Friday, December 7, 2012

Area landlords may form association

Springfield area landlords are thinking of forming an association.


  1. Good idea, there is more power in numbers.

    1. Hand Guns Work12/8/12, 8:23 AM

      Arm Your landlord

    2. Yes, more power in numbers.

      Half Way House
      Turning Point
      Section 8
      Affordable Houses

      KEEP GOING Yeah for Da' selectboard and Town Fathers....

      more power in numbers ??? You've got your s;avery quota filed and your criminal recruitment pool wel stocked.

      How many wil be approved for medical experimentation. Volunteering for murder underneath the pretex of study... Your here to help us, nothing can be done for you, but maybe you'll save others.

  2. the slumlords can now complain about taxes together in stereo?

    1. Dumb Ass Landlord12/8/12, 8:25 AM

      Or Hold pitch forks together and attend the selectboard meetings.

      We'd love higher taxes if they were warrented.

  3. Make no mistake, the non resident slum lords are driving the tax rate in this community.

    It is their low income and Section Eight tenants that create the disproportionate demand for both town and school services. Until the financial benefit for renting to those parasites is nullified, it will only get worse.

    The solution is to tax low income and Section Eight properties proportionate to the burden they place on the community. Remove the incentive to ruin neighborhoods. Once that is done, all properties will rent for what the market will bear. Everyone, except the slum lords benefit.

    1. Can this be done at the local level or is it a state issue.

    2. I've heard the phrase "race to the bottom" used on here. It's a good one for our slumlords to use. Rent as cheap as you can, fix nothing, and pocket the cash. You end up with run down buildings ready to fall down, right to the bottom, with it's residents and all.

    3. Clinton St Security Guard12/8/12, 8:26 AM

      @! 11:55

      If this is a race towards the bottom, We've been waiting at the finish line since the beginning of the race.

  4. Join SOS - Slumlords of Springfield - for the sharing of new and inventive ways to acquire low income government subsidized tenants while banding together to fight for "tax fairness" for local rental properties (i.e., even lower taxes on the ramshackle properties that detract from the aestetic quality of the town, cater to the subversive elements, and just tend to make a Springfield slumlord's winter in Florida that much more enjoyable).

    1. Aesthetic Quality? Hell I worry more about how it affects my property values. I don't like to look at the flaking run down hovel across the street with tall grass, wild bushes and the trash all around, but even worse, how much would someone pay to buy my house for that view? I am sick to death to hear these people talk about how high the taxes are at school board meetings and town meetings, when they are driving them up with the people they are bringing to town and driving down the value of my house to line their pockets.

    2. A freakin men anon! My mother has been trying to sell her house which was beautiful when I was a kid, quiet neighborhood, no crime and very little traffic. One of the neighbors rented their house to some of Springfield's finest scumbags.
      All of a sudden the broken down cars ended up all over the property. My moms garage was broken into and my deceased dads tools went missing. There were stray cats all over the place. That lawn was never mowed. Their garage fell in and it has been like that for over 5 years now.
      My mom has no chance to sell her house now. It still looks great, she just put a new roof on, she put new siding on and had all the decks replaced. It is a perfect house. I would love to buy it but the neighborhood has gone to hell!
      I was over a few weeks ago and was livid with the way the neighborhood has gone down. My moms house and one neighbors house are the only houses that still look nice. Some of the other neighbors have apparently moved out and let their houses get rented. There was junk cars everywhere, dogs barking, cats everywhere and the neighborhood looks and smells like garbage. There was a kid racing his 4 wheeler up the road with no helmet on. Their place had numerous cars rusting out, a ripped trampoline that had been sitting there for awhile a huge burn pile with trash bags all over it. I was appalled by the way people keep their homes.
      I walked around and was embarrassed to say that I grew up there. I had my kids with me and they thought I was joking about when I was a kid and going fishing in the brook out back, playing football in a field that is now covered with old rusted cars. They couldn't believe that the entire neighborhood looked like this.
      You can put a pig in a mansion and eventually you'll have a pig stie!
      People used to take PRIDE in their homes and realized that when people look at their homes they make an assumption of what kind of people live there! It is true, you can't deny that!

    3. The town and select board could solve a lot of these problems very quickly with some effective leadership and more stringent zoning laws.

