Sunday, December 2, 2012

Corrections Department seeks public comments

The Vermont Department of Corrections wants to hear from the public about its operations. The first of four quarterly meetings planned during the next year is set for this Tuesday at 4:15 p.m.


  1. form an opinion / sleep over night

    maybe the Spingfield Chamber of Commerce can host a sleep over night at the prison. can we move the Vermint Interactive TV to the prison?
    Can we open up the cheap prison labor to outside interests???

  2. Perhaps ethnically diverse prisoners could be housed out-of-state. That way their lazy, parasitic, resource burdening, EBT funded, slum dwelling, special needs breeding, crack-head, meth-tweaking, smack addicted, malt liquor swilling, tattooed, rap blasting, porch monkey, Obama voting butts would never end up in Springfield.

    1. yea like the Germans did with the Jews!

      There are more white, "lazy, parasitic, resource burdening, EBT funded, slum dwelling, special needs breeding, crack-head, meth-tweaking, smack addicted, malt liquor swilling, tattooed, rap blasting" than those who are "ethnically diverse" in Springfield.

      In fact like you most of them grew up here.

    2. Burn the white people!


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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