Pharmacist and Springfield resident Peter MacGillivray is seeking re-election for the Springfield Select Board.

Peter MacGillivray Seeks Select Board Re-Election
Submitted by VT Journal on Tue, 02/24/2015 - 9:05am
SPRINGFIELD, VT -Pharmacist and Springfield resident Peter MacGillivray is seeking re-election for the Springfield Select Board. MacGillivray has served one three-year term, but previously served on the Select Board from 1973 to 1976. This year’s election will be held March 3. MacGillivray and the other incumbent, David Yesman, are running against Walter Martone and Carol Cole for two seats on the Select Board.
Though four people running for two positions may intimidate some, MacGillivray said he was glad to see interest in the Select Board.
“I’m happy that we have a race, because that means people are interested in the community and running for an elected position,” he said. “By having four people in the race, it allows voters to have more options for the Select Board.”
According to MacGillivray, his main platforms for his candidacy are the grand list and taxes in Springfield.
“I want to see the grand list expanded and taxes stabilized or reduced,” he said. “The way to do this is through vigorous economic development in town.”
MacGillivray said that he welcomes any business that wishes to relocate to Springfield, whether it is a restaurant or an industrial facility.
“I would like to see a variety of businesses in Springfield, and I hope that any business that wants to relocate here will seriously consider doing so,” he said. “We have a good population base in Springfield, and are a full-service community that has a lot to offer. I think there is a great quality of life in this town, and that’s something that can be enjoyed and expanded upon by businesses moving into Springfield.”
Though some people have voiced concerns about Springfield and have negative things to say about the town, MacGillivray said that although the town may be going through some issues now, people must look on the bright side.
“I was born and raised in Springfield, and I raised two children here that were born in Springfield Hospital,” he said. “Every cloud has a silver lining. I think people need to look out and see all the good things about our community. There is lots of volunteer work in town and many people work really hard.”
MacGillivray said that in addition to individuals in the community working hard, there are also a variety of organizations and businesses that have done a lot to help make Springfield a better place.
“We have a great Chamber of Commerce, Springfield on the Move and the Springfield Regional Development Corporation which are all great services,” he said. “We also have good schools, a good healthcare system and a great recreation center. We even have Vermont’s first airport.”
While some may think that many of Springfield’s issues cannot be resolved, MacGillivray said that he has seen much progress during his first three-year term on the Select Board, and hopes to see much more should he be re-elected.
“I have seen a lot of significant progress during my three years on the Select Board along the lines of economic development here in town,” he said. “If I’m elected again, I would like to continue that progress and the efforts the Board has made by further developing all the projects we’ve started.”
MacGillivray said that there are numerous examples of projects the Select Board has been involved in, from the industrial park in North Springfield to cleaning up the Brownfields by the Bryant Grinder and Fellows Buildings in town.
“We have helped with the Win Stanley project, and have also helped with expanding the North Springfield Industrial Park,” he said. “Black River Produce has also expanded its business and the Heritage Deli is opening up a location in Springfield. These are all examples of efforts made by the Select Board to help with economic development.”
Another example of thriving businesses in Springfield that MacGillivray mentioned is that of the 100 River Street building.
“Trout River Brewery will be coming to that building, and overall the 100 River Street project has been a huge success for Springfield,” he said.
Though MacGillivray said that many projects the Select Board has taken on have been completed, there are some that are still being finished.
“We are working on cleaning up the Brownfields by the Bryant Grinder and Fellows Buildings in town,” he said. “We are trying to start new endeavors in these locations and get grants to help with these projects.”
Empty rhetoric and lays claims to the achievements of others as though their his own.
ReplyDeleteRE: “We have a great Chamber of Commerce, Springfield on the Move and the Springfield Regional Development Corporation which are all great services,” he said.
Anyone who touts the so-called merits of highly dubious entities like these that readily consume town funding but are otherwise measurably unproductive on the town's behalf needs to move on and get off the board.