Friday, October 12, 2012

October 8 Select Board meeting

The minutes from the October 8, 2012 Springfield Select Board meeting.




7:00 PM



Chairman, Kristi Morris, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Board members present: Chairman, Kristi Morris, Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, Peter MacGillivray and David Yesman.

Stephanie Gibson Absent.

Also present: Town Manager, Robert Forguites, Chief Douglas Johnston, and Lieutenant Mark Fountain.


1. Joint Meeting – Board of School Directors and Board of Selectmen, Monday, September 24, 2012

2. Regular Board Meeting, Monday, September 24, 2012

Chairman, Kristi Morris, asked if there were changes to the Joint Meeting between the Board of School Directors and Board of Selectman, Monday, September 24, 2012 and/or Regular Board Meeting, Monday, September 24, 2012. There were none.

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras motioned to accept Joint Meeting Minutes between the Board of School

Directors and Board of Selectman, Monday, September 24, 2012 and Regular Board Meeting Minutes,

Monday, September 24, 2012. David Yesman seconded, passed unanimously.

Stephanie Gibson Absent






1. Springfield Regional Development Corporation Minutes – August 28, 2012

2. Police Activity Monthly Report – September 2012

3. Water Department Reports – August & September 2012

Chairman, Kristi Morris, acknowledged the above minutes and reports from the Springfield Regional Development Corporation, Police Activity Monthly Report and Water Department Reports. Chairman Morris noted that copies could be obtained from the Town Manager’s office.



1. Citizen Concerns – Update - a. Police Activity

Town Manager, Robert Forguites, pointed out the Monthly Police Activity Log for September 2012 did not have any changes to date. The Sub-Committee of S. Gibson, P. MacGillivray, and Chief D. Johnston have not had an opportunity to meet yet. Mr. Forguites said he is hoping the sub-committee could meet this week providing Stephanie Gibson was feeling better. He also noted in the Selectmen’s Packages he included the last two weeks of Police Logs.

Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, had questions for Chief Johnston. Mr. Knoras wanted to know what “Completed”, “Inactive” and “Active” meant on the Police Activity Log. Mr. Knoras questioned a case dated 09-01-12 and then he thought the same case was also listed on 09-03-12.

Chief Douglas Johnston, said he would look into what Mr. Knoras was talking about, but it might be something like the Police Officer had to serve a notice, but no one was home, so the Police Officer went back a couple days later.

Selectmen, Peter MacGillivray, also questioned Case No. 3649.

Chief Johnston said he would also check into this case too. He would let Peter know at the next Board of Selectmen meeting.

Peter MacGillivray said that Chief Johnston could just let him know when the Sub-Committee meets.

Chairman, Kristi Morris, also wanted the public to know the Police Activity Monthly Report for September 2012 had 484 calls and did not include motor vehicle violations. Chairman Morris also noted the Police Department was still continuing Foot Patrols.

1. Citizen Concerns – Update - b. Ordinance Review

Robert Forguites said that Michael Knoras, Stephanie Gibson, Town Attorney, Stephen Ankuda, and he were still continuing to meet. However, there was nothing new to report to the Board of Selectmen at this time. He also stated the Ordinance Review Committee is supposed to meet on October 9, 2012 @ 3:30 PM if Stephanie Gibson is feeling better.

Chairman Morris took this opportunity to inform the public that Robert Forguites, Stephanie Gibson, and he attended the Vermont League of Cities & Towns, (VLCT), Town Fair on October 4, 2012. Rutland’s Mayor, Chris Louras, was one of the speakers for VLCT. Mayor Louras shared the City of Rutland is pushing the State Legislature to enforce tougher drug penalties. As mentioned before the Gang Task Force will be meeting with Legislature in January 2013. The two groups will come together and produce a report of their findings.

Mr. Forguites mentioned a lot of municipalities are having the same issues.

