Tuesday, November 6, 2012

PETA wants public slaughter of oxen

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have asked Green Mountain College administrators to allow the public to see the slaughter of the college’s two oxen, Bill and Lou.


  1. I am in! I will bring the popcorn.

    I would also like there to be public viewings of capital punishment.

    I am liking this newer, softer PETA.

  2. why cant they just mind their own business. i just dont get it. its not your animal or your college. so what gives you the right to act in this manner? you dont want people eating meat? its called a choice. you make yours and i'll make mine.

  3. This is our business now.

    call 1-802-dead-cow for tickets.

  4. Is PETA still around?

  5. Wouldn't that be special a bunch of Pita's all pissing their pants at the same time

  6. that would be. ive got the pistol. i want a cut though.

  7. It is very quick and painless how they go. You just put that air compressed cork gun to the middle of their forehead, and "pop" they fall to the ground. It is truly one of my favorite tools in my arsenal.

  8. Hey PETA, go to YouTube and look up cow slaughter. Pretty simple, one shot they are dead. While they are still moving from the nervous system shut down hoist them up, slit their throat and let em bleed out. Skin and cut to order.


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