Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Governor Shumlin addresses Vermont Recovery Day attendees

On Friday March 21st Vermont Recovery Day was held at the Statehouse. Gov. Shumlin spoke further about the epidemic of addiction in Vermont and recognized the good and necessary works of The Vermont Recovery Network and the 12 Recovery Centers.

Vermont is the only state with an organized statewide network of recovery and is a national leader in this essential movement. The morning was a series of inspirational talks from all paths of recovery and after lunch the movie "Anonymous People was shown. Stuart Currie and Bevin Lore from the Springfield Turning Point Recovery Center were in attendance.


  1. Aethelred the Unready3/26/14, 4:43 PM

    Why is it I don't think this is going to end well.

  2. chuck gregory3/26/14, 6:37 PM

    Possibly because you don't know that much about the cultural and psychological dynamics of addiction?

    1. Possibly because you don't know as much about it as you think you know either, Chuck... You're great at obfuscating with generous amounts of theoretical Pablum, which has proven wholly ineffective at achieving anything other than increasing government spending on countless social engineering initiatives that have spawned legions more deviants and dependents intent on riding on the backs of taxpayers.

    2. chuck gregory3/29/14, 7:13 PM

      6:04, there have been people in the news reported on this blog whom I knew as children and grew up to engage in behaviors that people would never have suspected a pre-schooler would grow into.

      In no case is a child destined to grow up to be a criminal and/or addict, and if you were aware how children can be properly nurtured with resources that are available you would not have made such a comment.

  3. Behold the shrewd Gov. Shumlin attempting to put a spin on the rampant increase in narcotics as if no responsibility of his own.

    Narcotics and particularly opiates have been widely available in North America for well over 100 years. There has always been addicts and always will be. But what has changed in the last few years to drive the upsurge in addicts? It's the culture you legislated STUPID!

    Once we started paying ignorant women to breed and raise illegitimate, dysfunctional children devoid of any moral compass and work ethic, liberals effectively engineered a generation of unemployable misfits.
    Misfits that were breed into a system that rewarded irresponsibility with endless handouts stood little chance of self sufficiency. That once bitch-slapped with reality turn to drugs and thug life as an escape mechanism.

  4. Basket weavers like Shumey specialize in creating basket cases, because it's good for their business of nanny-state politics, which is committed to confiscating the wealth of the hardworking to transfer it to the non-working, the latter of whom will continue to cast their ballots for these charlatan politicians and preserve their self-licking ice cream cones. Unfortunately for Vermont and the USA, the whole scheme is now unraveling as there are fewer and fewer working men and women to tap for tax revenue, declining economic growth, a declining US dollar, and a mountainous national debt that are combining to destroy the tidy little house of cards that Kunin, Dean, Shumey, and all the treasonous libs like them have hidden behind all these years. Adios amigos!

  5. It's not just the welfare culture that Vermont has created. It's the availability of prescription opiates. If you think Oxycontin is bad, wait until Zohydro hits the streets.


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