Twilight ZoneCome see the Twilight Zone!!!!
Posted by SHS Theater Dept. on Monday, November 16, 2015
Come down to the SHS Theater Dept. on Friday November 20th and Saturday November 21st at 7pm OR Sunday November 22nd at 2pm to watch film come to stage.
We will be producing "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street", "The Shelter" and "To Serve Man" all for your viewing pleasure. All shows are by donation.
Hope to see you...In the Twilight Zone...
Twilight Zone Rod Serling/Conelrad- Stephen Lawrence
“The Monsters are Due on Maple Street”
Steve Brand - Andy Freeman
Les Goodman - Chris Woods
Charlie Farnsworth - Brandon Horton
Don (Donna) - Hannah Beaulieu
Tommy - Marcus Allen
Sally - Ainsley Bertone
Myra Brand - Brandy Lapre
Mrs. Goodman -
Old Woman/Woman/Woman next door - Jenna Knight
Pete Van Horn - Gabriel Freeman
Man- Branden Bryant
“The Shelter”
Dr. Stockton - Chris Woods
Grace Stockton - Ainsley Bertone
Paul Stockton - Nik Jendrzewski
Harlowe - Brandon Horton
Mrs. Harlowe - Brandy Lapre
Marty Weiss - Andy Freeman
Mrs. Weiss - Jenna Knight
Mr. Henderson - Marcus Allen
Mrs. Henderson - Hannah Beaulieu
Man #1 - Branden Bryant
“To Serve Man”
Secretary-General, U.N. - Hannah Beaulieu
Reporter #1/Man #1 - Branden Bryant
Reporter #2/Woman #1 - Brandy Lapre
A Kanamit - Marcus Allen
Citizen Gegori - Nik Jendzrewski
Colonel #1/Woman #2 - Jenna Knight
Colonel #2/Man #2 - Brandon Horton
Chambers - Andy Freeman
Pat - Ainsley Bertone
Scientist - Chris Woods
Tech/Stage Crew
Skrypeck Assistant: Kay Krulish
Stage Manager: Emily Hitchcock
Lights: Cameron Peterson/Deacon Watson/Gabe Freeman
Set and Prop Design and building:
Deacon Watson
Faith Scott
Gillian Norton-Weber
Paige Knight
Kayla Marrone
Taitum Rivers
Sound: Elliot Thompson/Ayres DeLorenzo/Sam MacQuarrie
Students who have smaller roles will be expected to be part of Tech/Stage Crew

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