Friday, July 24, 2015

WNUB-FM variety show of the air is syndicated

Weekend Oldies, an old-fashioned radio variety show originating out of Northfield, Vt., has been picked up in syndication by WCFR AM & FM in Springfield. WCFR is changing its format to all oldies.

In Northfield, the show airs from Norwich University on WNUB-FM, 88.3 from 7-8 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.

Hosted by Rachael, Seymour and Dex, the show features listener requests spanning the years from the 20s to today along with games, fun and loads of laughter all ad lib and unedited.

You’re invited to listen and send your requests via Facebook.



Dex was Marconi's protégé.
In radio since 1970 and intends to keep doing it until he gets it right. In spare time collects lint.
Once won an Orson Welles lookalike contest.
Single (gee... wonder why...!)


Rachael knows what a radio is, and remembers her first transistor radio she got in 1973 as a birthday gift! She’s an artist, writer, nurse, and as a history buff, she’s done historical re-enactments and living history events, collecting historical clothing and jewelry from the Renaissance to the Victorian period. She loves nature, her dog, Machi (the cute little chihuahua-rat terrier mix, playing the harp, and finds most anything funny! That’s why she loves picking on Seymour and Dex. They give her lots of things to laugh at!


A 4'2" ruggedly handsome man complete with a propeller beanie, bow-tie, pocket protector and suspenders! Known as the sidewalk superintendent, hostage negotiator and speech therapist. Always hoping for a date.


  1. Yay!!!! It's about time.

  2. If WCFR is going back to oldies again, they should bring back Heather and Ray. Those two made it fun to listen to the radio every morning.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, but even though I still miss our wonderful listeners, I recently turned 65 and have no interest in "unretiring".

  3. Thanks for the shout-out! We love ya, Springfield!

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