Monday, March 25, 2013

Fire destroys 7-unit apartment house

A fire in downtown Springfield early this morning left seven families homeless.   (Photo by Westminster firefighter Cook)


  1. Another "defensive fire" response by SFD.

    Is the photo misleading, or is no one using a fire hose?

    1. Yeah idiot, one photos says it all...ignorance is bliss

    2. anonymous 1:20,why are you always bashing the fire department,if your so much of a professional firefighter,why don't you run right down and take over the department,maybe get a life,maybe know all the facts before you run your mouth,there was about 12 firefighters in that house when those flames took off thru the roof,are they suppose to stay in there and get killed because you don't think they are doing the job right,you just sit home watching TV and complaining about our firefighters,while their out there risking their lives to save other people and their property and i bet your the first one to call the department when you need some of their services,maybe you bitter because you couldn't make the cut to be one of them,grow up

  2. The story on WCAX shows water actually being applied to the fire, from the parade vehicle - tower one - no less. Awsome. The video also shows the street being totally blocked by fire apparatus, a familiar trait. But really, 20 people, 7 apartments in that little house????

  3. Wow...Springfield sure has its share of arm chair quarterbacks. Applications are available for call department personnel, if you think you have time for the training and can make the cut

  4. Really glad no lives were lost and no serious injuries.

  5. "Photo by Westminster firefighter Cook". Sure glad he had enough time to be taking pictures! I guess they must have declared it a loss at that point...

  6. This must have been the only picture that shows firefighters taking any action... Hey Chief, ya' wants I should go up on Tower One for a photo op? That's a good idea!

    1. I think you should have to comment with facebook i.d., just sayin

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I saw this post, why did you remove it? Is it true you get paid to advertise on this site? Why is there now a Kelley's sales and service commercial below?

    4. Did you notice Pat Kelley is getting fatter every year?

    5. Thank you for your kind comment. Please remember Timothy 1:7 - For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, His Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control.

  7. Battalion Chief (ret)3/25/13, 7:10 PM

    It would not be a prudent move to direct water if firefighters were inside attempting to locate occupants. It's as simple as that.

  8. Thank you SFD for risking your lives to save lives. As a state trooper's wife, I know how much you and your families risk each and every day. Thank God nobody was seriously injured or killed. And whoever is critiquing the SFD... put the weed and box of ho ho's down and get your fat ass up off that couch and go apply for the job!

  9. Really people...go to an actual fire and see what goes on! But what you should do is get a job, life and stop writing about something you obviously have no idea about..I know of a whole family that died and a whole crew of volunteer fire fighters that could do nothing to save them...who do you blame then? there were many factors from this whole family that perished in their own home and not all because of the fire fighters doing nothing...

  10. Springfield is cleaning up one fire at a time!

  11. Re: 10:52's brilliance: "...there were many factors from this whole family that perished in their own home and not all because of the fire fighters doing nothing..."

    So 10:52, is this an admission that it was partly due to the firefighters doing nothing?

    Nice diversion, too. From a Spfld house fire with no loss of life to an annecdotal reference (with no apparent facts) to an entirely unrelated case that I'm sure didn't even involve the SFD.

  12. Going from recent memory, I recall; home on Wall Street, home near Bryant's, Home on Union Street, Pearl Street home with loss of life, Ellis Theater, and West Winds Farm off Chester Road. All reported within moments of combustion, all within a couple miles of the station, all in fair weather, all a total loss. Question becomes, does SFD have the ability to respond effectively? A serious matter needing addressing. Could just as easily have been our Hospital or a nursing home.

    1. Have you discussed these issues with the Chief or brought them to the attention of the select board? Or do you only ritch and complain on a blog?

    2. However you forgot to mention, Fairground Road, Summit Ave, Park Street that were not total losses, and the Ellis Theatre was not a total loss anyway. Reference the ability to respond effectively...hmm, NFPA states a minimum of 4 personnel on an Engine and 6 minimum with a ladder company. Springfield responds initially with the 2 on duty, effectiveness? You decide.

    3. Hmm, Wall Street was a vacant building at 2 am...but reported within minutes, maybe that person should be questioned regarding the cause of the fire. Arson perhaps?

    4. why don't you run down to the FD and sign up to join,the more people available the better chances of saving a structure and maybe you don't know,but the older the structure the dryer the structure the faster they burn or maybe you could just wave your magic wand and put it out all by yourself

    5. Or maybe you could just call the SFD. Oh, wait a minute. Tried that numerous times to no avail!

  13. chuck gregory3/26/13, 10:54 AM

    I'm sure we can find building materials that would emit less toxic carcinogens into Springfield's air then what this fire did.
    Our government should invest money into investigating alternative building materials and mandate buildings be refitted to insure the smoke from a resulting fire would not harm local wildlife.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. THANK YOU!!! SFD. All of the intelligent people of the town know how you put your self’s on the line for little reward, other that your own satisfaction of helping, the best anyone can. Thanks again.

