Thursday, October 11, 2012

Springfield police station to get heating overhaul

Despite a million dollar renovation five years ago, the Springfield Select Board approved spending upwards of $37,000 Monday to overhaul the heating system at the Springfield Police Department.


  1. why not, gotta keep the couch warm for facebooking people

  2. Maybe they should do away with the new cruiser and pay for heat that way.

  3. Approved! I want to get to whining about the school budget!

    1. I think they made the upgrade so they could hold the future selectboard meetings there.

      perhaps consolidate the schools to the "back room"


  5. I think what this does is shows the taxpayer the excessive waste of money. I think the bigger question is why was a million dollar plus renovation done and the damn heating system WAS NOT upgraded then? A million dollars really? And no new efficient heating system?

    1. that is a really good question. can somebody ask them directly on Facebook. and then we call all comment and learn

  6. It wasn't upgraded at the time of the renovations because the Town intentionally underfunded the project and ran out of money.

    1. right, we underfund everything here in Springfield.

    2. City Girl & Proud of It10/12/12, 6:46 PM

      The project was not under funded the money is coming from funds that were incumbured from the original bond note and will not effect the budget. Get your facts straight!

    3. City Girl, it was underfunded...the town knew at the time of the bond vote that they were not going to have enough money to renovate the new pd but felt the taxpayers would not approve the true cost so they decided to do what they could and put off the rest to hide the true cost. All of the bond money is spent.

    4. City Girl & Proud of It10/13/12, 8:27 PM

      Anon 7:19 you are misinformed. I love it when people try to make something fact when it isn't. Go to the Town Hall and look at the records they are open to the public. Would love to know where you get your 411.

    5. Towne glasses10/13/12, 8:34 PM

      I went to the Town.. I read the records relative to more than just my own business...

      The whole town is set to go bankrupt and jack up everybody's taxes beyond full possession and a dirt sandwich.

      Shut down time is upon us

    6. The town is not set to go bankrupt you are just being ridiculous. As my mama says "you can't fix stupid" & I believe you fall in to that category.

    7. Towne Glasses10/14/12, 9:08 AM

      @ City Girl

      EVERYBODY knows that if the Towne Of Sprigfield were to try to function properly we'd be so far underfunded you'd see it in the first week.

      We're not going bankrupt because of all of the lies, cover ups, and people like you who tell those of us who can see properly we're stupid and can't be fixed.. Vote away City Girl and live in your cesspool.

    8. @ City Girl

      seriously if not bankrupt....

      1. Why is the Edgar May a fail
      2. Why was only 1/2 of the Side walk project finished.
      3. Why does the bridge need to be re-worked / built.
      4. Why do your non-profits need tax money and prison help
      5. And your Football Team. ready for Turkey Day?
      6. Go fix your under parkinglot downtown oil leak
      7. Police station need a new heater// again...
      8. When was the last Town wide Celebration ?
      9. How are your firework displays and holidays?
      10. What's wrong.. Can't find the answers on Facebook?

    9. Get a grip half of what you stated above has nothing to do with the town finances. There is a difference between financial solvency and moral bankruptcy.

    10. @ 12:53 if the town was far from poor they would not have the above issues. Moral is something we lack too.

  7. i think they need a new building. that ones way to small for the staff. wait didnt police and fire used to be in the town hall. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    1. Main St Drug Dealer10/12/12, 7:46 AM

      Maybe, if they located themselves DOWNTOWN...

      MAYBE.. we could deter crime.

  8. 10/12/2012 9:37 am...I just heard there was some kind of raid happening intown with federal marshalls. Anyone know what is going on?

    1. It's all over

      they are going to shut down this blogspotte

      they are looking for you.,

      wait, sorry, I meant me.

    2. Aethelred the Unready10/12/12, 4:02 PM

      Something about people escaping through roof tops or something, I do believe we finally have some people on the run...hopefully out of town...I hear there are some areas down by Westminster that might work for some of these people after they get driven out of Springfield.

    3. send them to axlegrease's house


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