Thursday, March 27, 2014

NoSag no slouch at raising money

The Pizza Stone in Chester was filled to capacity with a generous crowd tonight, the event raised over one thousand dollars to help the North Springfield Action Group pay off its legal debts. And a good time was had by all.

Dear Friends,

NoSag is  planning a nice evening of good company, music, food and drink on the 27th of March at 7PM to raise funds for our legal fees.

Rachel Clark and Bob DeMarco make up the Vermont duo "Blackbird," performing traditional Celtic and Scandinavian music as well as tunes of their own creation. Fiddle, Irish flute, whistles, accordion, cittern, piano, guitar and voices are combined in myriad ways to serve up memorable live music. 

The event will be held at the Pizza Stone in Chester Vermont. (Route 11) 291 Pleasant St, Chester, VT 05143 (802) 875-2121

We are also selling chances to several very nice gift baskets. Tickets are available in advance for both the event and the gift baskets or will be available at the door - please contact either Julie Jones at or Fredda Kischko at for advance tickets. 

All proceeds will be used for our Attorney fees that helped stop the North Springfield Biomass Plant. Please see our web site at NoSag to read more about the two year long battle.

Hope to see you all there!

North Springfield Action Group
Bob Kischko, Chair


  1. How appropriate that the NIMBY's take their celebration to Chester!

  2. Classic. Why not KJ's?

    NoSAG: supporting the economic development of everywhere, except Springfield.

    1. Have you considered the possibility that KJ had laid in a supply of gas masks for his customers - and now has no use for them? Probably annoyed with NOSAG now.

    2. There would have been no need for them unless you have a problem with wisps of steam. Really, hysteria is the gift that keeps on giving.

    3. Tax season got your sense of humor messed up? BTW burning wood (inefficiently) tends to give off stuff besides water vapor; every hillbilly knows that.

    4. Nothing wrong with my sense of humor. The "stuff" can be captured with a scrubber. Anyone who has made even a minor effort to understand what was planned understands that. Too bad scientific and technological literacy in VT is stuck at the hillbilly level.

    5. That there scrubber doesn't remove all of the nasty stuff. In fact it's the nastiest stuff it can't remove. The plutocrats' spin-doctors are creating more pseudo-techies every day - even in the hills.

  3. No Pizza For You!3/18/14, 2:03 PM

    If you notice its a fund raiser. This is not a dumb group, they know that folks of Springfield have no business, thus no jobs which equals no money! The money folks have needs to go to paying high taxes and heating cost. Plus despite their claims most of Springfield was against them. Time for Chester to annex No. Springfield! All the have to do is move that sign a mile down the road!

  4. Wonder if they are raising funds to pay for a new access road to the North Springfield industrial park, or whether they are raising funds to plant a wildflower meadow there instead.

  5. Hopefully this bands reputation won't be hurt by being hired by NOSAG... I liked them until I heard they took this job..

  6. Fund raiser to pay the lawyer's fee.


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