Thursday, October 11, 2012

Opinion: Personal attack inappropriate

It is unfortunate that Mr. Ingold of Weston Solutions resorted to personal attacks in his response to our science-based critique of the proposed North Springfield biomass energy plant. ("Wood chip developer answers criticism,” Sept. 25.)


  1. Another mass-hole heard from. When you live in this state and pay taxes, then I'll listen

    1. Interesting how as standards for pollution control in Massachusetts tightened the polluters have migrated north into Vermont. As the pollution and other operational problems will certainly affect all of the New England states and beyond it seems appropriate that all parties that will be impacted voice their opposition to this boondoggle dependent on state and federal payments to survive.

  2. north springfield needs to reform its own town. cut all ties with springfield. all the tax base is there. let springfield keep all its non-profit state offices.

    1. South Springfield10/12/12, 7:47 AM

      US TOO !!!

    2. Non Profit Re Development for Tommorrows Facism10/12/12, 7:49 AM

      Maybe, if we cut out North, South, West, and East Springfield we can leave the Non-profits to their Nothingness and they can do nothing WITH our blessings.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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