    1. All the intelligent apparently not being one of them!

  15. I see a totally different issue that is being debated through the lines here. Taxpayers are supporting a very large building that is full of fire trucks and a few ambulances. Needless to say many dollars are invested, most of which are tax based. At the same time (correct me if I’m wrong on this and I’m sure someone will) the building is staffed by two full-time firemen? Not counting the Chief or Asst. Chief. The balance of support are call firemen, those that most likely are sound asleep at 3 AM delaying an immediate response.

    In all cases the firemen are trained to do their jobs and I would assume they are well prepared to do so. On another subject I do take issue with the generic label of Hero’s, fighting fires was a chosen profession of which they are trained for. Heroes are folks that go above and beyond the call, 9/11 firefighters climbed stairs on the way to their death and knew it to save as many lives they could, to me that is a true Hero. Anyway I digress. Our local fire department was built based on 1970 Springfield, thus today the building thriving industry built is beautiful, well equipped and certainly a pride for the community. But it all means nothing without a staff to operate it.

    Thus the root of the problem here is that we visual see the assets of our tax spending when driving by the station with or car or watching a parade. Sometimes even when one of our school sports teams does well. What we don’t see is the lack of personnel to make a rapid response more possible. In the back of our minds we know it, just don’t want to admit it. Too many in this town it is more important that an ambulance shows up rapidly than a fire truck. These are the changes Springfield is going thru and it’s more than likely only going to get worst.

    So I don’t see things as the firemen fault nor that of the training or equipment available. I doubt they are showing up with hopes the building will be a total loss. I see it as a perception problem. What we see may not be what we are getting, isn’t that modern day Springfield? Investing more tax dollars to achieve this? Well I guess that becomes another debate, more than likely a losing one for the fire department. On a whole I think we’d all be better off if we start accepting things as they are, address the real problems not those that are personal agendas. (Although I will say the personal agenda's are much more fun to read. I digress.)

    1. because firefighters choose their profession,they are not hero's unless they die,soldiers are not hero's because they choose their profession,police officers that get killed in the line of duty are not hero's because the choose their profession,in my book any person in this world that puts their life on the line to help or save somebody is a hero

    2. The real problem is that we are a full service town and can no longer afford to be a full service town.

      Where do we start to cut? Police? Fire? Library? Public Works? Parks and Recreation?

    3. Re: Anonymous 3/26/13, 7:12 PM

      I agree but unfortunately the term "Hero" has been so overused and bastardized in today's lexicon.

  16. wonder who pays that water bill ??

    1. We do...we use as much as you need!

  17. Re: Have you discussed these issues with the Chief?

    Been there, done that.

    SFD practices the usual CYA to obscure all their SNAFUs, which is why their performance continues to be FUBAR!

    1. Aww the idiot from Linhale Drive finally rears his ugly

    2. Aw, no. As a matter of fact, I'm the idiot whose relative SFD negligently drowned in a botched rescue attempt.

    3. Ohh the drunk woman, the one that if she could have stood on her own two feet the SFD wouldn't have been called anyway

    4. Noooooo....the woman that was forced to be strapped onto a vessel, operated by amatures, which was quickly overturned ....drowning the poor woman.

    5. wasn't that Charlestown NH scene,NH owns the river,they were in command

  18. I'm old enough to recall a time when the SFD commanded a measure of respect. Volunteer members were largely successful, skilled, professionals. Professionals seeking to unselfishly return to community from which they benefitted.

    Recognizing a fellow member had your back in a worst case scenario, applicants had to pass a unanimous, secret ballot among all members. Membership took on an elite roll with many wishing to join. Vehicles, though dated, were perfectly tuned & polished. On sunny days were pulled outside along Main Street for the whole town to take pride in.

    Members, many being well disciplined WWII vets in formal dress uniforms with spit polish shoes drew great applause as they marched in parades. There were the famous chicken BBQs, and numerous other fund raisers.

    Now, the dept consists of a herd of fat, bumbling slugs that can't save a structure fire any better then a bucket brigade. There appears to be no criteria for membership. I would no sooner become a member and entrust my life, then get in a car with a drunk. Heck, even SPEDS are encouraged to train at the Howard Dean Center.

    1. 6:24 I am old enough to recall when we had to walk uphill both ways to and from school in bare feet and in the snow carrying a sack of potatoes.

      Remember those days?

  19. This is entertainment at its best! All fires reported within moments of combustion? Laughable!!! I happen to be a neighbor to this last fire, and saw the attic area almost engulfed PRIOR to the FD arrival with flames shooting out of the windows! Then I'm sure you all blame them for the problem with the hydrant that wasn't working, and within about 40 minutes the roof was collapsing with some of these fat, bumbling slugs inside! There were other departments at this fire, why not trash them as well? You can't, because you don't know. That parade vehicle sure came in handy when it put out a chimney fire at my house! Keep knocking them...until you need them. One day you will. could get off your lazy, anonymous Butts and start investigating your accusations. But you won't, because you'll find out you're wrong. Do their job, then criticize.