      I know I hate the thought of someone especially the government telling me how my property should look, but I would rather that than broken down cars and garbage all over the place.

    4. "The town and select board" and "effective leadership" don't go together in the same sentence. Springfield has hosed itself by hiring mamby pamby town management and electing tweedle dee and tweedle dum to the select board for too many decades now, and the town reflects exactly that. I sympathize with the plight described above, but sometimes you just have to decide to sell at a loss and move on. With the stigma of now being a prison town, Springfield will have to wear that albatross around its neck for too many future generations to count and likely never recover in our lifetimes. The town will continue to r@pe and pillage its respectable citizens with confiscatory taxes, mediocre services, and substandard schools.

    5. I am the original poster of this section with the mom in the crappy neighborhood. I am not asking the government to be involved at all. I'm calling for accountability and pride! Where I live in town I can't see my neighbors house and they can't see mine, however, I make sure my kids pickup their toys, the lawn is well mowed and my yard looks nice. I take pride in how people see my family and I no matter what.
      I wash my car and wax it once a month just because I have pride in things I own. People I know see me in that car and if it is dirty or not kept up they might think I don't take pride in my things or take care of them.
      I just wish people would do the same for their houses. In the long run it makes the value of their house go up. The government shouldn't have to be involved to MAKE people clean their yards. People should want to do it because they have pride in how they are seen by others.

    6. I am guessing that the people you are referring to don't really feel the need to take pride in their yards.

    7. Dear original poster, you are an exception to what has become the norm in Springfield. The town should be congratulating you for your personal and civic pride, but instead it chooses to coddle the pathetic social misfits and malingerers who continue to weigh the town down to the point of drowning in its own refuse. You should take what you can get for your home and that of your parents and move to greener pastures outside of an ungrateful town and state. Quite paying your hard earned dollars to Springfield and Vermont so that they can squander it on their progressive social agendas that continue to gut the economic belly of town and state. Trust me, you'll be glad you had the courage to leave and begin a real future for yourself and your family. The days of romanticizing a once great town need to end.

    8. can't we just declare eminent domain and knock all of them down ? Let's just offer real money and good money at that.
      We'd be really on the move and have a new canvass to scape.

    9. under funded12/8/12, 1:19 PM






      your turn..

  5. Apple Picker12/7/12, 6:04 PM

    People complain about the dumpy places in town and want them cleaned up. They say they want stricter code enforcement, but then say don't tell me what to do on my land. Can't have it both ways, some bad apples spoil it for everyone.

    1. I agree but maybe it's time to be more strict until these eyesores are cleaned up.

    2. If one's home and property is well maintained and kept in respectable condition, its highly unlikely that they would be "told what to do" with it anyway. None of those folks are expecting to have it both ways, they just want equal treatment under the law, which means that those not in compliance are dealt with in no uncertain terms.

    3. I hear the frustration here and believe me, I'm very sympathetic. Full disclosure: I don't live in Springfield but could toss a stone and hit it.

      While there may not be zoning, doesn't the Town employ a Health Officer? I don't know but in my previous Town the Health Officer/Department was instrumental in mandating that 'attractive nusences(sp)' be removed and cleaned up since they posed a liklihood of harboring rodents and vermin harmful to public health.

      And with the Health Officer's vigilance....guess what?.......IT WORKED!!!!

      Just my two pennies.

  6. Apple Picker12/7/12, 7:13 PM

    Even with the Health Officer involved it is near to impossible to get these dumps cleaned up. I have one up the street that has crap stacked in the yard higher than the house and probably 10 cars that don't run. Everyone in the neighborhood complains about it but we are told that nothing can be done, but then again you have a certain member of the SelectBoard that has a vested interest in not having tighter zoning for rental properties, which would be a good place to start the clean up.

    1. How do you know Picker.....have you ever ASKED the Health Officer to become involved????????

    2. Yes...we have they have been up to the property.

    3. As a matter of fact the Health Officer, Planning & Zoning Director, Fire Dept & Town Administration are all aware of the situation. The only option we have is to either individually or as a neighborhood group file a suit on our own. I think the town should go in clean up the property at the expense of the owner and slap a lien on it or take them to court for payment.

