Sunday, December 2, 2012

Vt. awards $2.4 m to bike, pedestrian projects

The Vermont Agency of Transportation is awarding $2.4 million in grants to communities for bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Related article: Toonerville to Spoonerville?


  1. pedestrian down12/2/12, 10:05 AM

    Too bad Springfield isn't asking for more money.

    Enough to finish the sidewalk on main street would be a good start.

    1. oh, you mean the sidewalk directly infront of the Town Christmas Tree...

      My baby carriage got stuck on the crack from the cement saw that has been there for over two years at the tree lighting. Amazing no one got hurt.

    2. pedestrian down in broad daylight12/2/12, 2:07 PM

      yeah, the one firectly smack in front of the tree in the middle of the town.

      Sure wish the genious behind the curtain would start with fixing that sidewalk before looking for grant money for "studies" and "new projects"

    3. do something other than bitch12/2/12, 3:50 PM

      The grant written for the bike path was written by volunteers, you could do the same for a sidewalk grant, but judging by your writing ability I am not sure it would be very successful.

  2. Santa's little helper12/2/12, 4:32 PM

    @ 3:50
    There are no such things as volunteers.
    Like the Easter Bunny and Santa, they are only pretend.
    Stop living the lie and the truth won't sound like a whine.

  3. Unicorn Princess12/2/12, 4:57 PM

    I like bike path's

    1. I like them, too, and would like to pave one right through your front yard!

    2. You must be a NIMBY. We will seize your land through the use of Eminent Domain while making the tax payers pay for the trail system for the few of us that want a bike trail for our personal use.

    3. Tom Shepard dad12/5/12, 9:10 AM

      amazing how you pick on an 8 year old named Unicorn Princess.
      Is she realy a NIMBY ?

      If you want to pave through her yard, I'll have you know we are off the beaten path but also have a sidewalk already.


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