Monday, October 29, 2012

Oxen’s Fate Is Embattled as the Abattoir Awaits

Now The New York Times has published a story on the Bill and Lou controversy.


  1. I really hate these oxen...and it's all thanks to the Springfield Blogspot and their incessant asinine coverage. DEATH TO BILL AND LOU! Also, the jerks at the VINE vegan "sanctuary" can all go to hell for making this such an issue. Go protest at one of the countless factory farms instead you out of touch fools.

  2. Aethelred the Unready10/30/12, 5:42 PM

    Been trying to understand the extent of the fuss. Not sure I can get my head around it, are we now supposed to boycott steaks, hamburgers and roast beef? Isn't there something slightly more important to discuss up at Middlebury?

  3. All the guy? In the picture has to do is hold them like he is and drop to his knees really quick. The ox is done. No more whining from people who have never even been n a farm let alone know how they work but somehow know what's best for one.

    1. That's a girl, dude. But understandedly, it's not always easy to tell the difference among farm folk.


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