    Thank you to the SFD & SPD for all you do. Even if some think no attention. Respect.

  20. "I happen to be a neighbor to this last fire, and saw the attic area almost engulfed PRIOR to the FD arrival...."

    Well ya, that's the problem isn't it? Sluggish respone!

    Hydrant not working? Well it's the responsibility of the SFD to exercise hydrants regularly.....have they been doing this? Ask to see the logs!

    Our town is paying for a full-time department and receiving volunteer response times. I'm actually a believer that our town needs to go back to a volunteer service, much like towns larger than ours have.

    1. Put your name with that 7:55. Then you can put your knowledge, response time, and fitness on the line, against any member of the Springfield Fire Department. My money is on the Springfield Fire Department. How many burning houses have you ran into?

    2. Wrong, its the responsibility of the Water department to exercise the hydrants and they are done twice a year. Again no interior attack can be made with less than 4 persons on scene, with only 2 on the first engine yes there will be a delay until the fire department is staffed adequately so better start learning to live with it.

    3. Sluggish response? How about getting out from behind your computer, walking into the PD and check the response time yourself! Check the response time of all of the other departments too while you're at it.

      We pay for 12 or 14 full-time firefighters. Thecrest have full time jobs and make minimum wage.

  21. Who can judge the Springfield Fire Department? The cause of the fire, the locality, and the time of report are the biggest issues within a structure fire. The building may be ruined, but no one died a horrible death.
    If anyone is interested in terrible, negligent American history read this,
    Fire safety starts at home. Basic steps can prevent tragedy.
    Instead of casting blame, we should band together to help these families in need.

  22. I have no need to read about the Shirtwaist was a tragedy from a different time and I've studied it well. How about 'The Station' fire where 99 people died a few years ago in Mass?

    INADEQUATE inspections resulted in this fire.
    And this was a nightclub occupied by adults.

    How often are the tenament tinderboxes that families and children SLEEP IN in Springfield inspected for code violations?????

    1. Until the cause of the fire is determined, no one should make assumptions about the renters, landowners, or fire department.
      If I recall correctly. A cover band set off fireworks within a crowded bar; it started a fire. The owners had fake/locked exit doors, very similar to the shirtwaist fire. While the shirtwaist fire and nightclub incident are common knowledge between the two of us 10:24, I mentioned the shirtwaist fire as a reminder of how terrible a fire can be. We should be thankful that no one died, regardless of response time.
      Fire safety starts at home. Have an evacuation plan, don't play with fire, and be prepared for emergency.

    2. Minor correction. Great White is not now, nor has it ever been a cover band. As of August 2007, Great White has sold over 8 million records worldwide.

  23. Anonymous 7:12, I expected this response. Why? The lack of reading comprehension skills that seem to exist here. To quote myself “Heroes are folks that go above and beyond the call”. Nowhere did I say anyone has to die. Furthermore if you chose a profession with the belief it makes you a hero, please find other work. The phrase “you’re my hero” certainly is a personal one, meaning that if you see someone as such that’s all good between you and that person. Sadly I think many in public service today believe they are heroes (legends in their own minds as the old saying goes) based on their chosen profession.

    None of this should diminish our respect for their roles in protecting communities and enforcing laws. Without any doubt those positions are demanding and I’m sure can be very difficult physically and mentally as well. Still with that being said that is why proper training and schoolings if provided. I am not trained to be a firefighter, could I hold a hose and spray water on a raging fire, yes I could. Could I combat it properly while looking for cause and the best way to put it out while keep loss to a minimal, no I could not. That’s why their called professional.

    So sorry Anonymous 7:12 if you are offended by my understanding and explanation of a hero. Hero’s don’t know they are before they arrive on the scene. Also to clarify my 9/11 remark, many documentaries about the actions of police and fire personnel that day interview folks that were trapped or working their way down those many flights of stairs. Almost everyone interviews described the look on the firemen and policemen face as one a knowing they would not be coming back out, yet they kept going up those stairs. Their actions make them heroes, not just because they died saving others. Would you have kept going up those stairs?

    1. yes i would of I've been a firefighter for over 2o years.

  24. The nest of apologists always willing to rationalize away the failures of Springfield's municipal government has been stirred yet again. They'll never learn and thus the shoddy performance of Springfield's governmental apparatuses will never change. In the famous words of Buzzing Rightcheer, to stupidity and beyond!

  25. Has no one noticed the picture is credited to Westminster firefighter Cook. The house is on fire and he stops to snap a picture?

    1. Ever think that firefight cook may be a rookie and doesn't have the sufficient training or experience to be actively involved in firefighting efforts, he may be there observing or in a support role. Learning, seeing, assisting, ie becoming educated, perhaps you should give education a shot.

  26. ya only that was my house (kiara putnam)

  27. i could have die thanks to my dog he woke my dad up


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