Sunday, December 9, 2012

New Bartonsville Covered Bridge nears completion

The new Bartonsville covered bridge is getting ready to move. The original was swept away by hurricane Irene in 2011.


  1. I bet if we burn that wood in the North Springfield incinerator we can produce enough electricity to run someone's refrigerator for a month!

    1. Did your mother not love you enough? It seems like all you Anton's want to do is cause drama and say negative things. Get a life, go to work and make a difference.

    2. Been there, done that. Now I want Springfield to make a difference. Continually lining the pockets of a select few with other people's money doesn't count.

    3. Why not it's Obama's dream to line pockets of everyone with a select fews money

    4. What's an "Anton" genius? That explains why you can't figure out how someone who's watched their town and state over the past three decades dissovle into an absolute welfare basket case would appear to "say negative things". Your probably the type who's all about others' self-esteem in an open setting, but when no one can see you, you seek to persecute those whose views don't agree with your own. Two plus two equals five is okay in the classrooms of public schools, but it must be challenged in the blogs!

  2. When it is MY money I have an issue with it

  3. How about we put in a regular bridge and be done with it? No we have to cater to the people who think this bridge will make people think oh I am coming to a quaint little village I should slow down? Seriously we always used the covered bridge for burnouts. A new covered bridge is a waste of time and money for all involved.

  4. The state ran the numbers. A covered bridge will save taxpayers $62.89 in snow removal savings over its lifetime by not having to be plowed. However, it will cost an additional $2.8M when the next global warming induced storm of the century occurs in the next ten years! Those government bean counters have it all figured out, so do not be concerned. They are all looking out for your best interests as a taxpayer!


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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