Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cosmos football game Saturday

Call them the Phoenix, because Springfield football will play again in 2012.


  1. well, if I lived in Woodstock I'd be asking my parents to move to Springfield next year.

  2. Springfield wins, 62-20. Are you kidding me? How in the world does this coach think? Great the team won big and glad for the kids. But guess what coach, you needed to reel it in. What is the message here you are sending to Springfield tax payers, find us a game a year and we'll win it big, then forfiet the rest, you know for safety reasons? You got the right coach there Springfield, you want the good but nothing to do with the bad. You did what others did to you, so I guess that makes it right? So now Montpelier whom were trying to play out their schedule can go back home and wonder why the Cosmos are quitters. Maybe next week you can get a game together with Grafton, VT. They must have eleven kids they can pull together. Oh that is right those kids are over in BF waiting for the Cosmos to show up, NOT! Doh!

    1. We already played BF, lost by 1 point. Our JV vs their JV and varsity. I know they were playing seniors and juniors as JV. One kid, a junior, was playing and his dad was the ref. gotta love this Illingworths!
      Wonder why we had a few "questionable calls" in the end zone?

  3. Funny, I just read that BF and Springfield were supposed to have a game tomorrow but BF cancelled. Sounds kinda fishy. Lets blame coach Tallman and the football players....everyone jump on board. Right Coop?

    1. Homer Smipson10/15/12, 9:18 AM

      I can't believe how dumb most people are. I believe the BF Varsity team is undefeated and heading for a DII Championship Game. Do you really think that the BF team that Springfield was going to play is that team? Because the Cosmo "JV" team that was to be its varsity beat a true BF JV team means nothing, get it, nothing! I doubt BF cancelled in fear of facing Springfield, my bet is they are focused on keeping their Varsity team strong as it is late in the season and not have their freshmen facing juniors and seniors. Don't know for sure but I would guess that. Who's Coop? Doh!

  4. As usualy, many of you are missing the point. Montpelier is in DIII and Springfield is in DII. Springfield was in DII last year and did not win a game. They were barely even competitive! They should be in DIII. Had the VPA taken this into consideration last year when the parents were asking them to revisit the move up to DII, Springfield would have been COMPETITIVE this year in DIII. As it stands, when a team is moved to a new division, they must stay there for two years. It is my understanding, the previous head coach requested this move up. Why he would do this, it is unclear, but there is speculation. Maybe the VPA needs to reveiew and update their policies to more accurately reflect current times. How you base a team's future performance on the past three years is baffling to me.

    Can the town just rally behind this team and support them in a very difficult year without being so critical. These students are from this community and these circumstances are not because of anything they did or didn't do! These seniors have had a horrible two years and stuck with it. They have come to practices every day in the hopes of playing sometime.

    These younger players were getting seriously hurt. Concussions are nothing to fool around with. If these were YOUR kids, would you want them out there just to prove a point!? Doubtful.

    Many Springfielders wonder why all the kids leave town? Maybe this is why. Be part of the solution and not part of the problem!

    1. Homer Smipson10/15/12, 1:12 PM

      Here we go, it's the VPA fault! How Springfield it that statement! You mean the rules are not different for us? You mean you can't change all the rules and move everything around for us? Geez how is our new coach going to look good if you don't, after all he has 28 players coming back, just ask him. Get this, WE ARE BEHIND THE KIDS AND WILL SUPPORT THEM, but we do not support the adults that got us here! From the last coach, to the AD's to the current coach and whomever hired him. And stop blaming the last coach and the AD, it starts at the top leadership, maybe somebody should be checking up on the non-teaching coaches and part-time AD after those types of meetings. Oh geez was that just a good idea? Stop making excuses for being quitters and then trying to talk like you got some great team now that it's JV, of course you do!!! I've been to every game, the few Varsity and all the JV, I for one am not impressed with the coaching staff. I can't believe there were not better choices. Doh!

  5. flag football in 2013......

  6. @ Homer... If you can do better, step up. Be part of the solution instead of continually being part of the problem.

    1. Homer is part of the problem by giving his/her opinion? Interesting. I assume Homer = Anonymous. Homer looks like they can speak for themselves so I'll wait on that relpy. So how does one be part of the solution? Please don't tell me by supporting those in charge. Should I think that you have a solution after reading what you wrote.

  7. Not a problem offering their opinion, but they state they have been to every game and have a problem with the coaching and the adminsitration. If Homer can do better, step up and be a coach, assistant or come to a meeting to make things better. I have continually offered suggestions to make improvements where I can, but I admit that I am not a coach, just a supporter. Homer has not addressed his thoughts on HIS child being put in harm's way to save face.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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