Friday, September 7, 2012

Springfield Democrats open campaign office

Springfield Democrats opened their campaign office on Main Street August 27th.


  1. Dems always there to mug for the cameras at a ribbon cutting. But absent when it comes to helping vermont. Vote em out!!!!

    1. Really? What do you consider "help"?

  2. Does anyone in that photo have a "real" job? Photo is largely a collection of misguided underachievers none of whom ever funded a payroll or gambled their life savings to better the community by starting a business.

    Screams of the difference for those of us that manage to hold a job, support our families, pay our own way, expect nothing from anyone, and resent the negative impact these idealistic, do-gooders have had on the community.

    One look up and down Main Street speaks volumes of their misguided agenda. Sales and payroll taxes that have devastated local retailers, resulting in perpetually vacant store fronts. Unemployment and disability policies that insure near perpetual benefits, making Vermont a Mecca for slackers.

    Ever see any of these folks at a photo op clearing red tape or other obstacles for a business? Don't hold your breath. It's all about appealing to the bottom feeders, teachers and State employees that got them in office in the first place.

    1. So you equate teachers with bottomfeeders?

  3. Who is the guy in the middle, he looks like he had just woken up from his van, down by the river.

  4. I've never seen anyone in that picture helping anybody in Springfield. Ever.

    1. Your are wrong Jim, one time Alice Edmonds held the door open for me as I was heading in to vote!

    2. And we'll gladly hold the statehouse door for Alice if she'll do Springfield and Vermont a favor by LEAVING...and finally getting a real job!


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