Monday, October 29, 2012

State leaders discuss bullying prevention

The state’s top leaders in education, human rights and law gathered at the Howard Dean Center in Springfield last week with one common goal in mind — keeping all students free from bullying, harassment and hazing at school.


  1. Not this topic again......

  2. where can you get a video copy of the meeting?

    1. Call Springfield Area Publc Access, 885-6248. I think it'll cost $15.

  3. Lets spend all this money we don't have just to find out why Billy called Tommy fat....

  4. Surviving bullying is a rite of passage for most. It creates a learning process that will serve one later in life. If you don't think most of our American corporations are run by adult bullies you have a lot to learn. Anti-bullying campaigns are run by those that failed in their childhood testings and trials. Stop the nonsense and worry about something more making sure every child has proper nutrition, clothing and a roof over their head.

    1. correctly said, there are bullies after school and later in life too.

    2. It's not enough simply to "survive" childhood bullying if it merely results in suffering bullies in the workplace (either a co-worker or a boss) or elsewhere in adult life. Children need to be taught how to identify, marshal and use resources to "survive" bullies.

    3. Aethlered the Unready10/30/12, 5:39 PM

      Chuck are you saying we need to train kids to stand up to bullies, rather than train them to cry bulling?

  5. "Sticks and stones will break my bones

    But words will never harm me."

  6. Yo man, he was in my face! I'm in you're face!

  7. sticks and stones may break your bones, but a majority vote makes it leagal


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