    4. @ Apple Picker: That wouldn't happen to be the dump on North Main Street, would it? The one with numerous, presumably broken down cars and stacks of pallets in the yard? It's an eye-sore and despite many neighbor complaints, the town does nothing (which is typical).

    5. The selectboard FINALLY got around to sending the Wall St. messy house a notice. Guess what? They got the address wrong. Ha Ha Ha. You just can't make this stuff up.

  7. Isn't an "association" just another name for a gang?

    1. new gang in town12/8/12, 7:51 AM

      Springfield Land Lords Ass.

      get a piece.

  8. Yes. Examples: the AMA, NBA, MMA, NRA, and your favorite gang, NAMBLA.

    1. Nice contribution to the discussion there 10:21.

      You wouldn't happen to be the Douche Baggy kid would you?

  9. I went to town hall years ago about an eyesore. My concern was rusted, crappy cars slowly eroding into the ground. There was a brook within 20 feet. I was told the health inspector had numerous visits because of mosquitoes, contamination issues AND (my concern) children cutting themselves or getting into the cars. The answers were: the town attorney and the inspector were intimidated by the owner. So I said 'HOW ABOUT AN OUTSIDE ATTORNEY' It would take a few lawsuits, but some of these people would get the message (maybe)

    My parents' house could not be sold today for a decent price because of the neighborhood. It's very discouraging.

    Is anybody going to get that building behind the bank demolished? Who owns it? (Don't answer that)

    1. What about listing the addresses on the blogspot? Perhaps public shame might get people to clean up their act?

    2. 1. Almost all of seavers brook road
      2. The road across from the old Matulonis body shop, first house on the right.
      3. Lots on Union street
      4. Ma and Pa's apartments
      5. A few houses on Randell Hill

      That should start a list, keep them coming people!

    3. Great idea, and here's a quick way to do it.

      Take a revealing photo of the listed eyesores. At Google Earth link it and label with the property owner's name. That way anyone in the world researching Springfield will get an accurate depiction of what a rat hole this town has become and who's responsible. Heck, just Goggling the property owner's name will show the image.

      Be sure to include, the boarded up structure on Valley Street behind the Bank, the dump on Mt. Vernon St., P&W shop on Park St., the abandoned/boarded up house on Union St., and the Gilman Shop with the foolish stage coach painting,

    4. Wall St. west of Bridge St. Also,the tight end of Wall that begins at Summer St. That house with the black plastic. Dr. Beardsley's office used to be on that corner. We used to walk home from Riverside. Now I wouldn't drive there.

    5. 1. On 143 by Maple Dell road. They have tons of lumber and junk laying around. I think they had a couple cows and some pigs.
      2. Further up the same road around the corner from eureka road and down the hill the red house. Tons of junk cars and junk laying around. They put up a fence to hide it but now it's overflowing.
      3. JB&co, that place looks like a bomb went off. Kinda like the work they do

    6. I'll add on Paddock road, there are two houses side y side that should be burned to the ground.
      I cannot believe nobody wants to add anymore places!
      I think I added all of them except for 6:31
      That's what you get when you drive around town for your job!

  10. What is the problem with some rusting broken down cars strategically placed in yards around town? Wait until that biomass plant starts a smoldering. You won't be able to do a thing about getting that removed either. It isn't going to make home prices increase. Welcome to Hades, folks.

    1. Yea, Burlington is a real eye sore these days. That Church St stands out like a sore thumb.

    2. burlington burlington we're not. no colleges to support us. no ibm. no burton snowboards. i wish it was i wish it was.

    3. 16 generations ahead of you12/8/12, 7:59 AM

      This isn't Burlington. Never was, Never wil be...
      Stop pretending, stop Trying...

      If you want it to be so much like Burlington, move yourself there.

      Some of us, would like to be ahead of Burlington.

      c'mon seriously, how many anarchists and people with spray painted hair live there ???

      That plus one prison..... = no telling who's who.

      Ateast we can tell the criminals at this point.

