06/12 / 21:15
Retail Theft
Georgianna Paradis
AGE: 28
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Defendant stole a $15 bottle of Hypnotic from Joe's Discount Beverage.
Paradis was cited and released to appear in court on October 9th.
Sex Offense
August 4, 2012 / 1937
Aggravated Sexual Assault on a Child
Moses Allen
AGE: 32
Springfield, Vermont
Juvenile AGE: 14
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Approximately between 2007 and 2009 Moses subjected the juvenile to repeated nonconsensual sexual acts. Moses allegedly threatened physical harm to the victim and their family if the juvenile told about the sexual acts. Moses, who is currently incarcerated at Southern State Correctional Facility, is scheduled to be arraigned on August 6, 2012 at Vermont Superior Court, Windsor Circuit, Criminal Divison to answer to the charge of Aggravated Sexual Assault on a Child.
Allen was arraigned and remanded back to Southern State Correctional Facitilty
08/04/12 / 0220
Margaret Roper
AGE: 18
Chester, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Subject went through the McDonalds Drive thru, and the employee felt she was intoxicated so she called the police. Upon arrival officers spoke with Roper and determined her to be under the influence. She was subsequently arrested and released after processing
8/3/12 / 2325
Violation Conditions of Release
Dennis B. Allen Jr.
AGE: 28
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Allen was seen on the roof of the H&R Block Building, in violation of a 24 hour curfew.
Allen was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of $1000 cash or surety.
Allen was arraigned on August 6th, whereupon the State dismissed the charges.
08/03/12 / 2007
Retail Theft/ False Information/ Assault on an Officer
Traci Crowley
AGE: 43
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officers were made aware of a woman that had ordered, and consumed a beer at Village Pizza and left without paying. Approximately 20 minutes later the same report came from the Oriental Palace. The female was located at the Penguin Mart, where she had also stolen a Twisted Tea. She lied about the incident, and while in custody swung and hit an officer. She was lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of $2500 cash or surety.
Retail Theft
Chelsea Phillips
AGE: 25
Springfield, VT
Chelsea was cited for Retail Theft after she was observed on video placing a bottle of liquor into her purse and leaving Joe's Discount Beverage without paying for such.
Phillips was cited and released to appear in court at a later date.
8/1/12 / 1105
Disorderly Conduct
Charity Swan
AGE: 39
Springfield, Vermont
Simple Assault / Disorderly Conduct
Laura Lyman
AGE: 57
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Lyman and Swan were engaged in an argument over a property line issue. Both were allegedly arguing and using loud, foul language. Lyman allegedly pushed Swan during the course of the argument.
Both females were cited to appear in court at a later date.
Monday, August 20, 2012
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Dennis Allen back on the streets and in trouble again??
ReplyDeleteCharges dropped per the states attorney...wonder what that was about!
ReplyDeleteI bet he claimed racial profiling.
ReplyDeleteIt's important that the element is question stop executing behavior that continually reinforces racist stereotypes. The facts are racist.
ReplyDeleteWhy do we keep getting repeat reports like this? Is it so unsuspecting residents who dont normally follow the blog think something is being done?
ReplyDeletegod damn crackheads
ReplyDeleteWhat has this world come down to!!!!!
ReplyDeleteanybody notice that Moses Allen is back in town?? Out of prison??
ReplyDeleteYou had to do some hunting to find this blog and add your comment! You must be very interested in his whereabouts.