Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Woolson Block storefronts boarded by owner

Springfield landlord E.J. Cully took his dispute public with the Vermont Division of Fire Safety over inspections of the Woolson Block by boarding the vacant storefronts and spray-painting pointed messages targeting state regulators.


  1. I think it goes well with the particle board Bishop building just up the street.
    Fits right in Springfield's idea of modern architecture. It's a beautiful thing.
    The select board must think so. Dumps are looked at as being not an issue. Guess if you live in one then you can't see the forest thru the trees.

  2. Who has seen a drug deal happen in front of the Woolson block?If they did why was no one charged?I love this town and question the motives of the haters.Maybe we should look deeper into the real problems in town,like hundreds of thousands of tax payers dollars being given away to select groups so they can play with our town like it belongs to them and no one else.Just saying

  3. Another Springfield slumlord that lives in Woodstock? It appears that you can make a pretty good living owning property and/or businesses in Springfield. Just apply for grants, loans, and tax subsidies and then do nothing to improve the property/business, just pocket the dough. Then, when push comes to shove and demands are made for you to live up to your responsibilities, throw a hissy fit by boarding up the property or letting the business go bankrupt. Not sure who's worse, these types or the druggies roaming the streets. Neither appear to be too healthy for the town's good.

  4. How much do you think all the plywood cost?


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