      If you have white hair and look like a snob walking down main streat your probably local mafia

    4. Personally I'd like to go back to the way Springfield was 30 years ago. It was simple, you could leave your car unlocked and business was booming. At that time I was in grade school and thought that I would have a CAREER at Fellows, Bryant's or Lovejoy. I joined the service and just knew that I would do 4 years and move "home" and have a job. I received a phone call from my parents that said Fellows had closed.
      All of a sudden, there were no jobs at home. People were on welfare and the town started the "race to the bottom" that people are all asking about.
      One short drive around town and you can see how bad this place has become. Across from Village Pizza there is a major drug den above where black river books and magic mushroom is located. If you take a left down Park St, the once nice area now has bullet holes in a door, the bowling alley is now another nice druggie apartment hangout.
      Continuing up the hill and glancing left at the once bright Park St School it is now being used as offices for the principal and superintendent (they must have a lot of paperwork to fill that school) taking a right on Pearl St you can see all the houses that used to be bold and beautiful are now falling in on themselves. The one star or diamond in the rough is the new medical center.
      Then you see Turning Point......with all the great people hanging out and offering a smile and a bag of heroine or some meth ( I usually see a guy on a bike) then you see Mrs Germaine and her car that stands out because it is usually new.
      Go up the hill to Park st again and cross onto Union St, this once bustling area is now still alive! The people living there are wrapping their porches with black plastic and riding their bikes around shaking hands for a long time. They must be doing well as I see cash changing hands all the time!

    5. chuck gregory12/9/12, 1:34 PM

      I'd like to give you my favorite bumper sticker: "If you're under fifty, you don't know how good it used to be."

      Actually, it was 40 years ago the good times started ending for Springfield. From 1972 on, the middle class has just barely stayed even in terms of income, while costs have gone up. Back then, one parent earned enough to support the whole family and the other was able to stay at home and keep an eye on the kids. Today, if there isn't an after-school program, neither parent is home because both of them have to work to stay above water. It's hardly surprising that parents aren't keeping one another informed about what their kids are up to.

      If you've seen the movie, "Bulworth," you've seen it explained why dealing drugs is not only a commonsense way to earn money, but for nonwhites often the only way to earn money. The average Wal-Mart employee makes $1400 a month; if he or she is supporting even one kid, it takes $3,700 a month; hardly surprising they can only afford to live in a dump as well as not having a handle on what their kids are up to-- and $2,100 is the average household income for 85% of the Springfield households.

      It's going to take government to change things. Here are a couple of suggestions:

      1. Property taxes based on condition of the property-- the worse it's maintained, the higher the valuation.

      2. A re-structuring of the state income tax so that the bottom 40% don't pay (as they do now) more taxes than the top 20%.

    6. Watch the movies. The movies explain everything! Hollywood portrays everything so accurately. Once you've finished being brainwashed by Hollywood, turn immediately to the government for your solutions, because the government knows best! It's led a nation to insolvency and is in the process of selling our sovereignty down the river. CG and the sewer rats are a broken record (or damaged CD in today's vernacular). Hollywood, government, more government, a little more Hollywood, definitely more government, and, of course, HIGHER TAXES, MUCH HIGHER TAXES, and finally, TOTALITARIAN RULE! That way CG and the sewer rats will get their shacks, three bowls of soup a day, and a lifetime of security!

    7. If you can not afford to have children, DON'T HAVE THEM. Why should I have to pay for your subsidies, food and medical? ONE KID? $3,700 to support? Gross or net?

    8. I have actually heard someone say "if we have 3 kids we will get $4500 from taxes each year!" Sounds like incentive to some!

  11. Are you sure you can tell the criminals? What about telling who's guilty for the quagmire that this town has become? Start with a list of ineffective town managers and department heads, followed by unproductive state representatives and senators, and rounded out by an extensive slate of self-serving town sympathizers and you have a complete cast of culprits that are responsible for Springfield's economic death sentence.

    1. fast breeding rat12/8/12, 1:24 PM

      sorry, thought white hair and a snob gave that one away.

      I guess bald would also maybe have to be included too.

