Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The 12 months of NIMBY

Springfield, Vt. has made it on Renewable Energy Magazine's annual list of 12 renewable energy projects around the world that have been countered by public opposition.


  1. "And remember, the best way to move forward is by planning early and effectively with a trusted public affairs firm."

    Labeling people with legitimate gripes as NIMBY's is part of the big PR con in having their way against the will of the masses. It is always about the dollars no matter who gets trampled in their way. Poison air? No problemo! For a firm that makes its money trying to help dirty industries trample the public, putting their victims on a public list declaring their opponents NIMBY's is to be expected.

    1. NIMBYs always have gripes, but most aren't "legitimate".

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  3. Unicorn Princess12/6/12, 8:33 AM

    and I'm on the cover !!!

  4. southern sweetheart12/6/12, 9:12 AM

    municipal sludge !!!!

    and we're even debating this ?

    Let's burn it in YOUR backyard !!! Better than dumping it in the CT River.....

    darn hill folke

  5. NIMBYs, I resent that, I am all in favor of having industrial projects everywhere except in industrial parks. Why people who own property near industrial parks expect those to remain vacant so we can grow wildflowers there. These progressives who think that we should put industry in industrial parks are just un-Vermontian!

    1. love the humor.. but the local mafia guys are hogging all the resources and laying siege to their competition at the same time. I don't think there are NIMBY's involved not even on NOSAG. What we really have here is a Bluff being played out by the biomass marketing efforts. The only stones they are turning up are the resistance to decay to often muffled by Springfield's good 'ole boy network. Just too bad the goof old boys keep squandering the entire crop.
      the ultimate point is, what a disaster this could turn out to be. Solely based on the track record of the municipal government of the Town of Spirngfield. It being a grim reeper funeral pire has nothing to do with it.

    2. Local mafia? Now those were just good old boys having a little disagreement down there on Park Street, I wouldn't be calling them Mafia besides I don't think they were of Mediteranean descent. Now if we just would put the industrial project along the river instead of in the industrial parks everything would just be fine. Then people could continue to pick wildflowers in the industrial park and dream of the return of the machine shops.

  6. Cut the trees and dance12/6/12, 11:33 AM

    cAN SOMEBODY WRITE a gangman style parody featuring NIMBYS

    1. 12 days before The biomass plant opened ?

      On the twelfth day before the plant opened my true love gave to me 12 gas mask filter canisters..

      no, no, no, ..

      SING IT.... SING IT !! Now, this time with conviciton Q!Q!

  7. Watch the NIMBYs glom on to this opportunity so they can acquire a good supply of firewood for their woodburing stoves - at the expense of their nextdoor neighbors of course (cough, cough, hack, hack). But in that case it's their personal right to burn wood and emit pollutants into the atmosphere (cough, cough, hack, hack)!


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