Chairman Morris also reminded everyone three letters were mailed out to Landlords about their tenants. The letters were received in a positive light from the Landlords. As Chairman Morris stated, “This is a positive start to the process.”

2. Restorative Justice Center – Update

Mr. Forguites informed everyone that Peter MacGillivray is the Selectmen Representative working with Springfield Restorative Justice Center. At the last Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Mr. MacGillivray suggested an update from the Restorative Justice Center, (RJC).

Peter MacGillivray met with the Director of RJC, Wendi Germain, prior to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting. Ms. Germain had provided a Director’s Report, 06-18-12 through 10-01-12 and brief written descriptions of each service RJC offers, (Mediation, Community Re-entry and Reparative Programs). Copies of all the information were provided to each Selectman.

Wendi Germain was at the meeting to answer questions. If necessary, she also offered to attend another Board of Selectmen’s Meeting at a later date.

Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, had questions for Ms. Germain. He wanted to know the success rate of her program and how many repeat offenders.

Ms. Germain shared that last year she had between 50 to 60 people through her program. She said that out of the 50 to 60, six did not complete the program. Ms. Germain also shared with the Adult Program, she could not recall any repeat offenders, but the Youth Program there were 8 to 10 repeat offenders.

Mr. Forguites stated the RJC is Grant funded annually by the Department of Corrections, (DOC). The Town of Springfield matches this Grant “in-kind”. There is not a monetary match from the Town. The Town Comptroller, Jeffrey Mobus, assists by performing financial duties for the RJC. The RJC program also receives a couple of other grants.

Ms. Germain shared that unlike some other service providing business; RJC can address what communities want as long as it fits with their mission statement.

J. NEW BUSINESS: - Police Department Boiler Replacement

Mr. Forguites shared the 2011–2012 Town Budget contained funding to replace the two Boilers at the Police Department. He contracted with a Heating Engineer to put together specifications for the project and help through the Bid and Installation process.

The Town requested proposals on the project based on a Base Bid and three ADD Alternative Bids. The Base Bid covers the replacement of the two Boilers ($18,930.00). ADD Alternative #1 would install three new Unit Heaters in the garage/storage area in the back part of the building (15,550.00). ADD Alternative #2 would disconnect and remove Exterior Ductwork on the back of the building ($3,265.00) ADD Alternate #3 would Test and Balance the Existing Air Handling Units in the building ($4,834.00). The Town received two timely proposals and one late proposal that was not considered.

The Heating Engineer, Rob Favali, from DuBois & King is recommending awarding the project to the low bidder, Vermont Mechanical and Mr. Forguites agrees with his recommendation.

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, moved to accept from Vermont Mechanical Base Bid ($18,930.00)

and ADD Alternative #1 ($15,550.00) proposals for the Police Department Boiler Replacement.

If there are any additional funds available, the Town of Springfield will also accept from Vermont

Mechanical ADD Alternative #3 ($4,834.00) proposal for the Police Department Boiler Replacement.

Seconded by David Yesman, passed unanimously. Stephanie Gibson Absent

Discussion took place between Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, Chief Douglas Johnston, David Yesman, Chairman, Kristi Morris, and Robert Forguites about the current condition of the Old Boiler, Domestic Hot Water, potential Fuel Savings, and comparing the New Boiler at the Police Department to the Heating System at the Fire Department.

Chairman, Kristi Morris, asked Robert Forguites when work would start on this project.

Mr. Forguites said he would contact Vermont Mechanical in a few days. The two boilers would not be shutoff at the same time, so there would still be heat. Vermont Mechanical indicated it would take about five days to order the two new boilers. The projected time for this project from start to finish is about 30 working days.

NEW BUSINESS: - Byrnes Grant – 2009 DJBX 0891

Chief Douglas Johnston addressed the Board of Selectmen with reference to Byrnes Grant - 2009 DJBX 0891. The Springfield Police Department was awarded this Grant in 2009. The Grant was for $15,000.00. There is a balance of approximately $1,400.00. One of the stipulations for receiving this Grant was for the Town of Springfield to hold a Public Hearing for the acceptance of this Grant. After almost three years, it was discovered a Public Hearing never took place.

Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, wanted to know what Chief Johnston had spent the money on so far.

Chief Johnston shared he purchased a projector and screens for the large conference room upstairs at the Police Department. This conference room is used by many different groups and organizations within town. In addition to the projector and screens, tasers were purchased for Police Officers. Note: All of these items have been approved by the Byrnes Grant – 2009 DJBX 0891 and reimbursed to the Springfield Police Department. Chief Johnston said the remainder of the Byrnes Grant will be used for radio installation.

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, moved to correct this error and/or omission so the Police Department

could move ahead. Mr. Knoras moved to adopt Byrnes Grant – 2009 DJBX 0891 at a Public Board of

Selectmen Meeting on Monday, October 8, 2012. Seconded by Peter MacGillivray, passed unanimously. Stephanie Gibson Absent

NEW BUSINESS: - Spencer Hollow School Recognition

Robert Forguites wanted the Board of Selectmen to know the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation sent a letter to the Town of Springfield stating the Spencer Hollow School has been entered on the National Register of Historic Places. Mr. Forguites explained that being on the National Register does not automatically bring funding, but it should make it easer for the Friends of the Spencer Hollow School when applying for Grants.

He also wanted to let the public know there will be an Open House at the School on Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 10:00 AM.

Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, wanted to know if the Town had any responsibilities or restrictions with the Spencer Hollow School.

Mr. Forguites said the Town did not have any responsibilities for the Spencer Hollow School House. The Vermont Division for Historic Preservations did not set any restrictions with the notification either.



A Gentleman by the name of Richard Katz stood up and introduced himself. He and his wife, Ann Katz, moved to Springfield about 10 months ago. Mr. & Mrs. Katz are retired and are volunteering with various groups throughout the Town. Mrs. Katz had just sent an email into the Town Office this morning offering her assistance if needed.

At this point, Mr. Forguites said he wanted to back up the meeting. He should have added a No. 3 under OLD BUSINESS. Police Coverage at School Events – Mr. Forguites wanted the Board of Selectmen to know Athletic Director, Joseph Brown, from Springfield High School did send to Chief Johnston the remaining sporting events he wanted Police Officer coverage at. The list of sporting events was posted and there will be Police Officer coverage at all the events.


Mr. Forguites said at the next Board of Selectmen Meeting, the Sub-Committee of S. Gibson and P. MacGillivray should plan on time to report to the Board.

Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, really wants to have the Budget Advisory Committee up and running. He is very anxious to have an organizational meeting. Mr. Forguites said appointment letters went out to the eight volunteers appointed at the Board of Selectmen Meeting on September 24, 2012. He has another volunteer that needs to be appointed and another one that he is waiting to hear from.

Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, indicated there would be information from the Ordinance Review Committee too.

Chairman, Kristi Morris, wondered if State Representatives should be invited to speak before the Board of Selectmen. He thought it would be interesting to hear what was going on at the Statehouse.

Mr. Forguites questioned if the Board of Selectmen wanted to invite State Representatives before the election. No decision was made.

Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, asked for an update of the LED Streetlight Project.


Chairman, Kristi Morris, asked for a motion to go into Executive Session.

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Michael Knoras, moved to go into Executive Session for the purposed of discussing

contracts. Seconded by David Yesman, passed unanimously. Stephanie Gibson Absent

The Board of Selectmen went into Executive Session at 7:56 PM

N. ADJOURNMENT: (See attached Minutes)

Respectfully Submitted

Donna M. Hall

Recording Secretary

The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:26 PM.

No action was taken and a motion was made by David Yesman, seconded by Peter MacGillivray and voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:27 PM. Stephanie Gibson Absent

Submitted by:

Robert J. Forguites


Board of Selectmen Meeting 10-08-12

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