    2. socialist in a speedo12/8/12, 1:26 PM

      tattoo + celphone = inocent

      pocket protector + shifty eyes = guilty

    3. Actually the predominant theme of the meeting had nothing to do with setting up a landlord's association, the theme of the meeting was how to keep from renting to drug lords, and how to evict people who had set up drug dens in your apartment building or rental unit. That was the original intent and focus of the seminar. The activists who have been pressuring the Selectboard to do something about the drug dens in Town were behind putting on the seminar in order to give the Landlords the information they needed to rid themselves and the Town of the drug dens. The ulterior motive was also to remove any excuse the landlords might give for not having evicted the drugtraffickers. Remember these were the same activists who got the Town to serve the egregious drug den landlords with notice that they could themselves be subject to prosecution if they didn't act.

    4. Ya Jacky, like the slumlords really care who they rent to. It is all about the dollars. Who pays, who stays, who cries, who dies.

    5. Yeah, Alpin Jack, you dork didn't you go to the meeting? It was all about...well okay...that is what it was about, but what it should have been about is the Landlord's Association. Now that is an idea worth having, but I think the Slumlords of Springfield is a bit harsh. How about the Facilitators of Freedom, or the Springfield Heritage League, that has a much better ring to it. Those activists trying to scare the landlords into not looking the other way with the drugtrafickers are just not good for the economy. Money is legal tender for all debts public and what I say...the government than governs least is the best government, and don't tread on me. I stand foursquare against any government crackdown on landlords, apartments don't sell drugs...people do.

  12. Springfield

  13. Vermont Garlic Exports we grow it you throw it12/8/12, 2:18 PM

    Landloooooooooooooooooords UNITE !!!

    In need of silver bullets, silver coated axes, and knives!!
    We have that !! and MORE !!! pitch forks dipped in silver
    cellphones and ebt cards made of silver alloy, and even real "tattoo" needles with hidden silver inside !!!

    Here at the Landlords Association we've got what you need in order to survive: The S.O.M.B.Y. APOCALYPSE

  14. Tenant Excuses For Not Paying The Rent

    "I can't pay my rent as my BMW is in the shop, and I cannot afford
    to pay for both."

    "I can't pay my rent because the checks come out of Japan and the
    plane crashed."

    "If I move, my friends won't know where to find me."

    "Well, you see, I cannot pay the rent because my daughter ate my
    husband's paycheck."

    "I deposited my paycheck in the bank teller machine and it got
    caught in the rollers. It took six days to tear apart the machine."

    "I had my choice of paying the rent or buying a car.
    I bought a car. I knew you would understand."

    "I am sure I paid you -- YOU must have lost it."

    "You towed my car away that was illegally parked and I refuse to
    pay my rent until you get my car out of impound."

    "It's your fault. You deposited my check too late. My automatic
    withdrawals went through the bank before the rent check."

    "There is nowhere else to go. The place I applied to will not
    take me because you are evicting me."


  15. Extracts from Letters Sent to Landlords.

    I wish to complain that my father hurt his ankle very badly
    when he put his foot in the hole in his back passage.

    The lavatory is blocked, this is caused by the boys next door
    throwing their balls on the roof.

    This is to let you know that there is a smell coming from the
    man next door.

    The toilet seat is cracked: where do I stand?

    I am writing on behalf of my sink, which is running away from
    the wall.

    I request your permission to remove my drawers in the kitchen.

    Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.

    Can you please tell me when our repairs are going to be done
    as my wife is about to become an expectant mother.

    I want some repairs done to my stove as it has backfired and
    burnt my knob off.

    I am still having trouble with smoke in my built in drawers.

    The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until
    it is cleared.

    The person next door has a large erection in his back garden,
    which is unsightly and dangerous.

    Will you please send someone to mend our cracked sidewalk.
    Yesterday my wife tripped on it and is now pregnant.

    Our kitchen floor is very damp, we have two children and would
    like a third, so will you please send someone to do something
    about it.

    Will you please send a man to look at my water, it is a funny
    color and not fit to drink.

    Would you please send a man to repair my downspout. I am an
    old age pensioner and need it straight away.

    I awoke this morning and found my water boiling.

    Could you please send someone to fix our bath tap. My wife
    got her toe stuck in it and it is very uncomfortable for us.

    When the workmen were here they put their tools in my wife's
    new drawers and made a mess. Please send men with clean tools
    to finish the job and keep my wife happy.

  16. We own this town! We own this town! We own this town! We own this town! We own this town! We own this town! Get used to it.

  17. Can we call it the Craft Organization ?


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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