Saturday, October 13, 2012

Opinion: Allow Bill and Lou to live

My name is Miriam Jones, and I am the co-founder of VINE Sanctuary in Springfield, Vt., a refuge for formerly farmed animals, formerly fought animals, and animals rescued from other dire situations.


  1. Why would they kill the oxen? I makes no sense.

    1. modern healthcare makes no sense

  2. They are killing the oxen because they are not able to work on the farm any longer. As has been the case for thousands of years, now that they have outlived their usefulness on the farm they will become a food source which will sustain the students at the college for a month or two. I'm sure those who will be taking sustenance from these animals will appreciate knowing that their beef lived a happy and humane life, unlike the meat which they would otherwise be consuming from megafarms.
    And the fact of the matter is, Bill and Lou are the property of the school and are theirs to do whatever they wish. I personally think Miriam Jones is being ridiculous and her behavior regarding these humanely treated animals is shameful to true animal rights activists. She should be focusing on the many animals that are abused and malnourished rather than berating a farm that has done nothing wrong at all.

    1. Exactly right! I agree 100%
      As a matter of fact, I did the same with my parents when they became unproductive.

    2. And then one day they came for me and there was nobody left to turn to

    3. Oxen burgers....yummy! Hopefully they use them to make some good chili and meatloaf for the students.

  3. The ox should be allowed to live at the sanctuary and not be killed. Apparently one is no longer able to work and the other won't work alone. Let them have a peaceful existence for the rest of their lives. There is no good reason to kill them since the sanctuary will take them.

    1. For food. Food is a good reason to kill them.

  4. I cannot respect a group of people who pick on a small farm.
    They should be directing their efforts towards animals that are truly being abused on a daily basis.

    Their efforts to save two farm animals who have been treated with respect and love throughout their lives is basically setting the message that "some animals are created more equally then others."
    This is wrong. All animals should be treated with respect regardless of whether or not they are turned into sustenance.

    VINE is fighting the wrong people. I would gladly stand with them if they were to attack factory farms. Leave small unsubsidized farms out of the mix. GMC does not receive government funding as it is a private run school.

    Thank you,
    GMC Sustainable Ag. Student


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