Saturday, October 13, 2012

Downtown arrest on gun charges

A Springfield man who is a witness to an attempted murder in downtown Springfield this summer that galvanized the town to address drug and gang activity was arrested by federal agents Friday morning on gun charges.


  1. job well done

  2. Indeed. This is what we've been waiting for. Nice work SPD and ATF.

  3. Yup good job just to bad our SPD couldn't do it the FEDS an ATF had to arrest a criminal in our town

    1. He was arrested on federal charges because the state of Vermont does not have a law against felons possessing firearms, thus the locals could not do anything to him.

    2. Aethelred the Unready10/13/12, 11:19 PM

      Also, since he was arrested on Federal Charges hopefully the charges won't wind up getting dropped by the prosecutor and there won't be anymore of the house arrest nonsense.

    3. I would be willing to bet that they released him to catch him on something bigger, like this.....

  4. Ask yourself, why does this element insist on engaging in behavior that only reinforces negative, racial stereotypes?

    1. Those are economic issues which we cannot necessarily solve locally, but we are importing the more violent types -- the real question is why is this element selecting this part of Vermont to land in. If we can get investigate that question and get a real grip on the real answer to that, then at least we can take steps to cut of the inbound flow of troublemakers, then we can turn to solving the problem of our homegrown n'ere do wells.

    2. I think most areas of the country have issues with baddies. They come to this 'area' because we've been naive. Beautiful Vermont. Rolling Hills. Blah blah. Many of us have lived in other countries/large cities, and know the pitfalls and the consequences of not being alert to danger.

      When we went on vacation in the 1950's we had to look for the house key. Now I don't weed the garden without locking the door. What's gone wrong? All I know is if I stole a candy bar as a kid, the police would be my last problem.

    3. well the first reason they end up here is the interstate. people go south to buy drugs and bring them back. not pot but hard drugs. the kind that addict. the people see they can make more by bringing it themselves. the second is the finest criminals in the state are released here. their families move into all the wonderful section 8 housing. you all were warned what would happen. so you took the states bait. wait that didnt work out that well either for the regular people. now the hospital owns our bribe. wow only in springfield.

    4. Hospital Non-profit swim team member10/14/12, 9:00 AM

      @ 6:51

      too true.
      too true.

    5. former USA colonel10/14/12, 9:02 AM

      Springfield Hospital was started the same year as the Federal Reserve. 1913.

      maybe this has all been the plan

    6. reply to anony @ 6:51AM Ah yes, The Prison. It's going to be the downfall. Well, we did get paving on Summer/Skitchewaug (after the selectboard was embarrassed and rightfully so...) I digress. Just remember: the parole gentleman at the s'board meeting says all the nice felons go home. No stopping in S'field. Oh please. Yeah, and wait until you're in the E. R. and have a handcuffer + guard in the next room.

    7. Aethelred the Unready10/14/12, 8:20 PM

      Are you sure they were living in Sec. 8 housing?

  5. I hope this trend continues, and our town becomes a safer place to raise children. There are amazingly intelligent and thoughtful students at the high school -- a majority of our children are excellent human beings.

    1. It looks to me like Springfield is turning a corner, both of the most notorious of the violent would be gang leaders are incarcerated, the three houses which were the most strongly reputed drug dens have hit their tenants with eviction proceedings. Congratulations to the group of young activists who led the fight and the crowd of citizens before the Selectboard and demanded action and provided the Selectboard, Police Chief, and Town Manager with proposals on what was needed. Let's just hope the Town can keep the pressure on and the momentum going.

    2. machinetowner10/15/12, 5:32 PM

      Let's hope so Alpin Jack. This is a town of good,caring people.

    3. A majority of your children are all out doin the same stuff eather doing or selling the drugs its the same game to every kid there just trying to get that paper g

    4. Aethelred the Unready11/2/12, 5:44 PM

      Somehow I doubt that.

  6. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Good job by the Feds.

    1. Yo thats not kool thats my boy

  7. Facebook emptyness feeling10/13/12, 8:31 PM

    No locals? where can I comment on the inside scoop?
    ATF, FEDS ..... we can't read it all on our favorite Facebook page. where's the dirt ?

    1. Aethelred the Unready10/13/12, 11:21 PM

      Dirt? You mean the discussion about him escaping the first time they went to arrest him, and then being an idiot went back to his apartment? And the police, Marshalls, and ATF being all over the downtown area that morning? You mean that dirt?

    2. yes axlerod yes

    3. facebook addict10/14/12, 9:03 AM

      more dirt please

  8. The guy WITNESSED an attempted murder right next to him. I would have a GUN TOO !!!

    1. I'd have a gun too. Oh, wait.. I have several.
      The whole world is a stage, and this is fiction. Sometimes some of us learn slower than others. I remember this kid trying to speak out about how he wound up in his situation.

      and then everybody set him up. again.

  9. Where is this info that he escaped from his residence?

    1. Aethelred the Unready10/14/12, 9:25 PM

      Who said that, can't be true...just fiction...those police were just there patrolling downtown not trying to figure out people running on the roofs...

  10. I was listening on scanner...the only mention was kids near Valley street going in and out of a second story mention of the subject escaping.

  11. There will always be gang members n drug dealers on these streets all these ppl ae gonna have to get used to it why the you think they came to this state because its next in the country to become a ghetto and become a problem city every body would be better off joining a side wheather you agree with living on the bottom doller or do something about it n make yo self some fedi


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