Friday, December 14, 2012

SRDC & BDCC Receive Disaster Recovery Funding

The Vermont Community Development Program announced on Thursday that they have awarded a one million dollar Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery to two southeastern Vermont Regional Development Corporations.


  1. Hmmmm. Wonder what Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) and Springfield Regional Development Corporation (SRDC) skim off the top as their "pass through costs"? Not sure that anyone should be crowing or bragging over being awarded a quarter of one percent of the funding that was made available. By the time it gets to the recipients, chances are it'll only be pennies on the dollar.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I would like to just add some numbers. SRDC get ANOTHER Million? Let me mark that in my book here. Hmmm........... this number keeps getting REALLY big. This town is so small, they should soon be able to rebuild this town without the help of the PRISON WORKERS. Soon they will be able to employ the good people who live here so WE CAN AFFORD OUR RAISED TAXES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY SRDC - I AM WATCHING YOU, COUNTING UP THE NUMBERS, AND I EXPECT MORE !

  4. The "Good Ole Boys Club" are certainly celebrating tonight. More "loot" from the taxpayers shared by a select few with elite status. Boob Flint the Pied Piper of taxpayer dollars has struck once again. Wait till you see all of the "damages" that Irene has "caused".

    1. heck, my cellphone broke at Irene's... It makes sence that she and Bob should buy me a new one

  5. why? irene damage? this is criminal. their are people who are still trying to recover. i can understand brattleboro but springfield.

    1. Smooooooooth 0515612/15/12, 8:36 AM

      So Springfield ... Are You O.k. ??

      As They Came Into Town
      It Was The Sound Of A
      They Came Into Springfield
      They Left The Bloodstains On
      The Sidewalk
      They Hid Behind The Simpson's
      We Could See They Were Unable
      So they Ran Into the Industrial Park
      They Were Struck Down, It Was
      Their Doom!!

      Springfield Are You Ok
      So, Springfield Are You Ok
      Are You Ok Springfield
      Springfield Are You Ok
      So, Springfield Are You Ok
      Are You Ok Springfield
      Springfield Are You Ok
      So, Springfield Are You Ok
      Are You Ok Springfield
      You've Been Hit By
      You've Been Hit By-
      A Smooth Criminal

      So They Came Into The Outway
      It Was Sunday-What A Black Day
      Every time I tried to find Them
      Their Leaving no clues left behind them
      And we had no way of knowing
      of the suspect or what to expect
      Mouth To Mouth Resuscitation
      Sounding Heartbeats Intimidations....

      Springfield Are You Ok
      So, Springfield Are You Ok
      Are You Ok Springfield
      Springfield Are You Ok
      So, Springfield Are You Ok
      Are You Ok Springfield
      Springfield Are You Ok
      So, Springfield Are You Ok
      Are You Ok Springfield
      You've Been Hit By
      You've Been Hit By-
      A Smooth Criminal

  6. 12 steps to nowhere12/18/12, 4:32 PM

    hopefully they wil help the good people from all of the devestating effects of too much Dihydrogen Monoxide

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. chuck gregory2/15/18, 12:15 PM

    Imagine having any of the above commentators serving the town in any capacity, from Cemetery commission to Windsor County Senator. It's hardly surprising they choose to remain Anonymous.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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