Recent arrests and incidents logged by the Springfield Police Department.
1600 Hours
Possession of Cocaine
False Info to a Police Officer
Robert Stockton
AGE: 22
Claremont, NH
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On February 16th, 2014 Stockton was stopped for an alleged traffic offense. During the course of a consent search of the vehicle a locked safe was seized. A warrant was granted for the safe by the Winsdor Superior Court. The safe was opened and allegedly contained cocaine and other items of interest.
Stockton was cited to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 04/22/14
1800 hours
Violation of Abuse Prevention Order
Violation of Conditions of Release
Thomas Thompsom
AGE: 28
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On February 28th, a victim came into the Springfield Police Department and alleged that Thomas Thompson had violated his conditions of release and an abuse prevention order. Thompson was taken into custody for the alleged offense.
A Citation was issued to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 3-3-2014
February 28, 2014
1648 hours
Violation Conditions of Release
Unlawful Mischief
Danielle Smith
AGE: 41
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On this date this department responded to Fairground Heights for a report of a female that was out of control. Upon arrival we met with the complainants who advised that another female party was intoxicated and threatened them. After the investigation was complete, the female was arrested for allegedly violating her conditions for release and for unlawful mischief.
Smith was lodged at SSCF in lieu of $500 cash or surety bail.
1800 hours
Chester, VT
Fugitive from Justice (Wanted in NH)
Russell Southwick
AGE: 64
Chester, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On 02/17/14 Russell was arrested for allegedly Driving with a Suspended License and having a Warrant out the Windham County Court. The following day a delayed "hit" response from the FBI was received and it was found he allegedly had a warrant for his arrest out of Sullivan County NH. By this time Russell had already been released again on bail. On 02/26/14 Russell was located and arrested at his residence in Chester, VT for allegedly being a Fugitive from Justice. He was lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility on $10,000 bail.
2150 hrs
Conditions of Release Violation
Nicholas Putnam
AGE: 29
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Officer observed suspicious male walking on Clinton Street in vicinity of Kelly Sales and Service. Upon making contact with the subject he identified himself as Nicholas Putnam. Putnam explained his behavior as being caused by the being high on bath salts. As officers questioned him further, Putnam requested to be taken to the Springfield Hospital. A routine check on Putnam found that he he was conditions of release from court. These conditions included a curfew, which Putnam was out past, and an order to not use any regulated drug without prescription. Putnam was transported to Springfield Hospital where he was treated for drug intoxication. He was later issued a citation to appear in court for an alleged violation of his conditions of release.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 03/11/14
1515 Hours
Matthew Daniels
AGE: 23
Ludlow Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Matthew Daniels was stopped for a minor traffic offense. Daniels was subsequently processed for allegedly driving while under the influence of alcohol.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 3-4-2014
Feb. 16, 2014
1820 hrs
Retail Theft
Jereme Schoff
AGE: 27
Springfield, VT
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Schoff is alleged to have stolen a hooded sweatshirt, valued at $12, from the Family Dollar store located in the Springfield Shopping Plaza. Schoff was issued a citation to appear in Vermont Superior Court at a later date and released. Schoff is also on probation and a report will be made to Vermont Probation & Parole.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 3/25/14
2345 hours
Uttering Forged Instrument
Megan Briggs
AGE: 25
Springfield, Vermont
SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Briggs was cited for allegedly passing two forged checks.
Citation to appear in Windsor County Criminal Court on 3/18/14
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
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that's it??
ReplyDeleteI knew one of these perpetrators from toddlerhood. The mother always excused, explained away, defended, ignored, condoned, overlooked and glossed over increasingly bad stuff. I could see where the child was not learning that actions have consequences, and it's only a shame the mom doesn't do the jail time for the offspring.