Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day finally here

Polls are open to Springfield registered voters today from 8:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. at Riverside Middle School. Forecast is sunny, but with a high temperature of only around 39. Winds calm.
Windsor County Senator Dick McCormack (D-Bethel) in Springfield yesterday continued his afternoon sign holding and waving well past sunset.
Not to be outdone, Paul Gibbs, one of McCormack's Republican challengers, was also out at the Shopping Plaza intersection past sunset.  Gibbs is a long-time Springfield resident and an Army veteran.


  1. Please bring back the Bill and Lou sympathy articles and the Smart Meters for Dummies stories. This election overload is unbearable.

  2. Went to Riverside and voted this morning. In past years I have complained because the candidates from this area, park their vehicles as close as possible to the building. That leaves 1 (one) parking space for handicapped. I see many older and handicapped people parking down in the school parking lot and having to walk up the stairs to vote. This year it was a little bit better. They corralled off 2 (two) parking spaces. Progress, I guess.
    Still, the candidates parked their vehicles every which way and into the roadway, making it difficult to get around. I wonder why they need the premium parking spaces? If the voter truly comes first - as they all claim - lets show a little compassion or just plain courtesy to these folks.

  3. What about the people who just moved to this state and are not registered? Where do they go? "Polls are open to Springfield registered voters today from 8:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m. at Riverside Middle School."


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