Saturday, June 14, 2014

Springfield High School graduates 116 seniors

While rain fell outside, 116 Springfield High School graduates in green and white robes marched into Dressel Gymnasium at Riverside Middle School which was full of cheering families and friends.


  1. Its really too bad that this young man felt the need to interrupt the graduation for his own selfish needs. The newspapers reported on his antics and nothing on a very courageous young man, Mike Nobile who received a heartfelt standing ovation.

  2. Obviously there were no adults on stage to deny this loser his day and allow him to rob the event of any dignity. The super had a chance to step up and demonstrate leadership, but instead he elected to become part of the charade. It is classic Springfield, where the losers have overwhelmed every aspect of the town and our so-called town officials have become willing accomplices. As for the juvenile reporter who fixated on this non-story, they're just another vapid example of the fall of the fourth estate.

  3. Another dip**** that appeals to the worst in our town. I ain't got no smarts or class, but hey look at me. And the crowd goes wild.

    Not too much has changed since the 70s.

  4. His parents must be so proud....


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